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Stronghold Warlords - The Next Stronghold Instalment
Firefly have finally revealed Stronghold Next - Stronghold Warlords. It is set in the far East in the age of the Khans, dating from the 1200s. With a brand new art style and a new game mechanic, Firefly seem to be taking the series in a new direction. There is more to be revealed, but while you wait, take a look at what we can see! Trailer Extras Let us know your thoughts! -
New History Section
A Brand New Historical Section has been added. ''The Elizabethan Era'' will cover the Life and Times of one of England's Greatest Monarch's - Queen Elizabeth I. Several Articles have been pre-posted, so enjoy! -
Hi, I'm New, I Need Some Help With What to do Next
Hey, so my boyfriend got me into playing Stronghold Crusader and I loved it. Then he showed me SCE HD, and I bought the games on steam. After playing through all the single player maps like 20 times, I'm bored and went looking for some more maps to download. First off, Im a win 7 geek, and have Win10. I have NO idea where maps go, how to differentiate between all this lingo I'm seeing, (apparently there are a bunch of games I just became aware of?) Anyways, so can anyone please tell me what -
New History Section
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Addition to History Section
As part of an over all change to several Sections of The Site, Our Lord Chris has requested a redirection of the long serving "Castle of The Week". This was found on The Main Page under Our "On This Day in History". We will be moving The Castles to "History Thru The Ages" and make it a stand alone section called "Castles and Fortifications". I will be adding New entries from time to time. Look for them in The Index (when announced). Transfer will take place soon........