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Mathew Steel

Please Educate the World

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I don't mean for this to get political, as the topic itself is irrelevant. Allow me to give the backstory. Today, I was called racist and a white supremacist today by my Religious Education teacher. I don't study the subject, however, she was in the class as we were working. The argument started when a friend of mine shouted out, jokingly, "Tom hates Islam". The teacher, who admitted herself she's read "some" of the Quran, proceeds to tell me how it's peaceful etc etc. She then manipulated my sentences. I said, "Most terrorists are Muslim", she replies, "You think all Muslims are terrorists?" She then says, "Statistics show...", when I asked for these statistics, she couldn't provide them, and so resorted to calling me a racist and a white supremacist.


My issue here is not the name-calling. Words don't offend me, and she could say much worse without me giving an ounce of care. I also don't feel the need to report her for it. It would be hypocritical, and probably would end up leading to nothing.


What really bothers me, is her misusing these terms. There are many words like these that are misused daily in political debate. I've devised a small list of definitions, and I ask for you all to remember them, and correct people for misusing them.?



Racism -?prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.


NOT - criticising a religion or belief.




Bigot - a person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions.


NOT - disagreeing with someone.




Fascism -?an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.


NOT - when someone disagrees with you.





Jokes aside. Please, when you're debating with someone on any topic. No matter what your beliefs or stances are, do not be intolerant. Listen, and disagree respectfully. Don't resort to name-calling, even if it's applicable to the person in conversation. Finally, and I can't stress this enough, do research, and remember statistics and facts before trying to argue your point. Even if you've read something before, it's no use if you don't remember it to use in debate, and your "opponent" will think you're uninformed on the matter.



Thank you, all.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I NEVER (if ever), get involved with "these" Subjects, BUT......your "Religious Education" Teacher is an a***e. As the "Resident" History "Expert" here... (lol, lol), I have a hard piece of truth for her to digest. All Cultures are Racist. Conversely, so are all Religions. Maybe they don't mean to be, but that is a truth in our "developmental" and shared History.


As an American "Southern White" (no, really) - I have been called a "Racist and White Supremacist" on more than one occasion, simply because I "honor" The memory of fallen Southern Soldiers of the "late" War for Southern Independence. I honor Northern Soldiers, too. Would I be a "Nazi" to show respect for fallen Wehrmacht Soldiers, while at the same time lamenting the "Noble Red Man?"


Yes, The Quran is a great Book of Religious Peace and tolerance. But it is also taken our of context by Zealots. News flash, so has The Holy Bible......alot. some would call a Terrorist a "Freedom Fighter".?


Your "Teacher" has obviously spent her time on the Protest Line and not The Battle Line. And I suppose, that is her Right, even in Wales. In America, we are repleat with such peopke, proudly waving "The Flag" in one hand, and a copy of The Constitution in the other (my Countries extremely over used 1st Amendment).


Whether or not, you have an opinion, ?right or wrong. If you want to stand against the terror and loss of life that The Extremists cause, fine. Then don't complaint when that Tomahawk Missile come knocking at your door.


In my School Debating Day, (and it was close to the time of The Lincoln-Douglas Debates, look it up....lol), I would often be tasked with defending the Bad Guy. Thus made me better understand The Good Guys. Rather than label you "anti Muslim", she missed an opportunity to show contrasting viewpoints more articulately.?


And regardless, many US Teachers have lost your jobs for injecting their views into an established curriculum. If you were my Son, me and Teach and your Head Master would be having a very long talk.?

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Thank you for the input! I appreciate it. Like you said, the reason I'm anti-Islam (not Muslim), is because of specific teaching of the Quran. I understand fully that not all Muslims are terrorists, that would be a foolish comment. However, many are radical. I stand up to it because it poses a threat to us. I plan on joining the RAF as a war-journalist during my time in University. I've been mocked for that, and been told that I'll just spurt out racist drivel. Yet, why is it racist to report on the state of another culture? It is factual that Islam sees women as less important. A woman's word is worth half of a man's in some cases of Sharia Law. Am I racist for pointing that out? Of course not, the idea of that being racism has zero merit whatsoever.


Obviously, I am not American, but you served your country. You've experienced things the majority of your country haven't. Seen, heard, even had first-hand contact, with different scenarios and people. People can argue all they want about who is right and who is wrong, but at the end of the day, context matters. As Becker says, it depends on the situation, who is present, and how they react. That's how right or wrong is determined.?


