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New Contributor and Global Moderator

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In light of the recent upload by @Mezzy Chizra to the Crusader 2 downloads section, it is simply impossible to ignore the vast amount of effort which has been put into The Viking Crusade campaign.


Therefore, we have decided to promote @Mezzy Chizra to the rank of Contributor with immediate effect!


Congratulations @Mezzy Chizra, and I hope as many of you as possible take the time to play the very well created campaign that has been created.


We've also decided to promote to the rank of Global Moderator for his outstanding work in the History section and Open Castle Inn - but also site-wide. [user]crusader1307] is one of the most active members by far, even more than myself sometimes, and this is a very well-deserved and overdue promotion for hours and hours of hard work and dedication, which our gratitude and thanks cannot possibly put into terms.


To both of you - thank you very much for making the site the place it is today!! Your contributions cannot possibly be put into terms. A big thank you from everyone, and enjoy your new promotions! :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Congratulations to the two of you! I don't believe I've met Mezzy yet, as I'm not really active in the Stronghold game sections anymore. However, I can say without a doubt that Crusader is very active on the site. Always good to stop by and read some of the history posts and so on! :D?Again, congratulations to you both!

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Congratulations to both of you, guys! :)


Yes, I haven't met Mezzy yet either, but I guess he just has some more time to play, and don't stick so much with us historians and philosophers (which I would prefer to call veterans :P ) who "only" wonder around these forums telling their opinions, stories from history, and even stories from great battles from Stronghold games. :D It's great to know there are more of us here, and it is something that we have already known that communities such as this one can have plenty of valuable members who mostly stick to downloads section.


Oh, and Crusader, stickify the History Thread, now is the time. :D

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For the first time in what, 2 years and over 5,000 Articles.....I am at a loss for words! It has been my great pleasure to bring to you all as much Superior Articles and the "occasional" Game advise.?


Obviously, most of you are Supreme Masters of Stronghold, and I am but a passible Map Maker. But I feel quite privileged to count all of you my Friends.


I thank our esteemed Webmaster and "Sovereign" ?Lord Chris for his patience with allowing me to Post my many Articles for your emjoyment.....and I look forward to many more years of entertaining all of you and to the continued growth of our great "Nation".


Much Affection All.

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Congratulations to both of you :)


Crusader, a well deserved promotion. Keep those stories coming and all the best in your new role as global moderator.


Mezzy, I am downloading your series of maps right now. Looking forward to play them :)

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