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Mathew Steel

Anti-Aliasing in SH2

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I don't know if anyone else experiences this, however, I've tried numerous things to fix it, and it remains.


Simply, enabling AA in SH2 causes textures to become ridiculously high in brightness, causing a glaring white effect on grass and more noticeably stone. I haven't a clue why it happens, and it really isn't a big issue, as AA doesn't do much in SH2. However, I am curious if it's a global issue. This is on v1.4.1.


On a similar note, using "Bloom" causes quarry stone to become very bright and blinding also.



I feel I should also add that there seems to be an FPS cap on the game of around 36.99/37FPS. No matter what my settings are, that is the maximum I can achieve. My specs are certainly not the reason behind this!?


EDIT?- After more research, I've discovered something quite interesting. Setting the game speed to 90, allowed me to get 60 FPS (As I enable VSync). I imagine that 90 isn't a requirement, I pushed the extreme for the sake of noticeable difference.

Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Interesting. I've never tried Anti-aliasing, is there much difference other than textures? Also what happens if you zoom all the way out compared with zooming all the way in - does anything change with doing that?


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You know what, this has inspired me to do some proper research into this. I'll make a new thread in the week with all my findings. Screenshots etc. Doubt it'll be useful, but might be interesting at least! :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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