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Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies

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It has been nearly a year since the clattering of steel has been heard in Riverbourne, and the Duke's brave adventurers have settled into their new positions and the comfort of their awards from their last quest - knighthood, a purse of coins, and 120 acres of good farmland each. The knights have been reduced to running minor errands for the Duke, as there has been a steady peace, and no leads on Glynn or any of the other traitors within the realm. It is almost as if Duke Christopher's enemies have returned to their scheming in the shadows after the defeat of their armies.


Some word of excitement has once again perked the ears of the adventurers of Riverbourne. The Duke calls all of his friends and all other noble persons in the land to gather at his castle. Rumors have been circling throughout the villages that the Duke intends to cement his dynasty's claim to these lands, as his father did for him, by finding a suitable bride who will become the Duchess of Riverbourne.


It is no secret in the Duke's court that he has corresponded many times by letter to the King of Aragon, in the southern lands of Hispania, and that King Alfonso's third daughter Francesca is of wedding age, and very beautiful - and, more importantly, set to inherit the County of Navarre upon her father's death.


The adventurer's arrive in the Duke's hall at the arranged time, and kneel before him as he sits in his ducal throne.


"Welcome again to my home, friends and peers of the realm. I have asked you to come here for what may be little more than a boring security operation. However, it is a very important one. His majesty, the King of Aragon, with full permission from our own monarch, is set to arrive in Riverbourne within the coming month, should the tides carry his ship gently. With him, his daughter Francesca and some other members of the Aragonese royal family will be my guests, and if it all goes smoothly then a wedding shall be held.


"I ask you to assist, in keeping out anyone that may wish harm upon myself or Aragon, especially because it has only been a year since the duchy was last thrown into peril. Though I doubt anything eventful will occur, it is better to err on the side of caution.


"Now, if you will excuse me, I must make arrangements. My gates will remain open to you, and my guards will let you go where you wish - just find out if there is anything to this ..."


He hands Brother Goodman an opened letter before bidding you all stand, when he leaves to find a scribe to send out invitations.


Goodman clears his throat and reads for the whole company:


"My Lord,


You would best be advised to keep an eye open in your sleep. This marriage shall not take place. I have my own plans for the county of Navarre.


- S"


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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Brother Goodman glanced up after reading. The Duke's Hall was full of familiar faces. Some he saw regularly, others not so. It had been some time since he had been awarded his Lands by his Grace, The Duke Christopher. In that time, he had turned the acres into a thriving Shire (complete with several hundred hard working Peasants). His "Company" of (by now very skilled) fighters, made up a loyal Contingent for The Duke.


Goodman cleared his voice. "Well, my friends, it appears our lot is yet cast again into service". Briefly he thought of The Duke's present of a fine Great Sword for his service. His hand reached down to the handle of his beloved Templar blade. "Shall we pledge our loyalties again with a drink?" Goodman said as he mused the mysterious reference to "S" in the note given to The Duke.

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Goodman and the others went to have a drink in their favourite spot next to the window overlooking some of the gardens. It wasn't long before Goodman noticed a servant rushing from the outside maze towards the nearest stairwell in what appeared to be a frantic rush. Nothing more was thought until a few minutes later when another servant entered and came straight to Goodman, whispering in his ear "My lord, his lordship requests your presence immediately, please follow me."


Goodman nodded to the servant so as not to give away the reason he was leaving, then signalled to the others he would be back soon. He hastily followed the servant. They went through a part of the castle where Goodman had never been before, venturing up and down several corridors which all looked the same, before eventually arriving at the familiar scene of the Duke's quarters.


On entering the room, the Duke was in the centre with servants attending to his armour and Sir Richard was also in attendance along with one other man Goodman did not know talking to Sir Richard. The two looked up at Goodman, who gave the Duke a half-puzzled look almost wondering what was happening, but after a second or so, the Duke spoke with clear urgency in his voice. "Section 34a of the gardens is under attack by a large force of Imperial Wolverine guard, by a man supposedly named 'Viscount Armundus'"


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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"The Wolverines, my old adversaries", Goodman recalled the battles that he and his men had fought with them. He had heard of their activity in The Realm, but without The Dukes concern, he did not seem it necessary to mount amy offenses againstill them.....till now.


He thought it strange not to advise his trusted companions at the gathering at The Great Hall, but no matter. The Duke had his reasons. "I will leave for my Shire immediately, My Lord. I will be prepared to March against them with 3 hours". With that, Goodman genuflected in respect to his Leige, and headed off down the tunnel. Exiting from a side entrance, a Squire brought him his Mount. Goodman rode off to his Village, all the while formulating his attack against The Gardens.


