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Villages and AI lords in my new kingmaker map don't build woodcutters

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Hi, guys. I hope you'll be able to help me. I've made this new kingmaker map. It's a map I had in my mind for a while, and I found some time to make it.


Unfortunately, what makes me very sad right now is the fact that those villages and AI lords don't build woodcutters. Has any of you had this issue before? I have no idea what could it be. If that could help, I could send my map to some of you to have a closer look.


For this reason villages don't develop - they just build a granary, few houses, several farms, and that's it...

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Unfortunately no... I didn't put any building in any estate, so when they start they build their stockpile and everything on their own.


I don't know if this could help, but is there a way to clear all estate flags from the map?


Also, I do have an idea on my mind - to start the game, make the save file, rename it to map file, and mark castle estates over. Of course, before doing this I would make each village tiny, so they can't build anything.

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Now I tried what I had in mind, but it didn't work... I just removed all of the flags, and I left only two of castle estates. I started a game, saved the game, and then I renamed the file extension to .s2m... Then I marked the villages over again, but it still acts the same. The game even remembered the type of each village. On the other hand, while doing this I didn't remove each estate color from the map, I just removed those flags by placing another unused color over them, and as there can be only one flag on an estate, one of the flags would disappear.


So, the issue remains. :(


There is another "solution" - to ignore the fact that villages and castle lords won't build woodcutters on their own, and to add for example three or four woodcutters per each estate. Still, I fear that they wouldn't rebuild the woodcutters if an enemy destroys them...


EDIT: Now I also tried with an earlier version of the map, but it also didn't do the job.

Edited by EaglePrince

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Do they place any buildings on their own other than hovels, granary stockpile .etc ? It could be that you have disabled village production until the player manually places buildings, that's happened to me before. Do any other estates place buildings?


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It's the same with all estates. They build granary, hovels, few farms, and then they don't build anything else because they don't have any more wood. I will try now this thing - to buy a village next to myself, and to send him wood, and see what happens. My theory is that this way villages will build everything - including iron mines and stone quarries...


Truth to be told, I was messing with those settings "AI places buildings" and "AI uses buildings from the map", but I believe I didn't change anything - I was just having a look into that out of curiosity. Right now it is set right I believe - as if it was on "AI uses building from the map" then villages wouldn't build even the stockpile on their own - there would only be a flag. I could send you the map, if you have some time to have a look - just to see if everything is set correctly.

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if it was on "AI uses building from the map" then villages wouldn't build even the stockpile on their own - there would only be a flag
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Actually, that's not entirely true - the AI does place the Stockpile, along with a Granary and I think a small food production if building placement is disabled. It's only the extra buildings that aren't placed. If this isn't the problem (and it's not for the contest) I'll take a look at it.


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It is not for the contest. Actually, truth to be told, you will recognize the map I have already submitted. It is the same landscape, only this one has estates, and the submitted one for contest is not. And I won't be submitting a newer version of the map. I just wanted to make a landscape map for the contest which could be used in singleplayer and multiplayer as well.


I will try out those stuff I mentioned now, and that you mentioned. Just to see how it works... From what you said, it could be possible that I was misinterpreting those two estate attributes.

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I have tested now what I mentioned... When I send them more wood they complete their estates - they build more farms, stone quarries and iron mines. Another thing I have noticed is that they won't build woodcutters even when they do have wood (which I expected actually), but I also noticed that they won't build ox tethers neither...


I will send you the file now. :) Thanks.


EDIT. While villages won't build ox tethers, castle lords do build those.


Hmm, and maybe AI don't want to cut down my forests, maybe he thinks they are too beautiful to be cut down. :D

Edited by EaglePrince

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It appears to be a problem with trees or placing them near trees. I opted to put one village on just collecting wood, and they built no saw pits to collect wood at all even though they enough wood to place about five saw pits.


However - when I placed a saw pit, the estate reacted perfectly. When I made a new map from scratch with nothing in other than two castle markers, one estate marker and some trees, setting the village to wood production, it worked.


The only thing I could think explain this, from what you've said, is the sav-to-map trick. It could be one of those "unintended consequences" - was this the map you used the sav-to-map trick on or was that a different version?

