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Official Stronghold 2 suggestions list

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Use this thread to share and suggest ideas, new features or improvements for Stronghold 2. Ideas that collectively people agree or share I'll post in a list in this post. Starting with a few that I've seen or thought of already ....


  • AI in multiplayer
  • Saving games in multiplayer
  • Configurable autosave
  • Seasons
  • More Kingmaker/multiplayer settings such as: no rats, no gong, no crime, honour ...
  • Auto market (like in Stronghold Legends)
  • Better looking moats
  • Custom crests in multiplayer games
  • Allowing scripted events from single player also possible in multiplayer
  • Ability to add custom messages and briefings to maps through the editor
  • Ability for scripted boat invasions
  • More scripted events
  • Easy way to add modifications or extensions to the game to expand its functionality without modifying the core, e.g. adding new units or overriding characteristics of units
  • Possibility of choosing a randomly generated terrain for Kingmaker/multiplayer battles, e.g. from a list such as: Coastal, Mediterranean, Plains, Hilly, Rivers ...
  • More variety of Mercenary units such as: Elephants, Landsknecht, cheaper but poorer archers ...
  • Ships that can transfer units and fight at sea, maybe two types of ships - potentially a new building that builds them, some kind of Port
  • A warning when leaving the map editor that you will lose your map (if unsaved)
  • Ability for peace time (like Stronghold Legends) for Kingmaker and multiplayer battles
  • Ability to restart the game from the in-game menu when playing
  • A warning when quitting the game while playing a map
  • Tougher AI opponents
  • Better AI castle defences (e.g. more troops on the castle, particularly when sending out invasions)
  • Larger AI armies when taking back villages
  • Automatic firing of Ballistae
  • Alternative multiplayer engine instead of now non-working GameSpy
  • Ability to choose the strength of each AI opponent from easy, medium and hard
  • Ability to set Castles, Troop allocations and weapons allowed in Kingmaker and other more options in Kingmaker for flexibility
  • Ability to place and rebuild Ruined keeps
  • Multiple player colours
  • Ability to control the castles of other Lords
  • Play Stronghold 2 Multiplayer via LAN


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I like the idea with ships.


Also, maybe we should add this: a warning before leaving the map editor. Even if you don't save the map, you can click the left arrow and leave the editor - you wouldn't be asked a thing, you would just lose what you made. :)

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That's a good idea - added to the list.


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Also this thing - many miss the restart option while in the game. Also, if one plays kingmaker game, if they leave that specific game they would be prompted to the main menu. Maybe it would be better if this worked like in Stronghold Crusader where the player is prompted to the screen for setting skirmish game on that same map, with same AI players, and with the same gold settings.


This isn't important to much, but it's a suggestion. :)

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I did actually mean to add a restart point to the list, but I forgot about it. Thanks ... I've added it now. I've also added a point about Peace Time.


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Yes, that is also a good idea. The good thing in Stronghold 2 is that, when you start as a freeman, then on one hand you do have a way to get peace time. It's similar in Age of Empires 3 where played usually need few minutes before that are able to advance technologically, and only then they are able to train army. Still, being able to have this peace time would be great, and not just for being able to start as dukes. It would be great for anyone who doesn't prefer rushing in multiplayer games.

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There is no warning before quitting a game. If one, while playing, opens the menu and click quit, he would instantly go to main menu and leave the game he was playing, thus lose his progress. I hope this will be fixed.


Also, configurable autosave would help with this as well, but I'd say that asking if the player is sure that he wants to leave the current game is a necessity.


I'd also like to add again that multiplayer in Stronghold 2 with AI Manager works really good. The only issue is that AI lords don't build siege camps while attacking, or - they may not be sending periodically full attacks at all. Still, even like this is is way better then being able to fight against outlaws only.

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Already added configurable autosave ;)


But I added the quit option to the list.


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Here is another suggestion. AI lords send away so many troops while they attack us, but they could leave some more of their troops in defense, so it would be more challenging to kill them when the time comes.


Also, another thing that would be interesting to see would be AI lords sending larger armies to take over enemy villages - not to send few by few men, but to send those smaller groups and periodically to send larger armies for that task - one army with the task to take over enemy villages one by one.


I worry this second wish may be too much work with AI lords, but if it was possible to do, I think we would all love to see it. But making AI lords with more troops inside their castle to better defend themselves seems not that hard to be done, though I am not competent to say how hard that is.

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Personally I wouldn't think it should be too hard. I've added a few of those suggestions to the list. :)


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I have another suggestion as well. When one click on Multiplayer from the game menu, they get the message about multiplayer servers being down or something like that - I don't quite remember. It would be great if there was a message saying that players can play multiplayer games with RameRanger, I believe that many of players may not know that. There could be short instructions as well, such as "start game ranger, open a room/host a game or join one, and after the host hits start Stronghold 2 will start, and you will be able to play in multiplayer."


GameRanger could also be a suggested program to install like it was the case with GameSpy before.

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These are few more suggestions by mati555 from Stronghold Heaven forum.


I can't register at strogholdnation so I write there my suggestions.


