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A Disappointing Discovery

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After spending forever making the best looking mod ever, I find when I run it much of my decoration with natural growth bushes, assorted plants and undergrowth just disappears ?- even 'tho it all shows nicely in the editor.

Obviously there is a limit to how much can be displayed during the game.


Major Bummer! Especially for me as I love painting my maps with the editor's plants etc..

I shall try to keep my lands on a small Island instead and see exactly how much I can decorate before reaching the limit.


Does anyone know or has found this out too??


See examples of too much here:?Undergrowth


I was hoping for a 12 mission type campaign like the Peace one... humm??:(


Edited by Lord__Ship

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Not being a SH2 Expert, as with other games I too have tricked out with landscape and whatnot, I have found a limited amount of data which can be placed. Still, yours is an impressive forest and landscape nonetheless. And your Castle is very interesting as well. I hope you put some of your work into our Downloads Section!

Edited by Crusader1307

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Yes, I agree with @Crusader1307, your landscaping is extremely impressive. I'd love to see a map or two uploaded to our downloads section, they really do look very good. The amount of detail you put into those screenshots was fantastic. I'm not very good with placing plants and bushes, so it's good to see when they are placed well.


Could I post this as an official article on the site? I think that could contain some useful advice for members and guests who may be interested in effective shrub and plant placement.


On this specific issue, what settings are your graphics on? If you have lower graphics settings, this may impact it, alternatively if you zoom all the way out or all the way in, I'm not sure they'll show properly as well.


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Thanks for the comp.?

Yes of course, use anything you find of mine for whatever purpose you want - no credit is necessary.


My system is an older one, I use the graphics to the fullest - 1920x1200 or thereabouts, It's not a zoom limiting type fade out it's just not allowing every type plant in large quantities. After testing this a little I find it's just too many 'items' at once... and after all, the game makers wanted all the power into the 'action' part of the game, so made a choice (rightfully so).


Right now I trying the same idea on the smaller map to see if I can 'plant' as many bushes and undergrowth without it some of it disappearing when the actual game starts. When I have done the smaller map I'll post it for you too use as an example map.


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Would be interesting to see if having more peasants, troops, and animals on the map cuts down on how many trees and weeds are shown. Could be a built-in GPU saving feature meant for computers around the time that SH2 came out. I know other older games have this, while more recent games have better graphics options (including how much "clutter" or "fluff" is on screen).


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