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Mathew Steel

Country Specific Military Regiments

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Recently, I've been watching a lot of documentaries on the SAS and Navy Seals, simply out of interest. The SAS is obviously a British army regiment/counter-terrorism unit, however, watching a documentary, the SAS has HQs run by other nationalities. For example, there was one in Perth, Australia, ran by Australian SAS members. I'm just curious to know why and how? I was under the impression that the SAS was a British-only regiment, however, now I feel quite ignorant :P?


Secondly, the training for both units seems very intense and merciless. The SAS use a "silent run" tactic, where no positive nor negative feedback is given. I assume this is to get them prepared for the worse. Am I wrong in believing in actual scenarios, squads are very supportive of one another on a tactical and "emotional" (for want of a better word) level.


Any help is appreciated! Also, hope everyone is well, and Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it :D

Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Hi, Matthew.

Well, from what "I" know (and have been able to find out), The British SAS is strictly an English Special Operations Force. The Australian Special Air Services Regiment (SASR), was modeled after British SAS. As with most Special Operations Units, they do train together at some point. This is seen particularly with The US Army Special Forces. Or "Green Berets".


SAS has always impressed me. Created in 1950 from the different WW II "Commando" Units, they became a premier Fighting Force. They no doubt inspired US President John F. Kennedy to create The Green Berets in the 1960s.


Training for any Specialized Unit in The Military is intense. This is based on the very nature of the job they do. In the 1960s and 1970s, Counter-Insurgency was the focus. Now obviously, it is Counter-Terrorism.


Speaking only from a US Army point of view, Special Operations Training is very grueling. In some cases, it can take up to year. Of the few friends I have who were "Special Operations" Soldiers - from what they have told me they endured, I am not sure I would have survived it.


Back in 1982 (in my younger days) I was stationed in South Korea with the 2nd Infantry. The Korean Army had a Training Course US Soldiers could "volunteer" for, that involved training with their Ranger Battalion. I did one week with them. Thoroughly tough "you know whats". They did stuff to "us" (15 to be exact), that was absolutely hardcore nuts! I graduated and had a new found respect for ANY Countries Special Operators.


My imput at any rate. May you and yours have a joyous Holiday Season.

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I see! I did come across the SASR when looking it up, however, the documentary I watched referred to them as SAS, which is likely where I got confused! Thank you very much for the explanation.


I agree, the SAS are certainly good at what they do! Watching the Iranian Embassy Siege really is something. To think that was 36 years ago!

Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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