For me to be labelled racist, despite me defending people of other races on multiple occasions, is ridiculous.?



If you were my Son, me and Teach and your Head Master would be having a very long talk.
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The issue there is that the majority of the UK share similar beliefs to my teacher. Not to be political, but the education system is a place filled with left-wings, and that's fine, however, it does mean that when it comes to religion, many of the people in power in education will turn to defending it no matter what. You can have as many facts as you want, and you'd still be given a slap on the wrist and told to change your values.


I don't often speak up to teachers because of this. It's not a big deal, I can carry on with my life fine, but it does becoming aggravating.



EDIT: I feel like I rambled a lot here, but I hope it made enough sense.

Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Your School System sounds very much like Berkley (University of California Campus, there are many). Long a Bastion of Uber Leftists ?in training. Still, I swore an Oath to protect them as well.


As for your serving in The RAF as a War Correspondant, "Wheels Up". At best you will become an Expert in the "Real World". As a Veteran, as this is shared by "my kind" from all Armies, everywhere - we sit back, let people spew their "opinion", and silently say to ourselves with a snicker......"You're Welcome".

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At best you will become an Expert in the "Real World". As a Veteran, as this is shared by "my kind" from all Armies, everywhere - we sit back, let people spew their "opinion", and silently say to ourselves with a snicker......"You're Welcome".
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Not sure I understand this part. Could you elaborate, please? :)



My role in the RAF wouldn't be as a news reporter, just to clarify. I'd be with the other soldiers, having received basic training, helping out in the same way they would be. It just means that in my spare time, I'd have less time training, and instead would be writing reports, updates, and essays on specific operations. I'm not sure what the US Air Force is like, but with the RAF, it's not just focused on Air Combat. A lot of the work is helping out in natural disasters, evacuating towns and villages that have suffered due to floods etc. There's a chance I'd be called out to somewhere in the UK, or overseas. Which I'd be very much interested in.


I want to do journalism as a profession. However, a lot of people I know struggle finding a career in journalism. My idea, is that the RAF would be a good start. It's interesting, and has a constant flow of things to report. It's only X amount of days per year, and in the meantime, I'd be sticking to social journalism.


I've wanted to join the military in the past, but could never imagine myself joining at 18 and doing it until I retire. By following this line of work, I'll be able to fulfil my want to serve my country, and then still have a career outside of it. Of course, that's the dream, and it's a lot easier said than done, I'm not too naive to recognise that :P

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Well, first of all, your teacher is obviously a leftist... You just accept her is she is, and that's it. Though it is harsh from her side to tell you these stuff how you are rasist, etc.


This is how I see it. When somebody sais "flaws of Christianity is that, that, and that" (thus comparing why some other religion is right and Christianity is wrong), that is just ignorance. But when somebody sais "Christians are like that, that, and that", then I am ready to call him a fascist, rasist, etc. :D Having something against certain people only because of their religion, color of skin, or whatever is wrong. At least when we speak about people individually! That is the most important part of my statement. We cannot state that every single Muslim is a terrorist, just as much no Muslim cannot state that every single Christian is like whatever bad...


But when speaking about the issue in general, as when we discus whether the UK should accept more migrants or not, then it is entirely different. The fact is that Islam nowadays is being used for bad purposes on regular basis. So because of that accepting them in large numbers into your country is dangerous.


And finally. As we were speaking before, all religions can be religions of peace, or religions of war, depending of the state of certain people. If Arab countries flourished, I am sure that Islam wouldn't be in the state it is in today. And same with Christianity. If Europeans were oppressed, then it is very likely Christianity.


Let me give you few examples from conflicts on Balkan.


Aloysius Stepinac

This was a Croatian cardinal (a Catholic) who was involved in ethnic cleansing, that is in killing many innocent Serbs. Now Croats want to declare him a saint, and Serbs are disgusted by that.


And it's not that they were the inly ones. Even orthodox priests were sending off and blessing Serbian soldiers who would go to war during 90's. You might say "but fine, they were going to protect Serbs who were left in Croatia and Bosnia", but I just want to point you out that every religion is being used for non-peaceful purposes as well. That is to raise morale, to encourage more young people to go to war, etc.


