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Any Freebuild Maps?

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Has anyone around here made any freebuild maps for Stronghold 3? If so it'd be great if some could be added to the downloads section on this site. I just had a browse through and it looks like there are none here currently. I'm a fan of freebuild but was getting a bit tired of the original 4 in the game, and let's be honest some of the landscapes on those 4 maps don't look very natural...


I know there's plenty of talented map-makers in the Stronghold community so I'm sure someone out there has made one or two. :)

Edited by Narrikis

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I've found a few Freebuild maps at this link, do let me know if you like any and I'll upload them here as well.


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Ah thanks I'll have a look. That site wasn't working for me yesterday but it seems ok now.

Edited by Narrikis

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Hey, today I'm going to be busy, but I have one map which Lord Vetka created for me. I will check in the download section if he has submitted it to Downloads section, and if not - I would submit it on his behalf. Or, if Chris has a better solution I would send him the map by email.


I think he hasn't submitted it, I will check it, but this isn't actually a free build map. I'd rather say it's an easy invasion map with beautiful landscapes on which you could chill. :) Actually there are two maps he created and sent me - one where you start on a hill, I think it is some coastal area, and the other where you're in a valley, there is also some cave on that map.


If anyone is in contact with Lord Vetka, please say him hi, and tell him that we miss him here. :(

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Thanks EaglePrince. Both of those maps sound interesting, if you do find them it would be great if you could upload the two!

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Here are the maps.


Eagles Lair

But be aware that I am sending you all versions that I have. There is one version of Eagles Lair in which I think I wasn't able to build armory (it was disabled by mistake), and in some version of the map I think that the lord wasn't able to leave the keep, and that was because of terrain.


Now we shall wait for Chris to tell us what's going to be the best thing to do with those maps, and when we submit them to downloads section I am going to remove those download links. :)

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You're welcome. :)


Oh, and one more thing - on these maps you can only build wooden walls, and stuff like that. I really like that aspect of Stronghold 3, so I was asking Lord Vetka to make it like that, but you should be able to easily enable more buildings if you want, including stone structures.

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Thanks. Actually I don't know if I could enable other buildings, because I don't think the Mac version has the map editor :P

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The map editor needs to be downloaded separately. When you install the game, the map editor is not downloaded too, I think you should be able to find it within tools, or something like that. :)


EDIT: Yeah, that's right - in the Library I have a category Tools, and there I can find both Stronghold 3 and Crusader 2 map editors.

Edited by EaglePrince

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