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lord dredd

Trouble uploading a map

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hi, I've been having trouble submitting a map.i keep getting? error message /page not found.

Edited by lord dredd

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Hi @lord dredd


I've split your post from the other thread. Please stop bumping that topic unnecessarily and create a new topic for new issues instead. The link to do this is in the main forum at the top-right above all topics.


You can submit a map here: https://www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/submit/


If you are already on that page, could you let me know a bit more information about what you're doing so I can try to track down what the problem might be?


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Hi thanks for your reply. i tried to submit the map via the link you gave me and i wrote down the following message.


404 page not found

sorry page you were looking for has not been found


our site has encountered a problem whilst trying to publish this resource

then it goes on to list the possible problems as follows

The resource doe not exist

the URL? is incorrect

webpage maybe down for maintenance it goes on as follows

a resource that the web page relies on may be inactive? or under maintenance

the parameters passed to the resource may be incorrect.

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Thankyou? i appreciate your reply hope this helps

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Thanks. I'll look into this.


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I've had a good look and I can only find two explanations for the error you're getting, the first of which is that you're not selecting which game to submit your file for before pressing the "Continue" button at the end of that page I linked to above. The other explanation is that you're not currently logged in when you're trying to submit your file.


Can you confirm or deny either of these statements?


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sorry neither of those, i select the map for stronghold 1 .and I'm logged in.


In fact i just tried again and got the same message in my original post

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Hi, just submitted chapter four.as for chapter three it must have worked when i submitted it.

As for problems with submitting maps i had a few errors over the years with strongholdheaven.games? when i joined in 2006 and occasional problems with other sites as i play many strategy games.

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great news- the submission has been received- not the way i wanted,as i had to add chapter three to a free build crusader map.

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What category would you like it as?


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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