(Just a little bit of history, so you would better understand how Serbian soldiers were defending (or "defending", you decide) somebody in Croatia. Before WWII Kingom of Yugoslavia didn't have ethnic provinces, but those were made out of certain regions, in order to prevent separatism of some regions. After WWII they decided to make ethical republics Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, etc. But these borders couldn't be drawn perfectly because there were vast regions in which many nations were mixed. For example, in Srem and Slavonia, which is all the way from Belgrade to Zagreb lived so many Serbs and so many Croats, so both Serbs and Croats didn't want to leave these territories to the other. No matter how you would draw the border, both side would feel they were at loss. And that's what happened with the borders made after WWII. Later during 90's when Croats wanted to leave Yugoslavia, Serbs felt as they were tricked by those who drew the border, and they rushed to fixed it - with war. Because, really, there was no other way to fix that border. I don't know how would the life for Serbs be live in Croatia if there weren't wars in 90's, but the president of SR Yugoslavia was sure that they would be oppressed. Only I can say for sure that for Serbs from Croatia it would have been better without war, because being driven away from their homes and everything else that happened because Yugoslavia lost the war was far worse than the alternative.)


Oh, and main difference between Croats and Serbs is in religion - one are Catholic, the others are Orthodox. All religions can be misused.

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Tad over thinking it Matthew, regardless of if your a "Cook" or Whatever, you will still go through some "rudiments" of Combat Training. A "Soldier is a Soldier is A Soldier".


To clarify the other Statement, I sometimes forget not everyone has a Constitution as in my Country (very similar, but different), English Law is VERY similar with most comparisons. In America, The Rights that all Citizens have are guaranteed by the blood of her Soldiers who have fought to defend the same, for generations. In a "recent" trend since 9/11, many now "Thank" American Servicemen for their Service. That is what I was trying to impart with "Your Welcome". Soldiers defending The Constitution give the average law abiding Citizen, Radical and Leftist alike - this "1st Amendment" Right, to say whatever they wish in Public (regardless of they admit it or not).


Although I giggle when a Person decides to Enlist, regardless of what Country, I am proud that a Free Citizen serves their Countries interests by making the sacrifice of their freedom and sadly even lives. Even if the Political viewpoint is different.

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Oh and Eagle, you are quite right on all counts. Religion often divides and not unites as it is supposed to. God is God regardless of how you believe, worship or whatever. Unfortunately, Politics meshes with Religion to some very disastrous and tragic ends.?


I very much remember "The Troubles" in your Homeland (even remembering how America became involved to a small degree). I always thought it was a ridiculous War to fight over a Religion that is essentially the same.?

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Tad over thinking it Matthew, regardless of if your a "Cook" or Whatever, you will still go through some "rudiments" of Combat Training. A "Soldier is a Soldier is A Soldier".
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I am aware of this. I think I may have worded this line poorly:


"It just means that in my spare time, I'd have less time training, and instead would be writing reports, updates, and essays on specific operations."


I spoke to a member of the RAF sometime ago, who has the same role I would like. He receives the same training, however, in his time where he isn't busy, he's either:


1. Sent home, if he hasn't been called up for an operation yet, to continue with the journalism side of work




2. Continuing with the journalism side during "time off", like any journalist, he has deadlines, and as long as he finds time to complete his work, he joins the other soldiers in the other training sessions also



Hopefully this cleared my point up somewhat :)



I'd like to add, your way of thinking is great to me. There's so many people who have the "they don't deserve X because Y" mindset. My belief on the matter is similar to yours. Whilst in the UK we have no constitution, and our free speech laws aren't entirely the same, I have always valued the US' free speech regulations higher than ours. Heck, our Prime Minister is still trying to pass this data law that will allow her to gain the information of recent search histories or Internet activity of anyone she wants, simply by asking for it. Her reasons are unknown to me, but it puts free speech and privacy on a slippery slope, in my eyes.

Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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The problem I see is that the vast majority of teaching staff are so left-wing this is a very large part of the problem. When you have this mixed with the EU funding (a proportion of what we give to the EU in the first place coming back to us, but the EU decides what it's spent on ...) of various institutions such as Universities I think it's only too easy for people there to become corrupted by foreign influences and stained by political correctness. We've seen it in the local Police force & whole local political system - numerous times. I've even heard rumours coming out of various schools whereby students are scolded for saying they would vote to leave the EU, that teachers are forcing the issues of political correctness on them on this very subject of Muslims and Islam, leading them down a particular path where the teacher wants them to go and ultimately indoctrinating them - without them even realising it.


