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Hey, guys! I have created this thread in intention for us to share our camera shots with each other. When you see something interesting, or if you simply want to show us something, this is the right place to do it. :)


So, let me start with somewhat longer post. It's been pretty cold these days here in Serbia, in my city the lower temperature has been around -15C, while do upper temperature has been around -5C, though there were days with -20C. On Sunday I saw in a portal how there is ice on Danube at some places, which doesn't happen so often, mostly there could be only a little bit of ice, so I decided to have a short walk after my work, and see how it looks like. So this is what I saw. :)


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And it looked like quite a lot of ice. :) I continued my walk down the river, and when I reached the narrow part of it, I had what to see.




I was amazed how entire river was covered by ice at this part. So, then I decided to walk some further, and even take few more shots. Few of them I got after going all way down from the quay, and I got right next to the icy river. Later I also went on top of the bridge to take few shots from there too. :)


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Later they sent some icebraker ship to brake this ice, so the ice wouldn't cause any problems. (Well, yeah, they didn't actually send an icebraker, they gifted them to a private company, and then the company ruined them, and this little pal which helped with the ice was another type of ship which wouldn't actually be capable of braking any thicker ice. So I hope we won't need any real icebraker. Hehe, fun facts about my country. :) ) So it is a good thing I got these shots, this cannot be seen so often in Novi Sad where I live, and when I was a kid I was only told by grandparents how at some points Danube used to freeze entirely, but by the time winter has become warmer than back then and with less snow. I shall keep these photos. :)


As you can see, it was pretty cold on Monday, but there wasn't much snow. Well, that has changed today. :) Few more shots from my way to work. :)


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Good idea, Eagle Prince. I may participate IF the rain ever stops the Deluge of "Biblical proportions" in "Sunny" California!


Very nice pictures....though. Thanks for sharing!

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Well, I do like to see various landscapes and places in various conditions. I actually quite often want to stop by, and take few shots of what I see, but I don't do it quite often. For example, while I'm traveling I wouldn't stop by to do something like that, because I feel like I would just p**s off the rest of the company by that. :) But perhaps I should be doing that, I do like that, and perhaps they would tolerate me. :D Another thing is that most people may find it strange when somebody wants to takes pictures of what they see often, but I guess that too is not enough reason not to take those pictures.


So that's my plan! Although I don't travel so often, I would like to make some photos of interesting places in my city and in my country, and whenever I travel somewhere, so I would keep those pictures for myself, and to show you guys what are places that I find interesting around me, or - that in a way represent where I am from. I hope this is going to be really interesting to us. Just like I like to learn about other cultures and history of other nations, I believe I will love to see places where the rest of us are from - including USA, UK, Germany, Lithuania, etc., and hopefully the rest of you will feel the same way.


Looking forward for those rains in California to stop and to see some shots from the west of the United States. :)

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Those photos are great, truly beautiful. Being in Wales, I never see sights like that. I have a few photos on my camera role of the Welsh landscape, lots of greenery and mountains! When I get a chance to upload them from my phone, I'll be sure to do so! I also have quite a few from my time in Rome, although, I'm not sure whether it would be better to keep it to pictures of our own area or not? :)


As for wanting to stop and take pictures of what you see, do it! I enjoy seeing photos of landscapes and interesting areas. As long as you're not taking photos of your food and uploading it, then I'd strongly encourage you to take the photos if that's what you enjoy :D

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I think it will be more interesting if we include pictures from other places too, because that way we would have more pictures, and it is interesting to share pictures and impressions about places you have just visited. And, if we look at the bigger picture, then we would show not just where we live but where we were too, which is similar actually. Also, maybe from Chris's perspective Scotland wouldn't be where you're from because he knows you're from Wales and he's from England, while I would say "but you are from the UK". Also, from my perspective Prague isn't where I am from, while from Crusader1307 may say "but you are from Europe, it's only 800km away from your home". :) My main point was for us to share pictures made by ourselves, only I may not have expressed myself well enough in my first post. :)


As for food, I didn't have the intention to upload photos of food, haha. :D Well, maybe if it is something really really interesting, but I have never taken a photo of food. :)


Oh, as about uploading pictures, I would recommend Flickr, it works quite well, and I believe they also have Android and iOS apps which makes it easier to upload photos there. There is even a third party Windows 10 mobile app for Flickr. But it works great even on browser, it doesn't have so many adds like PhotoBucket. This is more like a social network for people who like sharing photos, everybody gets 1TB of storage for photos, and you can easily share pictures from there with the bbcode.


Looking forward to see your images. Yeah, these areas are different, Vojvodina (the northern province of Serbia), where I live, is flat, we have saying that if one steps on a pumpkin they would see entire Vojvodina. :) Well, with the exception of Fru?ka Gora, that is one of the two our only mountains, and the main part of the fortress which you can see above was built on a rock which is part of Fru?ka Gora.


