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Alternate Transylvania? (and other alternate campaign maps?)

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Ok so I am playing the evil campaign; I made it to Transylvania and I put it on Easy mode: (the one to the left?). Now I have looked at a few strategy guides; even videos that show it played out but, I am seeing something much different then what the videos show. In this level there are 3 castles 2 North and 1 South. It is suggested that I take the one that is South. In the video it shows a mounted catapult and a decent number of archers in the south castle. But when I play: I see no catapult, twice the number of archers (and crossbowmen) AND Swordsman on the walls. the strategy calls for using creepers to take over the wall, the towers, and the gate. I have run the strategy multiple times and the Swordsmen thwart my creepers every time. I end up besieging the castle to the south longer then I have to (with no heavy siege equipment) until the two to the north wipe me out. Am I doing it wrong? Is the map somehow glitched? Has anyone else experienced this?

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Hi @Jimb011, welcome to the community!


We have complete and extensive walkthroughs for all missions and campaigns of Stronghold Legends, including saved games. Does this walkthrough help you at all?


In terms of what you've already said, the main problem I have when using Vampiric Creepers is that they are far too costly and very easily killed by Swordsmen and other armoured troops by the enemy. I generally only use them when I absolutely have to because I prefer more conventional troops, such as Werewolves, who are fast and can be catapulted over enemy walls. I also use a lot of Saxon Warriors and Demons, who can climb walls with a trail of fire.


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I generally only use them when I absolutely have to because I prefer more conventional troops, such as Werewolves, who are fast and can be catapulted over enemy walls.
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Oh dear, I wouldn't expect catapulting warewolfs into a castle is possible. God gelp the defenders. :D

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Oh dear, I wouldn't expect catapulting warewolfs into a castle is possible. God gelp the defenders. :D
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That's a tactic I use a lot. It can cause catastrophic damage of buildings inside - and at the very worst, it only causes disruption for the defenders helping my main force get in/over the wall ;)


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I have been using the werewolf Catapults. It is actually part of the said strategy. The Walk-through above is the exact strategy I have been using. However:

1. If you shoot the werewolves over the wall, the archers cut them to pieces.

2. in order to avoid the werewolves getting cut to pieces you need to secure the wall with the creepers

3. the creepers get killed by the swordsmen (which do not exist in all walk-through videos I have seen. as described above)


This overall strategy is indeed described in Lord_Chris' Link. problem is the castle specified for Lord_Chris' link is not the same castle that I have described in my first post. Hence my problem. Bottom Line: the map looks different from the video walkthrough.

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Could you provide screenshots of each one so that I can see what differences you mean?


I've also set aside some time tomorrow which I will try this mission again myself to see if I can provide any further tips that might help you.


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Could you provide screenshots of each one so that I can see what differences you mean?


I've also set aside some time tomorrow which I will try this mission again myself to see if I can provide any further tips that might help you.

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I would post an image and a You tube video link. But the forum doesn't allow me to post links for some reason.

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That is a restriction on members with less than 5 posts to prevent spam. But I've promoted you now, you can now post links. :)


I've gone ahead and as promised I replayed Transylvania today. Turns out, it wasn't even the one I remember. I thought it was the map from The Long March Mission 4 - you couldn't be mistaking it for this at all, could you? Based on your original description I'd say it is possible as I didn't see any Swordsmen at all in the Transylvania that I played.


I managed to beat all 3 AI Opponents in Transylvania in about 5 minutes, as they are so lightly defended. First of all, I purchased about 12 Werewolves, selling anything I needed to in order to get that number. I then sent few Vampiric Creepers up onto the Gatehouse of the opponent to my rear, and converted a few units while I was at it.


Then, I sent my Werewolves flooding through the gates and killed that Lord easily. I did of course destroy his Granary first as I can't resist causing a bit of havoc. :D


I then turned my attention to the lord on the north-east of the map. I sent a few remaining Vampiric Creepers to capture that gatehouse, converted units, and sent my Werewolves flooding through the gates again. I did purchase a few additional werewolves before proceeding.


