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Stronghold Crusader 2: 2v2 Conquest Competition

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Now the challanges are out and I have to say, there are some really interesting situations. The arrows in the picture below give an overview over who is attacking who.





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Rakso and Letonetma (Black) have not submitted their attack in time. They are missing their chance to attack in this round. But fortunately, no one is attacking them either. So they will definitely remain with 2 counties after this round.



Monk and Tat4ba (Purle) are attacking Igi and Dodorus (Blue) in county 8 while Igi and Dodorus are mowing West to attack Tokamaps and CadettKlinge (Yellow) in 6.



The yellow team is really getting under a lot of pressure. Their other county 5 is also getting attacked in this round by Strahi and Kita (Orange). So they may be fighting for their survival in this round.



In the far West, Edward and the King In The North (green) are invading the orage land in county 2.



There is a lot of action in the centre of the island. While kiki and kurnaz (Dark Red) and ErTu?RuL GAZ? and GlorieuX (Red) are fighting each other over counties 9 and 10. But Tokamaps and CadettKlinge are also moving in on county 9.



Since kiki and kurnaz were the first ones to make their claim on county 9, they shall attack first. Tokamaps and CadettKlinge will then have to fight whoever wins that battle.





Now that you know your opponent, you can go ahead and arrange your battles.

This is easiest done this way:

- the attacker suggests 3 possible dates/times and hopefully one of them will work for the defender

- if the defender cannot make any of those dates, then the defender suggests 3 possible days/times

- if none of this works, then the Battle Hours on Wednesday (20:00 - 23:00 CET) is your time to meet.


But of course, if you simply meet in chat and manage to arrange a date/time directly, that is also good :)

Onc you agree on a date, let me know - just to that I can keep up to date with what is happening.


GL and HF :D


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I could imagine joining this fight, though i don't have a tm member :)
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Let me know if you need a last minute replacement. ?My knights are ready to fight:)

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Hello Spartacus and wellcome to Stronghold Nation :)



We currently have 2 players for all teams. But who knows how it will go during the contest. We already had one player, who had to drop out and if you are interested in joining at some point, keep watching this space. There may be an opportunity coming up in the future. Keep your horses saddled.



I have re-opened the registration form.

So you can go there and submit your details.

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The first battle was fought today !



The Dark Red team with kiki and kurnaz won against the Red team with ErTu?RuL GAZ? and GlorieuX.


Well done to both teams and the honour of the first clash of steel in this tournament goes to all 4 players.

And of course, congratulations to kiki and kurnaz for the first victory. :D



Tokamaps and CadettKlinge, this means that kiki and kurnaz are now your opponents for your attack on county 9.

Go ahead and contact them. You can arrange the battle whenever you like, but the battle hours on Wednesday evening will be the last chance to carry out your attack.


Good Luck to all fighters who are still awaiting the battlefield.

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Another battle was fought yesterday.

Tokamaps and CadettKlinge made a brave attack on county 9, but Kiki and Kurnaz were too strong and have been able to hold on to it. These two are really strong players. I remember playing against them quite some time ago. I can still show you the scars. :)



We also had some difficulty due to timezones. King In The North is from the US and he and Edward Dunferline tried to get the battle for county 2 going. But due to the time differences it did not work out, even though everyone made a good effort. So in the end I had to make a decision and the best solution for this round is, that county 2 shall be kept by the defender.


But we need to find a better way to make the battles possible for our American players. Therefor I will set up an additional fixed battle hour on Sundays. That way, everyone will know it in advance and can plan accordingly.



But tomorrow will be the final day of round 1.


And - unless you guys are doing some more fighting tonight - the following 3 battles will have to happen :

Strahi and Kita vs. Tokamaps and CadettKlinge for county 5

Igi and Dodorus vs. Monk and Tat4ba for county 8

Tokamaps and CadettKline vs. Igi and Dodorus for county 6


Oh boy, Tokamaps and CadettKline are really getting under pressure this round and may be fighting for their survival. I am really keeping my fingers crossed for all of you.


See you on Steam at 20:00 CET tomorrow.

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What a night.

Three battles were fought on this last day of round 1.


In the first two battles, Tokamaps and CadettKlinge were fighting for their survival against Strahi and Kita (orange) and Igi and Dodorus (blue). They batteled bravely, but in the end the enemies were too strong and they lost both of their provinces.


With that, they are the first team to exit the contest. It was hard and it happened faster than I had expected. But guys, you were beaten by some of the best Crusader 2 players the world currently has. So let everyone join me in saying GG and may you now rest your horses and heal your wounds as you lean back and watch the tournament continue.