This summer I learned that Fru?ka Gora got it's name for Franks who had settles the mounting during Middle Ages, because it is how Serbian people used to say Frankish mountain during Middle Ages. At that time border of Serbian kingdom used to be about 40-50km to the south of this mountain. Well, I may have learned that before, but in that case I had forgotten that. :)


But even though Vojvodina is flat, it has some really interesting landscapes, some of which are not so much typical, and hopefully I will share some photos of it with you. :)

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Just wanted to share few more photos. These are from the center of my city, Novi Sad. I took those shots mostly because of the decorations. I had not noticed until that evening that they put a decoration in shape of a dove bearing an olive branch - which is from the crest of the city.




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What you can see above is The Name of Mary Church, which is located at the main square, and we call it The Cathedral, although it's not actually a cathedral.


As you may see, it got warmer, but it lasted only for few days and snow has been back. On Thursday I took few more photos near Danube. :)


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Edited by EaglePrince

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I agree with Matthew, VERY nice photos. The "frozen" Danube reminds me of seeing a similar sight when I lived in Germany back in the 1970s (that is NOT a typo - Ha!)


When the rain stops?.........


And a belated Birthday Greeting to you Young Lord! January 18th (I forgot to remember, Ha!)

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Ah, thanks! :)


I remember you said you lived in Germany for a while. :) Yes, it is similar climate here as in Germany, though in northern Germany it tends to be colder, and winters can be really harsh compared to our winters here - colder and with more snow. Plus, by the time winters here generally become less cold.

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My apologies also, happy birthday! :D


Those photos are absolutely stunning. Your city certainly has the perfect aesthetics for some great photography. I look forward to coming back to see more as you continue to upload!

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Thanks, Tom. :)


And thanks for what you said about the photos. I know that your areas are also beautiful. Plus, I would say they are even more beautiful, but we like to see something different now and then. Like I was saying before, I would love if people here cared more about keeping the city beautiful. During 20th century they didn't care enough about keeping the old look of the city, and they don't care enough about that even today. Also, keep in mind that I am giving my best to avoid those uglier stuff. :P


Oh, and my apologies to Crusader, I've been busy, and I haven't read all of his newer articles yet, but I shall do that tomorrow. :)

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Here I come with few more photos. :)


This one is from my university campus.




And this one is from Limanski park. Nothing historical to see here, this is newer part of the city, every building one could see here was build after World War II, that is - during SFR Yugoslavia. Still pretty cold, as you can see, though this picture was taken on Monday six days ago. (On the third picture below you can see a white building with marble facade. The building belongs to Petroleum Industry of Serbia, their headquarters are there. The building of it was started in 1989., and it was finished in 1998. Some call it Karingtonka, for Carrington from Dynasty series (who was rich, of course :) ), because the building seemed unnecessarily expensive to many citizens.)

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And one shot from the downtown. This one was taken in Zmaj Jovina ulica (Jovan Jovano? Zmaj street), which is the main street in the pedestrian zone. Jovan Jovanovi? Zmaj (1833.-1904.) was a poet, he is famous for his poets written for children, almost everybody in Serbia has grown up with his poets. He's the guy on the monument which can see in front of the red building, in the middle of the picture. One more fact about him: zmaj means a dragon in Serbian, and it is not part of his name actually. When got famous for the satiric Journal called "Zmaj" which he started, everybody called him "Jovan Jovanovi? Zmaj". Thar's why the street is called "Zmaj Jovina ulica", as street of Zmaj Jova, and Jova is a nickname for Jovan.


The red building is Bishops Palace (of bishop of Ba?ka, northwest region of Serbia, north of Danube and west of Tisa river). This building was finished in 1901., after the older one was destroyed in bombing of Novi Sad in 1949. by Hungarians. (Which happened because Hungarians wanted independence from Austria, while Serbians were on Austria's side. Later Hungarians and Austrians made a compromise by making Austro-Hungarian Empire.)


Further you can see the Saint George's Cathedral. We all call it Saborna crkva (which I hope is best translated as 'Cathedral Church'). The Church was finished in 1905. after the older one was destroyed in 1849.


Edited by EaglePrince

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I know I'm repeating myself here, but these photos are just stunning! As Crusader said, I love to see the white snow, it really adds to the beauty of the place. However, unlike Crusader, I myself am experiencing the cold, without the snow, because that's apparently how Wales works :P

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Well, we had some winters with -20C, so even though it's still below zero, we're handling it quite well. Like I believe I said before, last few winters were with very little snow, so I'm really enjoying this one. Well, it's easy for me since I don't depend of it.


