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game become Slow in Highest graphic level

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Hello friends.

I've read the system requirements for Stronghold 2.

I have a 1gb ram and 512mb graphic card but when I start the game in highest graphic level,it become really slow.

what should i do?

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Hi @taker1, welcome to StrongholdNation!


Does this happen on any other graphics level? It sounds to me like it could be that you're trying to run the game on a graphics level which is too high for your PC which is causing performance issues. It may be possible to play around with your graphics settings to fix this but it's not guaranteed. As @kian suggests, can you post some more detail on your PC specifications for us?


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I'll just jump in to say that we were discussing this same topic over here at Stronghold Heaven as well.


Long story short, it is Stronghold 2 Steam Edition, meaning that it has wide screen resolutions as well. From experience with my older PC (which is somewhat more powerful than his PC) I suspect that changing resolution to 1024x768, and keeping medium or high graphic settings would work pretty fine on his machine.

Edited by EaglePrince

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I've read the system requirements for Stronghold 2.
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Welcome, Taker. Please understand system requirements do not mean you will be able to smoothly run the game at its highest settings. If a system is under the requirements, it is unlikely to run the game well at any graphical settings. At higher resolutions, 1GB of VRAM can be eaten up very quickly, and as most GPUs start at 2GB today, it's likely your hardware is simply too outdated to run the game at max settings.


As mentioned above, if you can give us your system specifications, this will help immensely! :)

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But still, this is a game from 2004, so 1GB RAM shouldn't actually be a problem... Unless playing in 1920x1080 resolutions changes things drastically. Maybe it does. When it comes to RAM, I feel like if 1GB of RAM is not enough for this game today, it is not because of the game, but because of the OS, antivirus, and many more programs and services ran on the particular PC.


As for GPU's, mine has 512MB on my older PC, but I bought it as used, and I think it was a decent gaming GPU at the time it was released. But to be fair, I don't know what would make it better than some budget GPU of 512 from few years ago. I don't know much about these specs.

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Unless playing in 1920x1080 resolutions
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This was my point! :)


Also, the highest settings have better smoke and shadow quality, along with better water reflections and arrow trails. These aren't really dependant on VRAM, but a 1GB card is unlikely very powerful in other ways. This is likely the cause.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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