The school system has been fiddled in such a way as to try and indoctrinate people down a particular view point - in effect brainwashing people. Naturally these schools tend to be left-wing anyway, but because of the influence the EU has had, it's used this to its advantage and manipulated it even further, helping to speed up this whole process.


I think your teacher should be reported for saying that to you, I would actually go further and say she should be suspended altogether. You were simply pointing out a factually-correct statement and she immediately jumped down your throat with the 'racist' card. That's exactly the problem we have, free speech is being shut down.


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Also agree with Chris! Only reason I haven't reported her is because nothing would be done about it. Plus, despite me saying all that, the course for RE has nothing to do with Islam, and only involves Christianity and Judaism. Even then, it only teaches about the creation of the world, views on marriage, views on death and the afterlife, euthanasia, IVF, etc etc. Very basic beliefs. It was a mandatory lesson at GCSE, which somehow I achieved an A in :P?


It's strange. The chemistry teacher was a leave voter, and almost all the teachers mocked him for it. My sociology teacher is probably the only sane one left. He isn't right or left winged, but he himself won't say anything as fact. When he gives an opinion, he emphasises it's an opinion. He'll never say someone is wrong, but will give an alternative viewpoint to encourage said person to reconsider. Likewise, he's also one of the teachers the other teachers see as "a grumpy old man".?



Nonetheless, a good choice with The RAF.
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Thank you! Won't be joining until some point in late 2018/early 2019, though!


Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Today, I was called racist and a white supremacist today by my Religious Education teacher.
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Yikes! I am sorry to hear. Teachers are paid by your (parents') tax dollars and should never verbally/physically assault their students. I could understand if she asked more about your opinion and presented counter-arguments, but as we know - there are certain positions which do not require evidence.

The argument started when a friend of mine shouted out, jokingly, "Tom hates Islam".
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You might want to find out if your friend was "just being funny" to see how much he could "trigger" the teacher. I have some friends "on the Right" but we never brought attention to ourselves just for the sake of it. I would talk with some people on the other side of the fence, and most of their "arguments" involved fantastic imagery of children and poor, misunderstood, helpless victims of "society."

I NEVER (if ever), get involved with "these" Subjects, BUT......your "Religious Education" Teacher is an a***e. As the "Resident" History "Expert" here... (lol, lol), I have a hard to digest piece of truth for her. All Cultures are Racist. Conversely, so are all Religions. Maybe they don't mean to be, but that is a truth in our "developmental" and shared History.
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Preach!! Couldn't agree more. As to all cultures and religions being "racist" - I believe a certain degree of it is a natural defense mechanism built into the human psyche, especially when we are surrounded by people who act and speak differently (language and tone) than what we (as individuals - clearly raised among members of a particular culture) are used to. I would believe that the less homogeneous an area becomes, the more the different groups present find reasons to conflict with each other.


Building off of that - Mathew, is your teacher a native to Wales? I don't mean to ask if she is a UK citizen, but is it reasonable to say that her ancestors would be most comfortable in the Welsh climate, terrain, culture, etc.? I find there are a lot of people in my part of the country who came after 1620 who, even if they claim to be Anglo-Saxon, are not very well adapted to the area, and who aren't really keen on what was here before them. (Indeed, I could probably do better on a small farm in Normandie than deal with the extreme weather of New England, lol!)


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I don't mean to ask if she is a UK citizen, but is it reasonable to say that her ancestors would be most comfortable in the Welsh climate, terrain, culture, etc.?
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I couldn't tell you too far back, but yes her parents and grandparents are also Welsh by origin.



It really does baffle me why so many people think we should allow our culture to include many others for the sake of diversity? Umm no, if they want to live by their own culture, they are more than welcome to, in their own country where their own culture exists. Not to say I don't acknowledge people have different values and beliefs, that's fine, but when it starts to intrude on my own, then I have an issue. It would seem that this specific teacher is quite happy to welcome this so-called peaceful religion with its peaceful teachings!


I really am fine with people believing different to me, but it's the fact that she resorted to name-calling, instead of having a civil debate. That's what I miss. I want to talk, not argue with people.

Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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This could seam like some conspiracy theory, but I feel that these ideals of diversity are just being pushed to us, the same way as they have been pushing with homosexuality... Most of people don't agree with those stuff, and yet don't you dare to say something against homosexuals, or hurt an animal, or speak how stray dogs can be dangerous in large numbers, and how they need to be put to sleep, and lastly, don't you dare to speak how diversity is a bad thing...


Still, like I said before, diversity is a good thing, but as long as none of the parties is not against some others. I feel this is the case with many Muslims for example, they just dislike Christians and Atheists. So basically, they dislike Europeans. :D Although in my town we have so many different churches which are a fine reminder that different people can get along with each other. But still, those people were similar enough, they even shared similar mentality.


Another thing that bugs me... If Europe does need some workers, how does it come that they don't get them from Eastern Europe and Latin America? I don't think any Latin American would hate Europeans, and similar with Eastern Europeans. I'm I right? And these are similar enough to be able to coexist in the same area. Definitely more similar that Muslims from Arab countries and Europeans.

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Well said, Charles.
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Thank you!

... her parents and grandparents are also Welsh by origin.
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Then that leaves only one answer. She is ... dun, dun, dun ... a Social Justice Warrior.

It really does baffle me why so many people think we should allow our culture to include many others for the sake of diversity? Umm no, if they want to live by their own culture, they are more than welcome to, in their own country where their own culture exists. Not to say I don't acknowledge people have different values and beliefs, that's fine, but when it starts to intrude on my own, then I have an issue.
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I deal with this nearly every day. I live on a "shore" of this region that is known for its drug and "human trafficking" (a euphemism for slavery) among gangs of criminals from South of the Rio Grande. Even President Trump, when he was running his campaign, was appalled by the amount of heroin there is in these areas that used to live off of the sea and tourism. It seems like the border, and the 2000 miles between it any my house, doesn't exist. It seems people hold on to their practices when they enter my country.


I don't blame them for wanting to keep their culture, but it would be nice if they learned English and respected the people who've built up the land. Indeed, my mostly French-Canadian family learned English when they got here, but after a generation or two they completely stopped speaking French, so it's up to me to re-learn it. Even our diet became Anglicized (my mother was the first to cook French meat pies in the family in the 21st century). That's all "water under the bridge."


It does remind me of a situation I was in during my first semester of university. I had a professor for a course (which was mandated by the school, be taken by all students regardless of their major) who was a native of a former French colony in Africa. She spoke English, French, and one or two tribal languages from her home country. She was nice to talk to, and we even chatted in French once or twice, but it annoyed me that she talked about how when she came to this country she didn't know English, and had to buy clothes at the Salvation Army which she didn't have to do in Africa (the idea of wearing somebody else's clothes grossed her out). The minimum wage in my state is $10 an hour (which comes out to less than $20,000 a year even before taxes, bills, and costs of living) for essentially anyone who isn't in a family business, who isn't in a labor union (you need to go to a trade school or "have connections"), or who doesn't have a Bachelor's degree (4 years of college required). Needless to say, most of "us" buy a lot of our clothes second-hand.


I am unaware of how she became a professor, but I do know that there are special scholarships for "African-Americans" and Africans, and that the university she teaches at has a special summer program where they invite "young leaders" from Africa to learn for free. I realize this is a bit of a rant, but I want some of that free stuff too. :lol: (PS, don't worry, I got merit scholarships!)


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...it would be nice if they learned English and respected the people who've built up the land.
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This is exactly what I mean. I watched a video earlier today, about a Syrian refugee who was now living in Germany. He looked about 12 at most, but he said how he was learning the language, and even spoke German to the other children. He explained how he told his friends that if they speak German amongst themselves, they would learn it quicker. When a refugee moves to a country, and put in effort to learn the language, it really does mean a lot. Not for the reasons of, "Our language is better," but instead it shows that they want to live in that country happily, and with the natives. Language is important, despite what people may think, if people can communicate, they can learn. If they can learn, they can work. If they can work, they can make money. If they can make money, they can provide for themselves in the country.


My argument here isn't that "immigrants should work or leave", because it aggravates me when people living in my own country won't work. Fair enough if they are physically or mentally unable to, but otherwise - work. Being able to earn money makes it so much easier to settle into a country.