Coming to his Village, Goodman dismounted and called to his Aide. "Assemble The Guard in full battle gear. We March today in defense of The Dukes Garden!" With that, Brother Goodman looked to his own preparations. "The Wolverine's", Goodman mused - "Time for some good old fashioned "hunting"..........

Edited by Crusader1307

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While all this happened, Sir Loring still sat on the table by the window, enjoying the drinks with the other lords.


He wondered why his friend Goodman had been called away so urgently. But surely in time he would be told about it.

Slightly shifting the sheathed sword, that he wore at his side ever since Duke Christopher had given it to him as reward of his services, he made himself comfortable in his chair and waited.

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Goodman had assembled his 200 odd man Guards. Archers, Horsemen and Men-at-Arms, they began the "forced" March toward The Dukes Gardens.?


Goodman had a brief War Council with his Subordinate Commanders prior to the move. On theory, the Archers (2 deep in twin lines), would open the Battle with a "cloud of arrows".?


Next, Infantry would push up through the Center, keeping The Wolverines busy. Finally, two Flanks of Cavalry would converge on both The enemies Flanks simultaneously.


In theory, that is. One thing that Brother Goodman had learned these many years, "Theory" is NOT always "practicality".

Reaching the pre-arranged location, Goodman split his Cavalry. One going towards the enemies right. Goodman took the remainder and wheeled left.?


Time would tell, soon enough.......

Edited by Crusader1307

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Meanwhile, unaware of the events on the far side of the Gardens, Charles Loring took a letter from his pocket and read over it again.


It was from his brother, Nigel, who was giving him an account of his recent travels. Although Sir Nigel, beeing the firstbore, had inherited their father's estate, it never kept him home for long and he had gone on Crusade with King Richard. That had not quite gone as planned for him, but after falling out with the King and recieving a tough beating by the King's loyal lords at Upway Castle, the King had pardoned him and allowed him to return home.


On the way home, he was now stuck on the island of Sicily, where he got right in the middle of the Dukes fighting over supremacy of the island. But one day, eventually, he would return to his estate in England.



Sir Charles put the letter away. "For beeing my older brother, he has quite a talent for getting himself into trouble", he though. He was glad that he now have his own estate, by grace of Duke Christopher, awarded for his services - a small forest estate with lots of deer for the hunting he loved so much.



Suddenly he felt like taking a bit of fresh air.

He put the letter away and walked out into the Gardens. Everything seemed calm and peaceful ....

Edited by Nigel

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Goodman surveyed the field before him for his position on a low level hill, completely concealed by forest. He could no longer see his Horse Troop on the Left Flank of the enemy. They awaited his signal. The Wolverines were encamped in a clearing, and going about their daily routine.


Goodman raised his sword to eye level, twisting the blade so it reflected The Sun. The glint of steel flashing was well seen by his Archers. The two lines of Bowmen advanced in quick order. Forming lines that were several hundred feet apart, the first line aimed at a 45 degree angle. Setting loose their arrows, they arched high in the air...coming down in the middle of The Wolverines Camp.?


Just as quickly ?(as they had been taught and practiced), the second line repeated the action. Again, the first and again the sevond. Goodman counted 4 such volleys. The Wolverines, in disarray, attempted to mount a defense. At this time, Goodman again raised his sword to catch The Sun's glare.?

The lines of Infantry spilled our of the forest woodline. Breaking into 3 small Squares, the Formation moved forward. "Goodman'split Square" times three!


As the Infantry using the Ancient tactic smashed into The Wolverines, Goodman motioned for his Trumpeter to sound the first tone. With the blare, the Left Troop of Horse came crashing through the woods and into the confused flank of the enemy.


Goodman raised his sword on high. "For Duke Christopher.....CHARGE!" Goodman and his Troop galloped full into the remaining exposed right flank of The Wolverines.


Clanging metal, blood and gore were the order of the day. The pitched battle went on for a mere 20 minutes before the enemy "survivors", threw down their weapons. A cheer arose from Brother Goodman's valiant band.


"Adjutant", Goodman yelled. "A proper count of our dead and wounded....And send our Physician to aid the enemy. A Guard will be mounted to take the survivors to The Duke's good judgment". Goodman lowered himself from his Mount to the earth. Taking a knee, he placed his blade tip into the ground. The upturned Sword resembled a Cross.?


Goodman prayed aloud...."God in Heaven, We are victorious!" With that his Troops resounded with "Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!"

