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Unable to reply in a tread

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Hi! Whenever I try to post a message at Stronghold Nation forum I get a server error. This is the exact message I get:


Server Error


The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration, we've been unable to display the page you requested.


We apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused, use the link below to try again, alternatively you can return to the board index.


Errno [2] fsockopen(): unable to connect to mail.stronghold-nation.com:25 (Connection timed out)


Back to the indexTry again

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In addition to that, i was able to create a new tread, and to reply to that same tread, if whenever I tried to reply to any other tread, I got the error message. For example, I should be able to reply in this tread, but I've been unable to post a reply in history tread since yesterday.

Edited by EaglePrince

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This was as a result of the email issue; emails weren't working so when the forum attempted to send the subscription emails for the topic you were replying to it couldn't.


This issue has been fixed now.


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Thanks, Chris, I will try it now.


Also, regarding the topic I created and which you regarded as a spam (with full right of course)... I am sorry about that, I though I also wrote you to delete it, but it appears that I did not. I was sure that I did that, but I don't see that in my messages there, so I don't know... I apologize for that. I hope you know that I wouldn't post spam messages intentionally.

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While I understand why you attempted to "test", and I do know that in normal circumstances, you wouldn't post it, you shouldn't have done this. There was an announcement out at the time that we were having issues with emails, and you had just posted this topic asking for help. That should have been up to a moderator to test.


That was a pre-generated auto-moderation action to add that reply and move it to the Lion Tooth Dungeon.


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