1. AI edtior

Place where we can change everything for AI lords. What they sold and how many, which and how many buidlings they build, how many trops and which trops they "produce" etc.;

2. Escort from SHL;

3. Balists can automatically fire;


At this moment I think it's enough :P

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Could you ask him to email me and let me know why he can't register? Alternatively, if he submits a ticket we could see to his problems there.


The AI editor is independent from Firefly and they don't have the source code for it. I'm not sure what you mean by "Escort from Stronghold Legends", but I've added the automatic firing of Ballistae to the list.


Also just seen your other post about Multiplayer - added that suggestion to the list too.

Edited by Lord_Chris


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I got?e-mail with my password so I can write here.?

I know that AI editor is independent from Firefly. I was thinking about editor, where we can change troops, buildings etc. limits for each lord or just disallow selling some products. That will be great! Firefly did this troops limit so I think that they can change it and/or make the editor for players.?


In Stronghold Legend's was a button named "escort" or "follow". When you marked some troops, clicked this button and next clicked for example horse cart troops automatically followed?the cart.


Sory if this isn't understand, but my first version of this post disappear when I was writing...?

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So you were actually thinking to mark each castle estate with "the one that comes here (in this estate) should be strong, the other one that comes here (in this estate) can be less strong, while another one that comes there (in that estate) should be weak"?


Yes, that is an interesting option - that way we could also order twenty of my knights to follow my lord wherever he goes inside and outside the castle, so they could protect him from an ambush. Take that, Nigel (or whoever killed my lord when he was visiting the church), bwahahaha! :lol:


Oh, and like I said at SHH, maybe they don't make ballistae to fire automatically, as that way they would be overpowered. If they acted like that, they could easily destroy a small army of swordsmen for example, because one their arrow strikes several units at ones. I think we should think about that too. There is a compromise though! Put five ballistae on keyboard shortcuts such as 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and when someone attacks you, you click click 1 - attack one soldier, 2 - attack another solder, and so on. I should also mentioned that I say this for fire (ground) ballistae, while when it comes to those on towers I agree with you. What do you think about this matter? Of course, another option would be making them so they don't hit more units at ones, but it is not bad as it is either. I just look at those as on powerful equipment which is powerful to blow several units at ones.

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Sory, but I don't know what do you mean saying "the one that comes here (in this estate) should be strong" etc.



Yes, this work exactly how you explaied.



I agree with you. Ballists can work like that. I was thinking about that, because in enemy hands this machines are just horrifying :p

Edited by mati555

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For example, if you make a three players map, you could assign the estate in the north to be strong, the one in southeast to be medium, and the one in southwest to be weak. So if you set to play against two William's, one if them would be stringer - it to say it better - more aggressive and with more troops in defense. I'm just trying to understand what you meant, I'm not saying any idea of mine. :)


That's right. That is why I think it is better like this when it comes to ground ballistae. One could get tens if them quickly and easily, and it they could fire automatically they would be devastating. When it is as it is now, that depends of how we control put army.

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That is a very good option, choosing the strength of each AI opponent. I've added that to the list.


@mati555 - for the "escort" option, does this work on anything in Stronghold Legends? Despite playing this game a lot, I must confess I've never seen that option before.


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EaglePrince: Oh! This is also great, but I was thinking about something else. I meant about option in game or new program where we can change exactly what we want. I write just example.

For example William attack with "x" archers, "y" swordsmen and "z" spearmen. I open the editor and change. Now William will attack with "x+5" archers, "y" swordsmen, "z-10" spearmen and "10" pikemen?

The same with buildings and products selling?


Lord_Chris: I remembered, that it was something like this and it worked.?

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So you did mean on AI Castle Editor there. Yes, that option would really be good, but still, they would hardly give us something like that, that would be asking for a moding tool. As about me, I would be happy with AI lords defending their castles better by keeping more of their troops there.


Oh, and, @Lord_Chris, I don't really think that we should have that in the list, at least not like that. As I described it, it was something which would regard the map editor, so those information would need to be stored in the map file. That could over-complicate things, but I see that you have already written the suggestion in the best way possible. :) As you wrote it, it would be simple as choosing difficulty level - just like I wanted to correct myself now.

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That would cause problems with map compatibility and mean that (v.1.5?) maps would not be playable of prior versions - so I'd suggest it be done this way for full compatibility.


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EaglePrince: Yes, AI don't defend they castles well. The best way is this editor, I think. What, when Firefly change that, but it will be still bad? How do you change that again??:/

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I agree, @Lord_Chris!


And, @mati555, I hope that if they change it so AI lords keep more troops inside their castle, it would be way more interesting already. :) They can make no mistake with that I believe. The only thing where they could mess something up is making them attack and defend village estates in smarter ways - by periodically sending larger bands of troops for those tasks. In fact, I think that if they do it like this, it would be excellent, and you wouldn't want to change a thing - I only don't know how easily can that be done.

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EaglePrince: Okey, you are right.

Some Lords are just not balanced. Make custom war scenario and look how Edwin build his castle. Look at his armoury, stockpile etc.


And, if we can change troops for each lord, we will do some "new Lords" with new troops!?:D

Edited by mati555

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