Edited by Crusader1307

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[OOC] Nice writing @Crusader1307. I felt like I was reading an After Action Report from a detailed simulator. :)


[back to the action ...]


Goodman's officer had tallied the casualties on both sides, and saw to it that the enemy prisoners were disarmed and kept on guard.


"Sir, of our own men we lost 12 in the fighting, and some 20 are wounded. The enemy dead number 56, and we captured 100. Our men report that about one or two hundred enemies fled the field, and are likely still running. What are your orders sir, and what are we to do with the prisoners?"


Just as Goodman was about to answer, a rider came galloping towards him. He salutes, and with a Spanish accent proclaims: "Greetings, my lord. You are a skilled commander. My lord, King Alfonso of Aragon, would like to meet you. His pavilion is set up on that hill -" he points to a tall tent, not quite half a mile away. "My Lord wishes to inform you that he was just about to deploy his soldiers to assist you, before he noticed your horsemen strike out from the woods. He has sent out his own knights, and his own brave son, Sancho, to dispatch these brigands. I shall show you the way to my master's camp, if you wish?"


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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"Alfonso, eh?", Goodman mused. He had heard of this Lord (more so of his Knights exploits against The Moors). His Christian Knights were fighting for the re-establishment of Christianity within his Realm. Goodman was no Diplomat. He was a Warrior. Still, he thought it prudent to accept the invitation.


"Tell His Highness, that I will accept his invitation in the Name of Duke Christopher". I must first "wash off" this day's "events". With that, The Royal Aide bowed and said he would wait. Goodman turned and spoke to his Aide, as he turned to return to a Command Tent (set up nearby for his use). "Send a Rider back to Duke Christopher and relate this meeting to him. I will go alone to meet His Highness. But first, bring me some water and send a Page to clean my equipment".

Edited by Crusader1307

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A heavy hand landed on Brother Goodman's shoulder.

He looked up in surprise, only to see his friend Charles Loring standing above him and handing him a cask of water.


"I was at the other side of the garden, when I heared what sounded like battlecries. When I came nearer, I saw some Wolverine Guards running with their tails between their legs. So I thought I would head into the direction where they are running from and would have a good chance finding you there :D "


"Here, take this towel, too. You are expected to speak to King Alfonso alone, but you must tell me all about it, when you come back"

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"Much thanks, my friend". Goodman shook the hand of his old comrade. Taking the towel, he washed off the dirt and gore.?


"I am not sure of this meeting" Goodman said. He remembered he had little "luck" with his previous "meetings". Still, this Lord was Father to The Dukes intended. Politeness (and prudence), was called for.


Chatting with Loring, Goodman changed his clothing. Doning a shined breastplate bearing The Duke's Cypher, he strapped on his leather Sword belt, and sheathed his Templar blade.Sir Loring helped him with his Red Cloak (another gift from The Duke). The two exited the tent.


"Well, away I go, Good Loring". With a thump on his breastplate with this right hand, he extended it outward towards Loring ?(an ancient salute between Knights). With that, Brother Goodman rode off toward King Alfonso and his camp.

Edited by Crusader1307

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As Brother Goodman enters the camp, he is greeted by cheers in the Catalan and Basque languages from Alfonso's soldiers. In the middle of the massive circle of tents is the King's own pavilion, arraigned with the striped colors of the coat-of-arms of the Crown of Aragon. When Goodman approaches the entrance, the folds are parted by two halberdiers.


The king is a portly man, dressed in a blue robe with the Crown (slightly tilted) on his head. He sits upon his "campaign throne" (a fine piece of oak laid upon a stretcher, to be carried by four men), and twirls his black beard and mustache, waiting for a servant to bring him a platter of chicken legs. Noticing Goodman, he smiles and gives a wave with his free hand (the other, reaching for a drumstick). Instinctively, Goodman bows until the King orders him to rise.


"You are finally here, brave knight. Your Duke must think so highly of you to allow such a host of seasoned soldiers under your command. I am not sure whether those rogues intended harm against myself, or your master, but certainly they would not have minded offending both. Therefore, for your efforts, I invite you to eat with me and tell me all about the realm of Riverbourne ..."


Before Alfonso could say anymore or Goodman respond, the two heard the galloping of horses outside. Two men in full suits of armor entered, both about thirty years of age (as Goodman deducted once they removed their helmets). One looked much like the King himself, though more fit than fat, and the other had the look of a blond, blue-eyed half-Frenchman from Roussillon. The two gave more quick and shallow bows than Goodman, but Alfonso still seemed only pleased.