In the final battle, Monk and Tat4bA defeated igi and Dodorus and managed to split the blue kingdom in two parts. It will be interesting to see what they will make out of this situation.




But now it is time to open Round 2.


Choose your next target and send me your decision by Thursday midnight (CET).


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The attacks for round 2 have been announced and - omg - what a picture :o





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There are 3 attacks on county 7.


Black was the first team to tell me their decision. They will play the first match against Red.

Then, the winner will have to defend against Dark Red.

And finally the winner of that battle will defend against Blue.


In addtion to that, the Red team, ErTu?RuL GAZ? and GlorieuX, are attacking Dark Red (Kiki and Kurnaz) in county 10. Who knows? This may be their last chance of survival.


In the South, Monk and Tat4bA (Purple) are moving along the coast and attack county 5.


And Orange (Strahi and Kita) and Green (Edward Dunferline and King In The North) are fighting each other over counties 1 and 2.


The round is now open for you all to arrange your battles.






But there are also two things which need to be changed:


We have seen in round 1 that it is very difficult for American players to meet up for battles with European players, as there is a time difference of 7 hours between Central American time and CET. And in round 1 the Green team "lost" their attack due to this problem. I will therefor set an additional battle hour at


Sundays 17:00 CET (= 10:00 Central American time).


All European teams can still use the battle hour on Wednesday evening at 20:00, but for battles with American players (currently the Green team, as King is from the US), the Sunday will be their time to meet.



Also, several players have approached me and said that their teammate will not be available for some time periods (holidays or whatever other reasons). To avoid holding up the contest, I will also allow you to play 1v1 battles, if your teammate is away. If your opponent has 2 players available, they can decide who of their team plays the 1v1 battle. Of course, a 2v2 is always preferred. But if you know that your teammate will not have a chance to attend, then a 1v1 is better than nothing. So this option will be available to everyone from round 2 onwards.


I hope this will make the battle arrangements easier from now on.

Good luck with your fights in round 2. :)




To clarify: The time on Sunday is an additional battle hour.

A round will still last one fulll week and the final battle hour will still be on Wednesdays.


Round 2 will end on Wednesday the 20th July, with battles starting at 20:00 CET.


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Greetings my Lordships,

Here is an update of what happened over the last couple of days at the battlefront.



A few battles have been resolved: Ertugrul attacked county 10 but Kurnaz defended his territory. The battle was fought as a 1v1, since Ertugrul's teammate has dropped from the game. But Ertugrul keeps figthing on bravely and his next battle will be against Rakso to defend his last county 7.


Monk and Tat4bA attacked county 5, but Strahi and Kita decided to withdraw from that county. Well, that is also a perfectly legitimate way to resolve an attack and may be a reasonable choice in some situations. Monk's mighty men are really powerful.


The Green and Orange teams fought over counties 1 and 2, but that battle was somewhat controversial. After listening to all sides, I have come to the conclusion, that no one actually had bad intentions. But people got carried away in the heat of the battle and things happened that gave one team an undue advantage. The battle shall therefor be played again, or, if the short time does not make it possible, I will say that both teams have defended their counties.


Also, it seems that the different timezones make it really difficult for King In The North to take part in the tournament. Although we now have a fixed time for him to play on Sunday, he did not show up. So I am not sure how it will turn out in the coming round. If it does not work, Edward may look for a new (or additional) teammate. Meanwhile, he has the option to fight 1v1.




With all that said: tomorrow at 20:00 is the battle hours to end round 2 :D

Let's meet up in the Crusader 2 Group Chat, where we can all talk to each other directly:



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The last day of round 2 is over and a lot of battles have been fought. County 7 was heavily contested:

In the first battle, ErTu?RuL GAZ? was defeated by Rakso. This was the last battle for Ertugrul, who has stood up bravely on his own against many very good opponents. Although he was defeated, I can say that he conducted himself with honour. And we were there in the Group Chat so see him off with applaus.


In the next battle, Rakso was defeated by Kurnaz and lost the county that he had only barey won. It is a tough life, but the Black team still sits safely in the "Wolf Lair" in the corner and they are planning their next move from there.


In the final battle Igi attacked Kurnaz in county 7. It was a hard battle and Kurnaz decided to defend by going on the attack. He managed to get a group of horse archers into igi's camp, befor igi could get the walls up. Igi fought back bravely and still held out for a long time (until day 22), but eventually Kurnaz' troops carried the day and he is keeping county 7 at the end of this round.




The re-match between the Green and Orange team did not take place (I saw that Edward Dunferline has not been online for 1 day). So as I said earlier, both teams are keeping their counties.





