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Issue with a mod, please help?

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Hello! I am a played of Stronghold 2 and came across amod that replaces the Berserker with the Saxon Warlord from SH:L by Lord_Chris.


I found a problem in it that I wish to ask about, maybe one of you guys will have a solution: the model is missing fighting animations (and the axe is a bit weirdly textured, but that is not that bad). Some death animations are also missing but I assume it is because they only use 2 in SH:L.


Is there anyway to solve this?


Also, I tried experimenting with the mod and using the Saxon Warrior, and it has the same problems, on top of missing idle animations (he is constantly walking in an "arrested" pose on the spot). Any ideas on how to fix that??


Thank you so much :D

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Edited text colour for clarity.


Sadly, I've not used this particular mod, nor do I have time to test it myself currently! If nobody has resolved your issue or taken up the case themselves, I'll gladly install it and test it when I get a chance. I'm sure we'll be able to sort something. Also, welcome to the site, MSTVD! :)


Before anything, if you could tell us which Stronghold 2 version you are currently running and on which operating system, that would be great! Take note that the mod was created on version 1.3.1 of the game, and so may not be fully compatible with newer versions. However, this is not a guarantee, and the issue may be solvable!?

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I understand, thank you very much for responding back and for the welcome

I am running the Steam version of SH2 on Windows 7, that could be the issue and if it is, maybe you guys can confirm :)

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Hi @MSTVD, welcome to the site!


That download is very old and was done several years ago. I've since written the official tutorial for transferring over Stronghold Legends units into Stronghold 2. Like @Mathew Steel said, it may not be compatible with the newer versions of the game. Have you taken a look through this to see if you can find the missing files, though?


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This is what I did for the most part as far as I am concerned, there are no other animation files that I can find :\

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I followed the steps thoroughly again, with the Saxon Warrior, and the animation bug still persists :\

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Have you tried changing the Saxon Warlord to another unit in Stronghold 2 to see if it works properly for that unit?


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