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Mathew Steel

YouTube Names?

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I've seen a few threads of people talking about wanting to record matches and so on. I'm interested in seeing some of these videos being someone who uses and sometimes uploads to YouTube myself, so feel free to post your names in replies.?



Also, if any of you are curious, my username is TomOnPCin180p (inside joke :D) however my videos sort of show me in a different more silly light :P

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I actually have one, too.





So far I only used it to upload a video I made years ago from a Shogun2 TW battle I played with a couple of friends.

One of my more spectacular defeats. But in S2TW your units can actually earn names for themselves if they perform well in MP battles and one of my spear units got their honourable name from this fight (my friend used to have a Cashew as avatar at the time :P ).


My video making skills are not exactly brilliant. But yes, I do have a YouTube name :)

Edited by Nigel

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I have one, but it's very old. In fact it's linked to my Yahoo email from way back when Google let you hook your YMail account into all of its features. As a result I can't comment on anything without Google+ but I can still upload, even though I haven't in ages.


If anyone wants to hear my beautiful voice (:P) or see me play videogames with varying degrees of success, have at it: https://www.youtube.com/user/CharlesOfTours


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