To conclude, there will always be work available, it may not pay well, and it may be draining, but it's out there. I don't know how many times I've been past the shops in the small village near me that have "HIRING" signs on the windows, then continue to walk and see adults walking around during working hours with a can of lager in their hands. The moment I turned 17, I looked for work, and have now been working for about 10 months.


This is far from the original topic, but it's nice to develop conversation into relevant topics, just to get different opinions and views! :)

Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Still, I don't see why would you judge her for not wanting to buy a second hand clothes... Even in Serbia, which is so poor country, many people wouldn't want to admit that they have bought their cloths in such a store. If you ask me, I also dislike those stuff - judging other students who buy second hand clothes, who bring their breakfast from home, etc... But I think it's a sindrome of poor countries. Because those who are poor would be ashamed if they were labeled like that, and then they tend to spend more money on some stuff only to show they are not poor.


I mean, in this particular case, if I got it right, she didn't tell you that something that you do is wrong, but that it was hard for her to accept. And indeed, you cannot expect those people who come to brace your values instantly once they land in the USA. It takes some time, they need to learn, and to get to understand you, and by the time she might even share your opinions. What is problem is when people come into your country expecting your country to adopt to their needs and likes. (Such as coming to a Christian land, and spreading hate towards Christians. In that case - GTFO! :D )


Plus, I am pretty sure that we could even find lots of Americans who feel the same way about buying second hand cloths.


Also, I am sure that you don't actually have to buy second hand cloths, but for you that is an acceptable way to save money. And I am glad that people where you live look at that that way, I wish it was the case where I live too. Hack, when I was in elementary school and high school (which was from 1996 to 2008) at some moments I felt ashamed for buying second hand books, because almost everybody else used to buy new ones. What to say, I wish I was more mature back than, but I guess I couldn't know better considering my age in that time. And as you know, life in Serbia wasn't easy in that time. Maybe that's the case with your teacher as well. Maybe she just wasn't mature enough to overcome some stuff from their home country...

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I am sure that you don't actually have to buy second hand cloths, but for you that is an acceptable way to save money.
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Personally I do. It's better to get 2-4 shirts that have been barely worn (or sometimes not at all) for the price of a single new one from the store. I'm not ashamed of it because it is a sign that the current economic model we have now is a sham. And even though I'm probably only very distantly related to the people who donate (to the re-sale place) some of the clothes I've bought, I think there's something good to be said about charity and looking out for one's countrymen. It's not quite like donning the sword and armor of your ancestors, but ah well. :D


Even in Serbia, which is so poor country, many people wouldn't want to admit that they have bought their cloths in such a store.
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I can understand. Some of the people I see shopping for "used" clothes are well off but still pick through for the new stuff that still has the original price tag on it. I know some people who go to my university who also must buy used books and clothes and talk about it openly. Those who have never had to do it are sometimes not so eager for the idea, and start getting bored when I talk about the small tricks I use to save money about the house. :lol: (There is something to be said about "Yankee frugality" as my grandfather called it.)


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SING to The Congregation, Charles. I shop at "Second Hand" too. In some Countries , these Stores might be considered "First Class". They gave changed greatly since "The Day".

In California, you can find a lot of stuff from your Youth, you might not otherwise find. In particular Graphic T-Shirts, which are my favorites (especially Old Bands).


Oh, and you don't have to be a "Yankee".... (oh that "word"....lol!)

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Well, we may have misunderstood each other now... I didn't mean on stuff that were worn maximum four times, or something like that.


Still, I don't think that you HAVE to do it, but you do it to spare some money, and you're looking maturely at that.


Still, it all depends of where you live, and where you're from. In some places people are just more practical, while in some other places they act like snobs no matter whether they are actually rich or poor. I often criticize people here in Serbia for being too snobbish... I mean, people are not snobbish in general, but they raise their kids in such a way. Later those kids learn that life's not easy, but parents should teach them that earlier. That's just my opinion. I realize that everybody wants to best for their children, but I hope that if I would buy something to my kid (when I have it), that it wouldn't make fun of another kid whose parents couldn't afford that. That disgusts me...


Only that I can understand when some people feel ashamed to buy second hand stuff because I also grew up among such people. BUT I cannot actually say that this is something that regards to Serbia. Maybe it was only something about my part of the city, or my grammar school, or something like that.


One good thing is that I very often hear younger kids speaking about selling their books, buying used ones, and about trading them for other books.

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