Edited by Lord_Chris


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What version are you using? I'm lost here. I've never seen this bug before, I have no idea how to fix it. See if you can do what I did by creating a completely blank map but adding just 3 estates, 1 village and 2 castle markers and make it produce wood. If that works, make it produce what you originally wanted.


If this works, then for whatever reason it is, it's specific to that map. If not, it's your entire game.

Edited by Lord_Chris


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In?Bradley0095 s map 3mans land are all villages set up to the default and they built saw pits.

test.sh2Fetching info...

example.zipFetching info...

Edited by Tokamaps

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It's 1.4.1... I have checked my older maps already, and this doesn't happen on them. I could try making a new blank map for test only, but I believe everything will work fine on it. I will let you know! You could be right, maybe the installation it's messed up.


Of it turns to be this map, I could try deleting forests, and bringing it back... Or, I could simply add those woodcutters on the map, and that way villages should develop fine. Until someone destroys the saw pits, that is. But, from the bright side - those bordering villages rarely develop anyway.

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Now I tried making a new map with several villages, and they work well - they build three saw pits, and they work until the village has built everything - including two iron mines, two stone quarries and seven ox tethers.


I also tried Bradley's map 3 men's land, and yes, this works fine on it.


By the way, Tokamaps, do you remember on which maps you had this issue? Did those maps have the high bridges placed in the same way you showed me few days ago? It's not that I see a connection between those two, it would make no sense to me that those bridges had effected the villages in this way, but I'm asking just in case. And no - I won't give up my bridges on this map. :D I may try some time later to put river crossings instead of the bridges but that would be saved as a new map.

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Guys, I have figured it out! It appears that those kind of threes I was placing on the map (the trees you can see on the image in the bottom), and it happens in all villages because this is the only type of threes I was placing besides bushes. I added that regular type of evergreen/periwinkle trees (please, correct me, I don't know which of those two words is correct :D ), and then villages built their woodcutters.


Another issue were ox tethers, and I figured out about them as well, though that was easier part, and somewhat obvious. While I was looking at the my new quick map I made few minutes ago I noticed that villages build their ox tethers differently than castle lords! While castle lords build those near all their stone quarries and iron mines, villages build their ox tethers near the stone quarry or the iron mine they built first. Village wanted to build all seven ox tethers near their first stone quarry while that wasn't possible because of threes. I have removed those trees, and now villages do build ox tethers!


Thanks for your help, guys! :) We made it. :)


Some time later I am going to fix those things, and I will submit my map to the Downloads Central. You shall see, it is going to be a great map for multiplayer and singleplayer - I wanted it to be perfectly "balanced", and I have accomplished that. By the way, I said "perfectly" because not all positions are same - it is perfectly balanced when played by four players, and but I wanted it to be good for many combinations.


I will show you the minimap now. The minimap is going to remain the same, I will only make those adjustments. :)




And those are the trees that made me problems.


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It's brilliant that this has been fixed, thanks for sharing the solution! I'll look forward to it getting submitted to the downloads section. It's a very good map that looks like it will be quite good for a few multiplayer games. :)


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I have submitted the map, and yes - I look forward to playing it in multiplayer. :) It is true that we already have several maps that we want to play in multiplayer, but we will find time for all that at some moment.


I'd also like to add that not all villages had the problem with ox tethers - only one of them did, and that is the one that was close to me while I was doing my test. I removed some trees and bushes from around those mines and quarries, so now it all works fine, and it is a good thing that I noticed the issue with ox tethers as well.


Here are some screenshots by the way. :)




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The map has been approved. :)



I also have another idea for another "balanced" map like this, but that one would be less balanced. Maybe I could say those maps are "semi-balanced". :) I got inspired for that map with Iron Gates, which we call in Serbia Derdap (?erdap), so it is most likely going to be called Derdap. Hmm, now when I saw that it is called Iron Gate in English and in many other languages I may have a look into that topic as well - why do we call it Derdap... :) Still, from now on I will focus more on my obligations regarding my studies, but I will slowly work on that one. Of course, I'll be available for gaming events. :)

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