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Sir DavidSpy

Consider removing the cookie banner

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While there was a time while it was required to inform users about cookie usage policy back several years ago, it is no longer mandatory today. Personally I don't care much for things I have to click away when using a site.

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Good point, Fluxbb doesn't actually require this, I've looked into this issue before, I just personally thought it would be easier to inform users of them. And since no other websites that I visit really do this now...


I do understand how it can be found annoying as well, I personally hate it having to remove it every week, and I do feel it partially ruins the look of the site.


I'll remove it, it's just distracting really


Congratulations on your new site by the way, I hope it does well :)

Edited by Lord_Chris


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I certainly hope it pays off, it certainly looks like it from what I've seen, I'll leave a link to it on the site.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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