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make gate for outlaws?

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You could unlock the path of peace campaign map and use that. I believe that gives Outlaws the ability to use wooden walls.


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Thanks for suggestion, it's never too late.:) I will try what you suggested. I'm only not sure hope to do the trick you mentioned, but I assume that I can find information about that here at the forum or within the articles.

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You need to use a savedgame where already at least One outlaw had been spawned.

Than open the File in mapeditor and drag that outlaw up to the gates Top. Simply done.

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Cool - I did not know that the save to map trick also works for Stronghold 2.

Is it as easy as changing file name endings? Or is something else required?

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This article briefly explains how to use the sav-to-map trick in Stronghold 2. Actually, it needs updating.




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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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You need to use a savedgame where already at least One outlaw had been spawned.

Than open the File in mapeditor and drag that outlaw up to the gates Top. Simply done.

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I will try this. I have already made a tiny change to my map. I have noticed that I have set a village which as iron to produce only food. That's not an issue for human players, but it was supposed to be fixed because of AI lords. I will see if I can do this with the gate as well.


So, as I have changed the map, and I don't plan to change the name of the map, I hope that those who already have the older version on their PC's will download the new one and update the version. Thanks for helping with this. The articles Chris showed right now is going to be really helpful. :)


I only hope I will be able to move that outlaw on top of the gate. :) I shall see.

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Now I tried what you described Tokamaps, but it didn't work for me. I tried it on a blank map, and I tried it on my map as well. I can drag the outlaw, but I am unable to bring him on top of the gate (same with walls and towers). I even tried to leave ladders so outlaw could climb the gate, but no success. I cannot command the ladderman to bring ladders to the wall.


On the other hand, now I did see how I can make ruins on the map. :)


Hmm, on the other hand, maybe there is another way - to provoke the outlaw to come on the gate. I could try that with placing a knight there, and I hope one of the outlaw would come to attack him (which would be easier done if they weren't able to throw spears)... By now outlaws were able to go on the gate, but they "didn't know" that this way they will be able to leave the castle and attack me. They need some motivation to go there. :)

Edited by EaglePrince

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You need to get control of the outlaw ( delete Action: defeat, your Lord dies and give no castle to the Player.


You had stairs inside the outlaw castle, right?

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Yes, I do have the stairs. :)


And I made it. :D It's a little bit differently than you described right not, but it's the same thing. I did what I mentioned with knights, I lured those outlaws on top of the gatehouse, then I saved the game, and then I went back into the editor to remove those knights. Besides this I reduced two castle estates so I wouldn't have any AI buildings to remove in the editor - the same thing with tiny estates I saw in the article Chris showed me. After removing those knights I also got those two estates to original size, and then I saved the map again.


I also tried to remove those few outlaws that showed up at each outlaw camp on the map, but after that the game would crash each time I try to save the map later. So I left it as it is, now outlaws seem to have tiny advantage over players, as they had started to show up some 10 seconds before the game started, or maybe more. I believe this won't be a problem.


EDIT: This way, when I make two tiny estates, the lord and the keep don't show up at all. The game just starts, it says to me to place the stockpile, but I just unpaused the game, and moved on playing around with those knights luring outlaws on the gate.

Edited by EaglePrince

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EDIT: This way, when I make two tiny estates, the lord and the keep don't show up at all. The game just starts, it says to me to place the stockpile, but I just unpaused the game, and moved on playing around with those knights luring outlaws on the gate.
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Hang on.

Do you mean to say that you have found a way to make a map where the player does not have a castle, but only troops on the map?

Does this also work in skirmish/muiltiplayer?

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Yes, it does work, you only need to make tiny territory for the player, 2x2 squares, and put the castle flag there. It asks you to build a stockpile, but you can simply unpause the game by pressing P on keyboard, and do with your troops (which you added on the map in the editor) whatever you like.

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Unfortunately I messed up the map now, but I kept one of the previous version for backup... Now outlaws can use the gate, but villages are messed up. All estates are village estates except for two of them, and those village estates have stockpile built and other stuff including the people. So, I gave up of that gate, the castle is as it was before, but I know how to do similar things in future which is great.

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Personally, I've never been able to find a fix for the game forcing you to place a stockpile. I know this is possible, because in the War Campaign, there are several missions where no stockpile or keep is placed. In fact, there is no keep marker placed there either.


It's particularly interesting if you use the map-unlocker to unlock the final mission of the war campaign, there is nothing in the map that would save instant defeat - so under the standard rules, you should lose instantly. Firefly have obviously applied some kind of special code to it.


In fact, if you use that map, you can circumvent the entire problem (somehow ...)

Edited by Lord_Chris


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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I am sure that I know how I could fix that. Now the only two estates that didn't have stockpiles are those that were tiny while I was doing that thing with outlaws. So, one thing that would certainly do the job would be putting no village flags on the map before I do the thing with outlaws, so the trick, and then mark the villages and all of the estates with flags. Only I will not do that with this map because I would be doing all that only to give those outlaws a gate - I just think that's too much work for a tiny detail.

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In fact, if you use that map, you can circumvent the entire problem (somehow ...)

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Do you think you could upload that map - un-locked turned into a flat plain - to the download section as a resource?

Just to give players a starting point for making a mission map without keep and stockpile.

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But I believe you can give a player a tiny castle estate, this way he just unpauses the game, and goes on to fight. Can't that do the job? Also, his castle and the lord wouldn't appear as the estate is too small for that (2x2 squares).

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Do you think you could upload that map - un-locked turned into a flat plain - to the download section as a resource?

Just to give players a starting point for making a mission map without keep and stockpile.

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I can certainly try it - though I won't be able to until the weekend probably.


I have unlocked Mission 5 of the path of war and had been loose while i had no castle.
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Not sure about mission 5 - I only ever tried the final mission.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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