With that, round 3 is now open.


Please let me know where you wan to attack by tomorrow (Thursday) midnight CET.



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The players have already submitted their attacks for round 3:





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The Green and Orange teams really want to know it. They are going up against each other again for county 1 and 2.



Igi and Dodorus are attacking county 3 through a narrow opening that connects their counties. This border really exists for the original provices of Sicily, connecting Palermo and Caltanisetta. In fact, most of the borders on the map are original. I only added a few additional ones, because Sicily only has 9 provinces in real life.



The Dark Red team is getting really busy this round. :o

Attacking county 11 and getting attacked in county 7 and 13, they have to fight 3 battles.


Get into the saddle and good luck to everyone. :D


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Round 3 has finished and this is how the map looks now:




The Green team has been attacked in both of their territories 1 and 3. Unfortunately, they did not manage to arrive at the designated time on the battlefield so their counties fall to the attackers.


The Black team also did not arrive on the battlefield (holiday season is really taking its toll). This means that Dark Red is taking over county 11 and keeping hold of county 7.


A battle was fought between Monk and Kurnaz for county 13 (Kiki and tat4bA are on vacation). You can see that Monk carried the day and continues to expand the Purple Empire.




With that, another team has been eliminated from the tournament as Edward and King In The North have lost their last counties. As it happens, Edward approached me and was quite sad about the fact that he did not really get a chance to fight in this tournament, only because of timezones and coordination problems. So I am letting him stay on as a "mercenary". He can fight in Monk's team, while Tat4bA is on vacation during August. But if the Purple team should win (and looking at the map, that is not quite so unlikely :P), then the prices will go to Monk and Tat4bA, who are the core team from the start of the tournament.


By the way, this mercenary idea is open to everyone of the other defeated players, too. If you want to, and find a team that will have you, you can join them as a merc. That is perhaps a good way to get more 2v2 battles going even during the holiday season. :)



But now: Round 4 is open.

Tell me where you want to attack by tomorrow midnight.

SicilyRound4_01.bmpFetching info...


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The attacks are in. The gauntlets have been thrown.





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The Black team are passive this round. They are trying to make their defence in their "Wolf Lair" in the North. But Kurnaz and Kiki are going after them. We will see if they can hold out or be the next team to leave the island.


In the West, the Orange team with Strahi and Kita have also chosen not to attack anyone. But Igi and Dodorus have chosen to trun on them in this round. They are good friends in real life and Igi and Kita are even brothers, living in the same house. But a battle needs to be fought nevertheless.


At the same time, Monk and Tat4bA, the Purple Empire, are attacking them in county 6.




But there is more interesing news to tell.


Since Monk is going on vacation tomorrow, the Blue and Purple teams arleady got together to do their battle. And yes, Igi and Dodorus won this fight by holding out in their castle for 60 minutes and beeing Greatest Lord at the end.

Everyone in the MP community agrees that Monk and Tat4ba are the stronges team you can find. But even the strongest can occasionally loose a battle. So congratulations to the Blue team for this victory. I chatted to Igi after this battle and he told me that it was the clock that had saved them. Monk and Tat4ba, he said in all fairness, had been better and had the battle gone 20 minutes longer, he and Dodorus would have been defeated.


But we have the 60 minute rule and I think beeing able to defend yourself against a stronger opponent for such a long time is also quite and achievement. So Igi and Dodorus do deserve to hold on to county 6 - for this round at least :P


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All the battles for round 4 have now been fought and this is how the map looks now:





The Black team with Rakso and Letonetma has been eliminated from the tournament. As Rakso was on vacation, Letonetma bravely stood up against Kurnaz in a 1v1 battle. Kurnaz prevailed, but the Black team go out with a fight :) GG to Rakso and Letonetma who staying for up to 4 rounds in a tough corner.


In the West, the Blue defeated Orange. Igi and Dodorus now have a somewhat "patchy" kingdom. But they are good fighters and they are surely still in the race.



And I also want to announce another change.


Several players have asked me, if we could speed up the tournament and move to 2 rounds per week. Well, at first I was sceptical, but after some thinking I believe it may be possible. So here is what I would like to do:


Form this round onwards, we will abandon the rigid schedule of 1 week per round. Instead, players can play the battles as soon as a new round starts and I will end the round as soon as the last battle has been fought. We have only 4 teams left and all of them are very active. And even though I will be afk for a few days in August (please bear with me during those days) this may perhaps allow us to play 2 or 3 rounds in 1 week.


With that round 5 is now open.

Please let me know where you want to attack next.


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And the troops move out.