Finally, the lord to the north-west of the map has one or two Archers in the Engine Tower nearest your castle by this point, so I sent in a Giant Demonic Bat to destroy them. I then sent in my Vampiric Creepers to capture the gatehouse and sent my werewolves (and now the rest of my force) through the gates, flooding up to the keep.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Alrighty, thanks for the promotion. Thank you for looking at Transylvania. So first: no the long march is not the map I am referring to.?

Here is the Vanilla Southern Castle that is lightly defended that you probably recognize:?

Start at about 4:10

Here is what I am dealing with:


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... In the video it shows a mounted catapult and a decent number of archers in the south castle. But when I play: I see no catapult, twice the number of archers (and crossbowmen) AND Swordsman on the walls...
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It may be that FireFly has rebalanced this particular mission, after the video was made.

The do sometims rebalance missions when they feel they are either too easy or too hard.


I know this will not help you, but perhaps explains the discrepancy you are experiencing.

Any chance you can compare your game version with the version that was used for the video?

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It may be that FireFly has rebalanced this particular mission, after the video was made.

The do sometims rebalance missions when they feel they are either too easy or too hard.


I know this will not help you, but perhaps explains the discrepancy you are experiencing.

Any chance you can compare your game version with the version that was used for the video?

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My Version is 1.5 as far as I can tell through the steamapp>common>StrongholdLedgends>StrongholdLedgends. I do not know what version that is in the video however. And if they did re-balance it, they left the player with a nearly impossible scenario. Given that you have no heavy siege equipment (I.E Siege Towers, Cats, Battering rams) And not enough time to build a significant force to deal with the extra swordsmen/Crossbowmen on the walls; I would say firefly was indeed in the error.

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Ah, I see. My version of this game is 1.2, and I do not have a steam version of it. What does the map look like straight after you start the game? Do the swordsmen appear straight away or take some time to appear, even just a minute or two?


In your case, I would purchase a number of werewolves to launch over the castle wall, it may take slightly longer than you wish but it's certainly the safer option.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Everything you see in that castle is there at the beginning. And i have tried throwing werewolves over that castle wall a number of times. What happens is they get held up by the two knights towards the back. and even if I could build enough werewolves to overrun them the two northern castles just turn around and launch huge raids that destroy my northern wall. I'm talking a good sized number of swordsmen army catapults pummeling plus one of the round table heroes leading the charge as well as a wizard just nuking me. Ill try again though with werewolf catapults.

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Keep trying. I am sure there will be a way to beat this mission.


I just checked and I too have version 1.2.

I wonder if you can upload a savegame to this thread and if we can still play that mission from your savegame or if we will get a version conflict message.

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Keep trying. I am sure there will be a way to beat this mission.


I just checked and I too have version 1.2.

I wonder if you can upload a savegame to this thread and if we can still play that mission from your savegame or if we will get a version conflict message.

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You would have to tell me how to upload a saved game as I am not familiar with the process.


Edit: Tried the werewolf strategy with 35 werewolves. got the Lord down to 2/3 health after only about 7 made it to the castle fighting past the knights and archers. The Lord then, if i'm not mistaken, was healing. could not muster enough gold in time to launch a second assault of that magnitude before the north crushed me.

Edited by Jimb011

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You can attach files to your post.

What you do is that you write the text and supmit your post. Then you hit the Edit button (bottom right).


You should then be able to edit the message text, but also get the option to attach files to the post (below the message editing area).


It is best to place the savegame in a .zip file, but I think you can also post it without zipping it, if the filesize is not too big.

If this does not work, let Lord_Chris know. He may have to set up your account to be able to do it.

Edited by Nigel

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Hello, I know its been a long time but I came back to this game and I am still stuck in the same scenario. I would like to know where in the steam files are the "save game" file I can post to show what I am dealing with still.

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