"My lord," said the dark-haired one, "we have slain all of the brigands we could catch. What few able to run away shall have no desire to plague these lands or your presence with their barbarism."


"Thank you Sancho, my dear son," replied Alfonso. "Sir Goodman, this is my eldest son Sancho, and my captain-of-the-guard, Sir Sebastian." The first nodded, and the second thumped his chest in Goodman's direction. As soon as this happened, a young lady of some twenty years in a maroon dress entered.


"Oh, Francesca, you have missed the arrival of our guest and the return of your brother! Come and sit by me, oh you remind me so much of your mother ..." Indeed, she had a different coloring than her brother, she a brunette with Mediterranean skin, and him being rather pale. Sebastian, it seemed, blushed slightly and looked down as she entered.


"Now Goodman, that the entire royal family who set out for England (my wife Sofia, who is acting as regent, and my youngest son Santiago stayed at home) are here, please tell us more about this cold and harsh land!"


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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Brother Goodman surveyed the scene as he entered the Royal Tent. "A fine setting indeed", he thought to himself. He spoke. Chiding his words carefully. "My Liege, This Land is fair and good. Our Lord The Duke, is a just Ruler who is plagued with treachery. Although we have had a period of Peace and prosperity of late, "foul winds" have again blown in." Goodman went through a brief description regarding the battles The Duke and his Armies had fought. Goodman knew The Spanish would enjoy this.


Goodman saw The King (although feasting), listening intently - as was his Son. Goodman continued with speaking of The Shire under his Stewardship. "Although a poor table Sire, ?I invite you and your Entourage to move and encamp within my Shire. Your Armies can readily quarter there and you will be within a days ride of My Lord, The Duke."


Goodman knew this to be a prudent move. The closer The Duke and The King were to each other, the easier it was to mass their Armies. This new string of Bandit "encounters" were in no doubt related to the implied threat to The Duke's intended.

Edited by Crusader1307

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"May we, father?" asked the beautiful Francesca.


"Of course, my dove. Sir Goodman, if what you have told us is true, you and your lord are even nobler than we expected." He then turned to Sebastian: "Order our men to be ready to set out within two hours." Sebastian bowed and exited the tent.


Again the King turned to Goodman. "I did not bring a sizeable army, but my bravest and most loyal knights (some of the Order of Santiago) have accompanied me here. If indeed there is trouble ahead, I do not doubt that our pooled strength will be able to beat it. Now, if you will excuse me, I must prepare for the ride to your lands ..."


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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Bowing at the head, Goodman turned and exited the Royal Tent. He knew of The Order of Santiago. Good and loyal Fighters. He mounted his steed and galloped off towards his Battle Camp. Arriving, he ordered several of his Aides to ride back to The Shire and make preparations for their Guests. Goodman ordered a small detachment to ride to The Duke and advise him of the days "adventures".


Moving to the ovetlook, he saw his Detachment already in Marching Order. He trotted down among them to the head of the Column. Raising his arm, he gave the command to go forward. Goodman began his trek back towards the Kings Tent. He would escort the Royal Entourage and his Troops back to the Shire himself.

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Sir Charles Lorgin cought up with him on the way and Brother Goodman took the opportunity to tell him what had been spoken in the Royal tent.


"This is splendid", the young knight replied. "You are having a king as guest on your land. I am really a little bit envious of you - but only a little bit. I know that it is not only a great honour, but also a great deal of work to be hosting a king and his family. And a great responsibility, too. Far too much for my small forest estate :)


Well, if there is anything I can help you with - be it food or additional servants or a good wine from my cellar - do not hestiate to call on me."

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"I intend you to be an honored Guest at my table Sir Loring. Send word ahead to your own Shire that you will be spending several days with me at my humble home". Goodman intended to introduce as many of his most worthy Allies to The Aragon Royalty. These were honorable and battle tested friends who may benefit from such a meeting in the long run.


The long line of Troops moved forward towards Goodman's Shire. A protective Shield of Aragonese Soldiers flanked the Royal Litters. A small detachment of Goodman and his Guards led the way, with the bulk of his Force in "Rear Guard". Onward they trodded. Soon, they would be home.


A Rider galloped up to Goodman from the front road. He wore the colors of The Duke. "My Lord", the rider bade. "The Duke will meet you at your Shire when you arrive".

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[OOC] Let's see if we can revive this .....


