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The making of Stronghold 2 (video)
Hey guys, check out this video. Several days ago we were discussing about the engine they used to use for Stronghold 2. After 4:15 they even say few things about the engine. Apparently it they picked some engine, and they made a lot of changes into it. I thought you might find this video interesting cause we were mentioning the engine Stronghold 2
Making a Map
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Ruined Bridge over river disappears when monks finish re-building it.
Hello, On a map I am making I have included a ruined bridge as part of a neutral estate that monks rebuild whilst the player builds up his Honour to 100. Unfortunately, when the monks finish, the bridge disappears - monks can still be seen bringing stone to it, but they also disappear when they arrive at the building site. Does anybody have any advice to help stop the monks from performing this impressive magic trick?? Thank you!in Stronghold 2
Making Stronghold 2 minimap
I have made this short tutorial about how to make a minimap for Stronghold 2. Here is shown how one can do it with Fraps and Gimp, but once one sees how to do it with Gimp - they could do it in similar way using any other image manipulation program. 1. Download and install Fraps. It's a free program by which you can easily make screenshots in any game. Before the next step attention to what key is dedicated for you to make a screenshot with Fraps. In my case it's Print Screen key, as it was eain Stronghold 2
OneDrive makes making screenshots more easily! (nice for SHC and SH1)
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