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Being an old player of Stronghold Legends, I realised it is still possible to play it with Gameranger. So I was wondering if any good player was interested in a game ?


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Hi, and welcome to Stronghold Nation. There are SHN members who like SHL more, and now and then they make events, but like you did now, you can always check if someone could play a game now and then, and I am also sure someone will be pleased to play it in multiplayer with you. :)


By the way, can one play SHL in multiplayer with AI lords as well? I mean, like you, me, and Siegfried for example. :) In SH2 it is not possible.

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Hi Wynette,


I am one of those guys who like SHL and will be happy to play a match some day on Game Ranger.

This week is quite busy, but perhaps we can arrange something for later in the month (I usually play on workday evenings).


And EaglePrince, I think it is possible to have AI allies in MP. I would need to check, but I believe it will work.

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Wow, it's nice seeing there's still an active stronghold community :)?It makes me miss old times lol. Actually, I'm quiet busy too, my gamer life is over, but maybe we'll have time someday, would be great !?

Maybe one of the guys who like SHL more would be able to tell me if any old SHL players still plays, I'd love to talk with some of them, I haven't talked too for 5 years now..

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People also visit Stronghold Heaven, though here is the community more active.


And regarding you not having time to play - well, yeah, it's same case with us here. :D Only there are some moments when we can meet and play a game together. It's way better more interesting to play with players you know. :)


EDIT: I haven't played SHL for a long time, and I haven't been so much into it, I've always liked more SH1, SHC, and SH2 because they are more realistic. On the other hand, few years ago I started to like some stuff with Stronghold 2 more, so maybe I could give SHL another chance. :)

Edited by EaglePrince

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Well, I used to visit Stronghold Legends userboard, which was the forum of SHL community :)

I also prefered other strongholds, I guess SHL is a strange game, I just had the chance to meet someone really friendly who taught me the game, and there are really interesting things you can do with the market economy (I dont know if it exists in other Stronghold even though I played all of them ?), and the siege towers, and we had a great community, so I got pretty good at it and it was really fun.

The fact is, we just all got older and we had no time for playing anymore, and nobody kept connecting to the forum. So it's great you guys kept this alive ! :D

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Well, yes, SHL does have some good stuff which were later kept in newer Stronghold games. For example, market you mentioned - in SHL one can set the market to automatically sell or buy resources. This isn't the case with older Stronghold games, while it is something they kept in Crusader 2.


There are siege towers in older Stronghold games too, I also like them, only unfortunately those are not present in Crusader 2 (nor laddermen).

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Welcome @Wynette!


It's great to have a fellow member who is as interested in Stronghold Legends as I am. I'm up for a game anytime - it's very rare I get to play SHL online as we mainly play Stronghold 2 here. Let me know if you'd like to arrange a game sometime. :)


may also be interested in a game, and [user]Aleks S. I] might as well - we three have had an occasional game before together, if I'm right.


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Well that would be great. I got plenty of time this week and then I guess I'll be too busy :/

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Actually, I'm quiet busy too, my gamer life is over, ..
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Sounds like a good job and a sweet family have happened in your life.

Who could wish for more? :)



Don't worry, we don't intend to disappear anytime soon. I am sure there will be several opportunities to play a game if the future.

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Well still no family, just hard working you know :D


Yeah I guess so !

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I'm not going to have time this week :(


If you send me a PM, we might be able to arrange something over that.


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