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Stronghold 3 buy info and mini review
if you would like to buy stronghold 3 to see how it is and don't mine using steam I recommend to get it from here This is where I obtain some of my games and has not failed me yet the reason im mentioning this as on steam in ?22 and to be honest I don't think its worth that I like what they done but it all broken in some kind of way mainly multiplayer and the stability so with that gone its replay ability is not much when I last plin Stronghold 3
Where to buy Stronghold 2?
Hi, as it is possible now to play Stronghold 2 in multiplayer now (at GameRanger), I wanted to ask you few questions... One is, where would you suggest me to buy Stronghold 2? And the other thing is, is it possible to buy Stronghold 2, and use this same copy on two of my computers? Also, is it possible to have a miltiplayer game from both those computers at the same time? Thanks in advance! Regards, Stronghold 2