The two of them rode at the top of the company for a while and talked. Then they approached a dense forest with a small single-track pathway. There was no way around this for 30 miles, and Goodman knew that there was not time to take the detour. This would be the perfect site for an ambush, and he knew of all the enemies who could take advantage of this.


But before he could decide whether or not to go through, a messenger came riding up from behind the company, at full speed along with a scruffy looking troop who had clearly been in combat. The messenger himself wore the emblem of the Duke on his tunic. "My lord, the Duke has been captured. He has been taken to a hidden fortress inside the forest by Duke Renaut's troops."


Though Goodman had not seen this particular messenger before, it seemed obvious the situation appeared legitimate. He thought for a moment before taking the time to reply. Duke Renaut was renowned for ruthless killing in cold blood and was a fearless warrior as well as being very powerful and deceitful. He was also a very skilled strategic commander. His troops were made of up the very best, and this was not someone who anyone in their right mind would actively seek to anger. Duke Renaut had usually always been loyal to the Duke and this was an extremely concerning situation.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Goodman was surely vexed. Peace had been a welcome relief to the Past engagements both he and his Liege had come to know. Goodman said nothing to the entourage he was escorting. His primary goal was to keep The King safe. They rode on.


Upon arrival at The Shire, Goodman had his Manor Servants ready his Guests food and prepare for the much anticipated feast. Calling his trusting Senior Aide, he ordered the 200-man strong Shire Force to Arms.


Goodman sent a Messenger to The Kings Quarters, requesting an immediate audience. He would have to disclose the unfortunate news of the fate of his potential Son-in-Law. He also would beg his Highness the use of his splendid Knights, to add to his own Battle-tested Warriors.?


Opening his nearby wardrobe, Goodman placed his hand on the tattered and we?ll worn Templar tunic. ?Well, old friend ? I have use of you yet again?.

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There was a knock at his door, and he opened it to which he saw a servant. A servant who did not look particularly familiar but out of attention being elsewhere, he did not particularly think more. "My Lord, may I have a moment?" Goodman nodded and signalled to come inside, then shut the door behind him. He moved over to his circular table, his back turned - where he moved over and picked up his sword, polishing it lightly.


"So, what news do you bring?" he asked the servant. But just a moment after he had finished speaking, the servant put his hand in his pocket and removed a small, easily concealed Aztec blowpipe. Raising it to his mouth, he prepared to shoot a dart in the back of Goodman's neck. But Goodman caught sight of this out the corner of his eye in the mirror opposite - and immediately lurched to the right onto the table, avoiding this fatal dart which instead hit the mirror shattering it into a thousand pieces onto the oak floor. All that remained was the strong rectangular shaped frame where the mirror seconds ago had stood.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Serviceable Villain, eh?? Goodman murmured as he took several large steps towards the would be Assassin. Bringing up his Sword to the throat of The Knave, Goodman stopped short. The Man immediately dropped to the ground through no blow on Goodman?s account.


Goodman looked down to see a white foam gurgling from The Assassin?s mouth. He was dead. Goodman noticed a Dart in the Man?s hand and a fresh, blood red puncture. The Assassin had obviously decided to kill himself with his own poison rather than be captured. There would be no interrogations.


A commotion ?at Goodman?s door revealed a detail of Guards, alerted to the shattering of the mirror. ?Take this Knave to The Shires Physician. See if he can recognize the poison used?. Goodman recalled his Aide and gave him instructions. ?Double all interior Guards, especially around The King.?


Soon after, Goodman was advised by his earlier Messenger, that The King would see him immediately. No doubt the fate of The Duke was known to him. Goodman departed his Rooms for The King. Again, he would have to play that most ?detested? game (for him, at least) ? diplomacy.

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[OOC] Glad that we are reviving this adventure. Count me in.


On his way to the King's quarters, Goodman came across his friend Loring and briefly shared his new knowledge.


The young knight gave a sigh, "This is the second time our Lordship is getting himself kidnapped. One of us should have a word with this bodyguards at some point in time."


He was glad, tough, that he had earlier sent a servant to call for a group of huntsmen from his own forest estate to join their party. They had been intended for the King's sporting entertainment, but they were strong men, good with a bow and experts at moving silently through the woods. They should make a valuable addition to their company when they arrive.

Edited by Nigel

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Looking more closely at his friend, Charles Loring noticed a fur of concern about his brow and immediately guessed what what on his mind.


"Brother Goodman, if you are worried about your meeting with the King of Aragon and your duty of telling him about the disappearance of his future son in law, I will be happy to go with you and we can speak to the king together - if you want. What do you say?"

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