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I don't get it what you mean by "naive :P ", Mathew? :)


Nigel, it is easy now after the game to tell some observations. :P We can look at that game as a play-test for some future multiplayer scenarios. :)


I'm here for any type of game, balanced, unbalanced, whatever. But both teams need to have something which goes into their favor. One team had something, the other had something else. Why not. :) Or it could be a completely unbalanced map on which one teams only advantage would be the number of players. :P

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I don't get it what you mean by "naive tongue ", Mathew? smile
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I meant for it to save "Nave!" My bad! It made me chuckle seeing the screenshots of Chris and I throwing insults at one another :P

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Oh, and Charles. You were using burning carts to attack our army. That is something that we were discussing before that we shouldn't use it, because it is unrealistic, and it can devastate slow troops such as swordsmen. I mean, I would definitely approve it if it was used to attack some buildings, and if I have some troops between those burned buildings, then it does make sense for my troops to burn. :D
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Hm, this is something worth talking about. It seems it only worked once as your horsemen and archers quickly took care of the carts. To be fair, it was more of a last ditch effort to delay your troops rather than part of my over all strategy. :lol:


Also - good map Nigel! I'm thinking of making something similar to your map (big castle with small army, a couple big armies with no castle). We'll see how it goes! :D


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Oh, yeah, I didn't notice that on the screenshot at first, Mathew. :D


Yes, obviously if you wanted to, you could have sent them in huge numbers, and there is no way I could save my village from that without sacrificing too much valuable troops. That would clearly be misusing them in my opinion, but not something that couldn't be countered actually. With light cavalry, horse archers, and archers. I mean, playing like that would force us to use not only knights, but to include less expensive troops as well.


But like I said, it's open to discussion. But that is for another thread. We have a thread for Stronghold 2 multiplayer rules here in the Gaming Events subforum.



The burning carts trick is listed there as well.

"No intentional, consistent use of burning carts"

By this we meant no intentional use of burning carts for attacking enemy army, while their consistent use for burning enemy villages like Caliph would do is allowed.


You see, maybe this is an issue which could be solved by Firefly actually. Burning carts can attack enemy troops. Maybe they shouldn't allow this, burning carts should only be able to attack buildings, and not troops. Troops should only be collateral damage here. :) What are your thought about this matter? Reply to me in this thread. :)


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I think I have to disagree, Eagle. I think using burning carts is totally fine. Especially since they're really not that difficult to dispatch. There should perhaps just be a maximum amount allowed at one time per player. Taking out the leading cart will 9/10 result in the following carts to also go up in flames. They only work in weakly defended areas, and hence, are more strategic than one might think.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I don't know, I just think that we are happy that none if us wanted to misuse them actually. Imagine the situation for example where you send your knights to deal with a group of swordsmen, and then suddenly the opponent makes few if those, and deal a significant damage to your knights which are no longer able to ride.


I think this is simply another mistake by Firefly, just like with those portable shields in Crusader which they combine with horse archers making an unstoppable unit. Not even crossbowmen in your towers can defeat them. As you might remember, I did learn how to fight like that, but I see no fun in that. Among other reasons - it's not the way it was meant to be played. In my opinion horse archers + portable shields are simply a game exploit, and I don't want our games to turn into a battle "who knows more exploits".


And the thing with burning carts is in my opinion an exploit as well. They just run and spread fire. On what? On green grass? On dirt? That's horses**t. :D I don't thing they had gasoline back than, or napalm, or something like that. :D

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Also - good map Nigel! I'm thinking of making something similar to your map (big castle with small army, a couple big armies with no castle). We'll see how it goes! :D
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Thanks Charles. I look forward to your map :D

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