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Building and troops availability with through ranks

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Hi. I wrote about this before, but now I didn't manage to find that exact tread... I was thinking about making a table I could also print, and that would help me in playing Stronghold 2 - especially in multiplayer. The thing is that there are many cheap, yet useful, buildings which you can build since some rank, but at the moment you may not notice that, and now you can have a reminder for that. At that moment Chris showed me this article he had already made.


I used this article now, and I have made it into a word document and pdf file. I hope this will be helpful to others. Another thing I also did with the table (I didn't just copy/paste it, though basically that is what I did), but I also marked those most important things for me by red color. For example, archers, spearmen, pikemen, crossbowen, swordsmen, jousting ground, traveling fair, musicians guild, church, candler workshops etc are among those I have marked with red color (candles can be produces before building a church according to the article). Building vegetable farm just after upgrading my rank is pretty cheap if I have where to put several those farms, while by forgetting to place those I would "lose" some honor. Same goes for jousting ground and traveling fair.


Besides this coloring, I also regrouped those a little, so now those buildings for dealing crime in the castle are all on one row, so when one sees "courthouse" knows the rest, and they can move on to see what's next.


PS. I am not submitting this into Downloads Central, as there is already an article about this, and this indeed belong to articles not Downloads Central I believe. If Chris wants to, he could add a link to these documents into the article.


EDIT: I have submitted the attachment, but it appears not to be visible, or something like that. When I click to edit the post, I can see it submitted twice which I mistakenly did.


For now you can download the files from here.



SECOND EDIT: I have also created another version of the same file.


This one is without tables. Thanks to this you are able to transfer the file to your phone, and view everything way more easily in Word. :)

Stronghold 2 ranks.zipFetching info...

Stronghold 2 ranks.zipFetching info...

Edited by EaglePrince

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Looks like the same bug is present here as in the other forums. You can only view attachments when logged in out - this has been fixed on the next version of the problem.


Thanks for the useful reference, though!

Edited by Lord_Chris


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Oops. I meant logged out.


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