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Mathew Steel

Changes to the "Last Edited" notice

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This is a personal opinion on the "Last Edited" notice seen by edited posts. To me, it blends too well with the normal font used, as well as the size and positioning. I quickly made my own edit to the notice in Photoshop, and wanted to see what the majority think.?







I did try to embed the image, however, it didn't seem to want to work.



The font used is TW Cent MT in Italic. The font size is 13, and it uses the same colour as the rest of the text. I've also moved it a bit further down below the post, as you can see in the image.


It's not a huge deal, but for me at least, it's a little easier on the eyes. Let me know what you all think! :)

Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I agree, that font might be at last a little bit smaller. Plus, I think it would be great if this "Last edited" thing wouldn't appear if I edit my post only few minutes after posting it. :) If that is not hard for Chris to do though. Those are still minor issues. Well, they are not even issues. :)

Edited by EaglePrince

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That's a nice addition, though it would probably be quite fiddly with CSS. I think it's probably easier in the short term to try and alter the font size, rather than the font itself.


I do agree though that this is very similar to the message text and should be reviewed.


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