Thanks, to both of you.


I only miss the blue sky. :)

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Here are few more shots from me. It has become a lot warmer by now.


Boulevard of Mihajlo Pupin in Novi Sad. (The boulevard was build during SFR Yugoslavia, that is after WWII, and it bears name of a famous Serbian scientist.) In the background of the first image you can see the Petrovaradin Fortress and its famous clock (which can also be seen on my older pictures of the fortress), while on the second one you can see a large white building we call Banovina. It is the seat of the Government of Vojvodina (the northern Serbian province). It was build in 1930, and in that time it served is the seat of Dunavska Banovina (Danube Banovina) during Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Speaking about banovina's of Yugoslavia... As you all know, Yugoslavia consisted of a many nations. The country needed to be divided somehow for easier government, but they didn't want to divide the country by ethnic borders, but by regions. They were hoping that this would keep the country more stable. Have a look at this map. Later I shall post more images of Banovina.






And again, the building of Petroleum Industry of Serbia, but by much better weather. :) (For no specific reason, it was really nice weather and I wanted to take a shot. :) )



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Few more spring shots from myself. The first picture is from Danube Park, I'd say it's by far the prettiest park in my city. I may take few more shots there later. The second one is Boulevard of Mihajlo Pupin, I did have a shot of it as well, but now it's on completely different weather, so I though it might be worth posting. The picture was taken right before the Danube Park.


And the third picture, flowers on a young apricot tree behind my house. That's the window of my room that can be seen on the picture.



Edited by EaglePrince

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So, here I come with few shots from Ostrava, Czech Republic. :)

















And few more shots from Budapest, Hungary. :)







And few more from my city. Interesting how I was away for only few days, and the moment I arrived I noticed how everything turned green in my country, while in Czech Republic most of the trees were still like in winter. :)








Oh, and I could share a picture of myself too, since we've known each other for years by now. :)



EDIT: Oh, and guys, I hope you could make few shots and share them as well, it would be interesting. :)

Edited by EaglePrince

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Some really nice photos there @EaglePrince! You're very gifted with taking good scenic pictures. :cool:


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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OK, let me revive this thread. :D I recently visited Budapest, so I made plenty of photographs. Well, I was making pictures like crazy, I even decided to delete many of them few weeks after coming home. Though most of those deleted shots were photos of same objects shot from different perspectives. I picked the best ones. These are two photographs for now. :)



Hungarian Parliament Building by gari, on Flickr

Before the parliament building there is a monument to R?k?czi Ferenc II, leader of the famous Hungarian uprising against the Habsburgs in 1703-11.



Monument to Imre Nagy, Budapest by gari, on Flickr

While I was taking the shot of the parliament, this monument was right behind my back. That's the reason I'm posting these two together.

Edited by EaglePrince

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Stuck this thread :)


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Glad to see you're interested, and yes - I would love for you to show me how it looks like where you live. I enjoy following people on Flickr. Some of them share photos from where they live, such as Minnesota, Wales, etc. Some of them have chances to travel a lot, and they share their photos from all around the world. I love both, but I would enjoy your photos much more because I know you guy. :) This fact alone would make these photos "less generic".


Here are few more shots from Budapest. I have plenty more from this year, and I should organize them better, and I would like to share more of them with you.



Shoes on the Danube Bank, Budapest by gari, on Flickr



The Sz?chenyi Chain Bridge, Budapest by gari, on Flickr

Edited by EaglePrince

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Let's revive this tread! I visited Hungary again this weekend, so I have several new pictures to share from Szeged.

Among other things, here, you may see the Heroes's Gate, which commemorates Hungarian soldiers from Szeged who died in WWI. However, those painted solders look too much angry to me, but I don't know, maybe that's because Hungary and Serbia were fighting each other back than.😄 According to this text (where one can see the statues and the frescoes more closely) it is the largest outdoor fresco in Europe. It was covered for more than 15 years after WWII.

Right there is also a statue of Ferenc Rákóczi II, who led the war of independence against Hubsburgs, which took place from 1703 to 1711. That war is often mentioned as a jacquerie, a peasant rebellion, as most of the Hungarian nobility did not support Rákóczi's uprising.

Dugonics Fountain Square, Szeged by gari, on Flickr

Ungár Mayer Palota (Ungar-Mayer House) by gari, on Flickr

Hősök kapuja (Heroes' Gate), Szeged by gari, on Flickr

Kárász Street, Szeged by gari, on Flickr

A traffic circle in Szeged by gari, on Flickr

Reök Palace, Szeged by gari, on Flickr

Szeged Sinagogue by gari, on Flickr

Gutenberg Street, Szeged by gari, on Flickr

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