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Transprarent cliffs in a map

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So my mom was making a map, and at some moment she just wanted to add one more waterfalls, and then suddenly (almost) all cliffs became transparent. They mostly appear black, but that's just because player can see through the map. It's actually transparent. Here are some examples below.


This happened on version 1.5 Steam, but I think I have seen this before as well, so I hope this is a known issue. Do you, guys, know something about it, or can you suggest a way to revert it? I've tried deleting that latest waterfall she made, and putting those hills down, but that did not help.


I'm also attaching the map file in case it could be helpful.


37049018284_800e2e3ae0_z.jpg 37049016884_75f56f486d_z.jpg37049014824_78a783a4a2_z.jpg

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Yeah this happens sometimes. I have no idea what causes it but it's incredibly infuriating. I've found that restarting the game fixes this.


If that doesn't work deleting the cliff of whatever caused this issue and then restarting the game fixes it. Either way, a restart usually fixes it eventually.


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Yes.. that is another possibility where an entire map file can become corrupted... if that does happen, unfortunately there's just nothing you can do. You'll have to re-create the entire map. Don't open it again too because it'll mean you need to restart your game to see the terrain normal again.


From my experience however, this is very rare.

Edited by Lord_Chris


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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I know exactly what used to cause it in older versions. Placing a cliff right on the border, and then trying to place a waterfall on that cliff, but accidentally clipping the border would cause the cliffs to end up like that. Only thing I could do was restart the game, and make a new map. Absolutely infuriating bug.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Yes, Chris, I did notice that. I tried to open the map today when my mom left the game in the main menu. I just opened the map, so those transparent cliffs, and left. And then when she started a game on another map, the cliffs were transparent too, but then I just told her to restart the game, and the issue on that other map was gone.


Yes, Mathew, that's exactly what she did I think! She tried to make a waterfall on a small cliff which was really close to the edge of the map, so I'd say she just made this waterfall too close to the edge, or perhaps even over the edge. Infuriating indeed, she was just finishing the map. Too bad that she was doing it for two hours straight without making a save on the way... :(


By the way, this is slightly off topic... Converting maps in Stronghold 2 is very easy, right? I mean, I could convert a free build map into Kingmaker without any issue by simply choosing Kingmaker button above, and saving the map into another file? And there should be no issues? Same with scenario maps I guess.


Thanks for helping, guys!

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