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Want to make some small maps?

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Hi all!


This is Timballisto, I've been at Stronghold Heaven for a long time, but this is my first time posting here. ?It looks like people have migrated over this way, looks like a nice place.


I started a thread for a competition to make tiny maps in Stronghold and Stronghold Crusader. ?The idea is to get people together to make some maps that don't take an exorbitant amount of time or effort to create. ?Maps are required to be 160x160 and as long as 10 years in duration, the other details can be found in this thread. ?If you'd like to participate, feel free to sign up in either thread!

Edited by Timballisto

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Hi Timballisto, and welcome to The Nation! I am sure you will find willing Participants here. And your quite right. This is a great Site to post your Maps as well as make some new friends.

Welcome Again!

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Welcome @Timballisto! Fantastic to have you here with us =)


I promoted you so you can now post links here, and have all the other privileges too - welcome!


As Crusader says, we have an excellent downloads section, set of articles and Gallery - we even have our very own History Quiz and regularly updated threads on History, Myths and UFOs and Conspiracy theories in The Open Castle Inn!


If you would like to contribute at all, please don't hesitate! :D


In regards to your contest, I've promoted you now so you should be able to post an official topic in the Competitions forum (if you'd like), but it will need approval first by a staff member. The reason for this is to prevent people from spamming the Competitions forum of creating posts in there filling it up with unofficial competitions, .etc. In other words, it's to keep it to a real list of competitions.


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Awesome, thanks Lord Chris! ?I think making a thread for the contest in that forum would be a good idea. ?How do I go about getting approval for it?

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You just post in the Competitions forum but instead of getting redirected back to your topic, you get redirected to the forum. I (and the rest of the team) will get a notification once it's been posted so it can be approved straight away.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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