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Invasion of Closed Castle
I decided to finish my peace map that I left stalling for a while and I'm having trouble with a final invasion. An army is supposed to assault your wooden fortification but they either stand around indefinitely no matter what I do or they attack in small groups, leaving some of them standing at the invasion point. Apparently, they don't like the closed castle as whenever the siege equipments break the wall, they all start moving. But I don't get why don't they just start assaulting the wooden wain Stronghold 2
Wip Eyecandy Invasion Map
Hey folks, I haven't done any map making in years, and I quite fancied having a go again, so I'm making an invasion map, as yet unscripted, so just eyecandy for now. I do have various resources for map making in an external drive, however the usb is broken so it is inaccessible at the moment, I recall that when I enquired it was cheaper to buy a new external casing than it was to get the port repaired, so I'll see about doing that some time. Anyway, here's a stitched together panoin Stronghold 1
Planewalker's Complete Guide to SHL Invasion Settings
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[Invasion Map] The End of The Pig - On the Rise
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Convert siege that map to invasion map?
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