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The End of The US Election. ........

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I don't know what your political stance was, but I do hope you're doing well! I feel like the US has been divided by the result. I personally, have stayed out of the US election, this one in particular was too controversial for me to post any opinion. Again, hope you're well!

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Thanks Matthew, the Political "Opinion" posted is about as much as I want to go as well. I guess we (in America), will have to "wait" and see.

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I have to ask, excuse my ignorance, what's the significance of the flag at half mast? Google couldn't help me...Thank you!?:)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Two meanings. First, it is symbolic of Country honoring fallen Heroes or persons of significance. The practice goes back to the 17th Century in most Countries.

Second, it can also be used to signify surrender. This practice is debated as coming from the 18th/19th Century.

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I have to ask, excuse my ignorance, what's the significance of the flag at half mast? Google couldn't help me...Thank you!?:)
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I see that Crusader already gave the answer, but I just wanted to add that in Serbia our flag is at half mast on a day of mourning. I believe it's similar or the same in the rest of the world. :)


Another fact - you don't actually rise the flag at half mast. You rise it to the top, and then you slowly lower it at half mast.


I have heard that they did it for the first time on an English ship which in 17th century which traveled to Canada. On their voyage the captain died, and when they returned to England they had their flag like this.


Another interesting fact when it comes to history of USA and Serbia, and flag. In 1818. after the WWI the flag of Serbia was hang (please correct me, I'm almost sure that "hang" isn't the right verb :( ) in the USA to honor our fight for freedom against Autro-Hungaria and their allies. As far as I know, the only other flag which was hang next to the American one in the USA was the French flag. In both cases the flags were hang in all American institutions.


People nowadays mostly connect us with Russia, while many consider USA, France, and UK as our traditional allies.



Oh, and about the election, maybe this guy has the point. :)


Edited by EaglePrince

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Correct on all counts, Eagle. But the plural is "hung", although a Vexologist (Flag Expert) will say "flown" at half-staff (on land), and half-Mast ?(at sea).

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That is very interesting, Eagle. Thank you for the addition! :)


Also, Crusader, do you mean the past tense/participle is "hung" not the plural? :P

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Haha! Honestly, I was making sure I wasn't being silly. I read it and had to think about it for a minute, lol.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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