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in stronghold 1 HD there seems to be 1k unit limit. can this be changed?



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As far as I know, this is hard coded into the game's executable, meaning without the proper understanding, software, and permission, there's no way of doing it. I did however do a quick Google search for you, however, nobody else seems to have changed the unit cap!?


Also, if you could refrain from using "text talk" such as "thx". It's not a huge deal, but not everybody here can fluently speak English, and that type of text can be confusing. It's also listed in the rules here:


?-?https://forums.stronghold-nation.com/rules/ ?


You can find it under the "Abbreviations" section! Again, not a huge problem, but just so you know in future! :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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@Mathew Steel

sorry about the abbreviation.



I have steam version, v1.4

Edited by alord

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@Mathew Steel is right - unfortunately I don't think there is any way to change the troop limit on Stronghold 1. However even if there was, I would be very wary of doing so; unit limits are in place for a reason to keep the game stable. Don't forget that this is for each lord and if there are 8 lords, and each lord has the maximum troop limit then that is actually 8 times the real troop limit.


Troop limits are in place to prevent bugs, crashing and other issues which could occur if not kept under control. Don't forget of course, that while Stronghold 1 may run fine on computers today, it used to run on computers older than even Windows XP!


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@Mathew Steel ?Don't forget that this is for each lord and if there are 8 lords, and each lord has the maximum troop limit then that is actually 8 times the real troop limit.

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Actually I'm not sure about that because I discovered while playing my custom invasion mission that the troop limit is your_soldiers + peasants + enemy_soldiers.

So if you have 800 defenders in your castle and there should be invasion of 500 units, only 200 enemy actually spawns at invasion.


This is why it's so disappointing.

Edited by alord

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I don't reminder these issues from before. That's why I've came to think that this is a bug with 1.4 version. One could easily check that. But there is another thing as well... Maybe you came to this issue because of the eat how you made the scenario. I mean, you said that you made the map, then you started the game, and them you saved it, and changed the extension in Windows Explorer. Did you have to do it by the way? What did you actually want to accomplish with that? To fight together with an AI against invading enemies, or to fight against the AI allied with the invaders?

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When I first had the problem that invasion did not spawn all units I took the savegame and converted that to .map and placed it in map folder so I could load it in the editor. I did this just so I could add new invasions to it but I realized at some point that there was the unit limit so no invasion would work anymore with the map, that had too many soldiers defending the castle.

Edited by Lord_Chris
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Actually I'm not sure about that because I discovered while playing my custom invasion mission that the troop limit is your_soldiers + peasants + enemy_soldiers.

So if you have 800 defenders in your castle and there should be invasion of 500 units, only 200 enemy actually spawns at invasion.

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By custom invasion, did you create this gamemode in-game? Or did it involve editing files etc?


If it's the latter, then it's most likely that the game sees all the units as belonging to the player (you) and is therefore only allowing the 1000 player limit. I haven't played much of SH1, but I've never noticed a max of 1000 units between all players in-game.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I created the invasion map in the in game editor.

Edited by Lord_Chris
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Then perhaps it's down to a bug with the most recent patch as the others suggested! I've not played it in a while, but if I get time, and the issue still isn't resolved, I'll look into it for you. However, the 1000 unit cap will always remain until they update the game to increase it or remove it.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Did another test with freebuild (With official map "Grasslands"). Same thing, I have over 1k of troops and no invasion soldiers spawn when I try to start one by pressing F1. They spawned just fine when I had less soldiers.

Edited by alord

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I'll make contact with one of the Firefly team members I'm in touch with and see if this is indeed intentional or not; it could be that something has just slipped past them in the 1.4 version, or it could even just be a bug in the Steam version only. Maybe it's not even a bug at all but the desired behaviour. Whatever the reason - I think we should get real facts on what the maximum army size should be and how it should be calculated.


Only that way we can be sure whether this is indeed a bug or not.


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Psst. :) Strife replied at Stronghold Heaven that there's a unit cap of 1500 total, including military, civilian, and wildlife. :)


Edited by EaglePrince

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1.5k sounds right considering it includes peasants. I was thinking in my freebuild that it wasn't exactly 1k.

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Thanks for taking time to look in to this. Any word from the firefly yet?

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I highly doubt Firefly would patch the game further than an HD release. If anything, the only people who I would imagine would play the first game are niche communities that play for nostalgia.

[justify]And these system requirements can give insight as to why your unit cap is 1500:[/justify]


[justify]OS:????????????????? Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000 & Windows XP.[/justify]

[justify]CPU:??????????????? 300mhz AMD / Intel processor (550+ Preferred)[/justify]

[justify]RAM:??????????????? 64 MB (128MB Recommended)[/justify]

[justify]HDD:??????????????? 750MB[/justify]

[justify]VIDEO:???????????? 4MB DirectX 7.0 compatible graphics card (800x600 upwards)[/justify]

SOUND:??????????? DirectX 7.0 compatible sound card

MODEM:?????????? 56k (for Internet Play)


CD-ROM:????????? 8X Speed

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I highly doubt Firefly would patch the game further than an HD release. If anything, the only people who I would imagine would play the first game are niche communities that play for nostalgia.
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I play it because it's an awesome game.. stronghold 2 & 3 are good too but I like the way they did the first one. Also I have encountered some bugs in the stronghold 2 that ruined my game. The one however works well.?

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Hmm, I don't know when did you try to play Stronghold 2, but if it was years and years ago, the version 1.4.1 is far better than the older ones. I used to play the version 1.0 for years because I didn't have internet, and I didn't even know that there were patches available to download from internet. :P If I knew, I would begged somebody who had internet to download it for me. :D The 1.0 version was bad for me, it had some bugs which which effected the gameplay a lot (such as having several criminals stuck in the court house, which I mentioned earlier), and some very much needed features were missing such as no easy way to separate mounted from unmounted knights. But even that didn't stop me from playing it. :P


Later I came to enjoy Stronghold 2 much more, especially after playing it on some really beautiful and well designed custom maps, and some really great scenarios! Indeed, Firefly should have employed some of these people to make maps for them. It's so lame that they haven't. (As far as I know, they haven't.)


But in general - Stronghold Crusader and Stronghold 1 are the best Stronghold games. Too bad Firefly never tried to revamp these two (with their warfare and castle defenses) in 3D, and with unit collision. That way we would have epic field battles, and you wouldn't be able to pass somebodies troops by clicking fast. :)

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I don't remember what version I was playing in stronghold 2 but what happened is that the computer invasion failed to attack my castle (they just stood still) in my custom map so I stopped playing because of this. I tried to figure it out what was wrong (in editor) and probably had patches but didn't get the invasions to work.


Now I created test map with moat and everything and the computer attacked it well. So maybe what happened with my map was rare occasion.?

It's just bit silly though that the invading army fires it's own troops that are walking on the wall with catapults :D?But other than that it seems to work now..


I read from somewhere that they are going to release stronghold 2 on steam. Maybe then we get more patches for that as well.


And now I'm quitting stronghold 1 because of the unit limit =|

Edited by alord

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If you're having issues with Stronghold 2 invasions (which is a common problem) you're more than welcome to open a thread in the Stronghold 2 forum on this so we can discuss it in more detail.


Let's try to keep this thread on topic, folks. It is the second time it derailed now. :)


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