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The Purple Empire is moving West and attacking county 4.


Kurnaz and Kiki are also moving West, but they are getting counter-attacked by Igi and Dodorus. This clash of arms will be decided in one battle at The Great Falls. This could be a turning point for the Blue team in their bid for the second place.


The Orange team have again decided not to attack this round. Strahi and Kita are waiting and certainly watching the developments of the bigger kingdoms.



Best of luck for your battles.

I will continue and initiate the next round as soon as you guys tell me the outcomes.


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All the battles for this round are over. The Purple team was successful in thier conquest of county 4. Their Empire now stretches along the southern coast.


The battle at the border between county 3 and 7 was fought yesterday evening. It was played as a 1v1 between igi and kurnaz and I was able to join this match and watch it in co-op mode. Strahi was also watching in co-op and several other players were watching Steam streams of the game - quite an event. :D


The match was played on the beautiful, prize winning map The Great Falls (by Power Plug). This is a screenshot just at the end of the peacetime.




Both players set out immediately with mercenary armies after the pt was over. Igi had recruited horse archers, which are fast and mobile, while kurnaz had chosen arabian archers, which have a longer range. Soon a game of cat and mouse began.




Both players moved their troops with skill, fighting for positions and estates.




But slowly Igi's horse archers seemed to get the upper hand and eventually he was able to bring catapults close to Kurnaz' wall.

The first ones were still taken out by a macemen charge, but on the second try he managed to breach the wall.




Kurnaz still held out in his castle for the whole of the 30 minutes game time. It was day 33 when Igi defeated his lord. But Igi wins by beeing Greatest Lord on day 30. I know that the Greatest Lord score can sometimes be a bit inaccurate, but in this match Igi has been Greatest Lord for most of the match and on day 30 the difference was quite big. So there is no question about it and Kurnaz immediately congratulated igi on his victory.


One more thing happened in this battle. At one point, Kurnaz launched a carefully prepared counter attack with assassins and macemen. They almost suceeded to kill Igi's lord. During his defence, Igi made use of the "Tower Bug". This trick is somewhat controversial in the MP community. While some players consider it an exploit (I know that Skur and Korsar hate it), other players consider it a valid tactic.

I talked to both players about it after the match and Kurnaz does not mind. But I am still asking Igi - and everyone else, too - if they want to use this trick, ask your opponent about it before the match. If they don't think it is ok, don't use is. But if they agree, I have no problem with it and we don't have to prohibit it.





SicilyRound6_01.bmpFetching info...

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With that, round 5 is now over and round 6 begins:



The Purple team are now clearly in the lead with 6 counties. Blue and Dark Red both have 4 counties and it will be interesting to see who can secure the second place. Orange is clinging on to their 2 counties in the West. We will see if they will manage to hold out until the end.


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Yes, Tokamap, it is really be interesting to see how it develops :)


And EaglePrince, that map, The Great Falls, is a player made map by Power Plug (aka Kyle-KR). The map actually won the first prize in a mapmaking contest organized by FireFly.



And now the attacks for this round are here:




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Quite a lot of action in the middle of the island :)


Please go ahead and make your battles - GL and HF.


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Greetings Mylords,

I returned from the weekend today and see that the battles have been fought.

This is how the new situation looks:



Quite a lot of battles have happened in this tournament. But the fact that we are running into the holiday season is now making it more difficult to keep up the pace. After talking to several players, I realize that we will have to bring the contest to a conclusion soon - otherwise we run the risk of getting to a stand still as simply too many players (myself included) will be away.


It has become clear to me, that this has to be the last week of the tournament.

Between now and Thursday evening, we can probably play another 2 or 3 rounds and I will make the judgement call after the last battle on Thursday - and hey, if the Purple team go on like this, they may even reach the 60% of counties by then. :)


I am in touch with the players on Steam. For those of you who are watching the tournament here on the forum, I will also keep updating the maps, but please bear with me, if I may not always be able to show the attacks with arrows on the map. I will do my best to keep you up to date, nevertheless.


Good Luck to everyone for the final week of this contest.


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Ok the attacks are in:


Monk (Purple) is attacking county 9.

Igi (Blue) is attacking county 11.

Kurnaz (Dark Red) is attacking county 7 from county 10.

Strahi and Kita (Orange) do not attack, and thereby secure their suvival. :)



So we have 3 battles to fight.



Also, it turns out that time is getting really tight and therefor this will have to be the last round of the tournament.


It will end on the Wednesday battle hour. Last chance to do battles is to meet on Steam at 20:00 UCT.


Make sure you are there and don't miss your chance.

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