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Teal Player Colour Maps?

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Would anyone be able to upload some large size (400x400) blank invasion maps for Stronghold and Stronghold Crusader where the player colour has been switched to teal?


I tried downloading the map pack by Jalis from Stronghold Heaven but all the maps were tiny size, and when I tried to resize them I can't place any buildings outside the original tiny borders. Not sure if that's a bug with the Mac version or what, but in any case it would be great if someone could help me with getting those maps so I could create some scenarios with teal player colour. :)

Edited by Narrikis

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Okay, my only 2nd Official "Moderator" attempt (Ha).


Solution #1

In our Downloads Central Section, on both SH and SHC Maps, you will find a collection of "Utility Maps" I submitted that are 400x400 Colored Blanks. You can use them for whatever scenario you wish to "turn them into". I had downloaded a Teal version, but it has vanished.


Solution #2 is to download my "Freebuild" Map in SH1 called "A Rocky Place". It is in Teal and has a very easy to erase landscape and you can change it from "Freebuild" to "Invasion". Next (once changed), SAVE the Map and rename the File to whatever you want. You will have a blank, Teal Invasion Map.


If you have never used a Map Unlocker, which is how I made my Blank Colors Utilities, check one out. It is easy to use. I can't remember if we have one here, but SHH does. It was made years ago and is VERY effective. It also won't harm your machine or game. It does not have directions, so if you do download it, let me know and I can PM you a simple set of instructions.

Edited by Crusader1307

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Thanks. Yeah the Teal template map seems to be gone from the downloads section. I'll have a look for your map and maybe just erase the landscape like you said.

As far as Map Unlockers I'm not sure if there are any that work on Mac? I remember I tried downloading one but it came as a .exe file, so my computer couldn't open it.

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Too bad. No solution from my side. Maybe Chris would know. For now, your best bet is to wipe my Map and use it. Make sure you make a copy of the strip version so you can at least have a Teal Map. I think I have one on SHC as well, but I can't remember the name (lol). I let you know........

Edited by Crusader1307

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I think there is a modding tool that lets you do it, but again I think it's a .exe file so I wouldn't be able to use it... :(

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Why wouldn't you be able to use it? Sorry if it's a dumb question. :)


I think that there was something about changing some numbers, or something like that, but yeah, there has to be some kind of tool for that.


EDIT: Now I noticed, you're on a Mac. :) If you find some tutorial on internet which includes some tool, let us know. I may not have the time to research a little, but if you find something - I could try it for you. :)

Edited by EaglePrince

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