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Opinions on my first mission (SHC2)

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So after playing Eskania and finally figuring out how to make invasions to work properly I decided to create my own mission map. This map is labelled as 'mission' so it's not for multiplayer. You are on your own here.


I want someone to play the map and give me opinions on the following:


1) Difficulty of the mission. Was it a total breeze for you or did you find it impossible to beat? Ideally I want the player to struggle in this mission and have a bit of a learning curve to it.


2) Technicalities: Does the pathing work ok? Is there anything strange with the invasions or buildings not being destroyed? I have tested those things multiple times but it is possible to have some not so obvious errors.


3) What was the most interesting part of the mission? The scenery, the invasions etc

For the players who want to test the map I would ask you to first play it and then open it in the map editor in order to dissect it. Let's say it has a few surprises which I don't want to spoil for you?:P

The mission objective is also listed once you view the mission in the game (Yeah that is a bit of a surprise too :P?)


If you have any questions send me a PM.

Prehistoric Prank.shmapFetching info...

Prehistoric Prank.zipFetching info...

Edited by Andreas9541

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This sounds interesting, Andreas.

I would be up for testing it. Do you provide the link? Or will you send it to my by email?


Either way, I look forward to it and will give you feedback.

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This sounds interesting, Andreas.

I would be up for testing it. Do you provide the link? Or will you send it to my by email?


Either way, I look forward to it and will give you feedback.

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I tried to set it as a post attachment but somehow it was not uploaded. But that's ok because I made a significant update to it. I will send it to you by e-mail and I will upload on the website and provide a link here since it can't be uploaded by post without approval.

Edited by Andreas9541

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Actually the attachment has been uploaded and I can see it here. I changed some permissions and you should? be able to access them now. Attachment permissions should be the same in each forum, so let me know if you still can't view or download them.


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Chris I don't know if you are the only person who approves files but if you do please cancel the upload of this map if you are reviewing it. I made a very stupid mistake which I forgot to test before submitting the map.

After testing another smaller map for invasions I noticed that no matter what I do the siege equipment will spawn to the target marker (aka inside my castle ) :(. I will need to revise my invasions completely because of that. This glitch doesn't happen when there is no siege equipment.?


If it's possible I will need someone to tell me how to access the learning campaigns because some of them have siege invasions and I will need to open those files to learn how to properly do them.

Edited by Andreas9541

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Could you let me know the submission number so I make sure I get the right submission? The learning campaigns should be editable just like any other map, just make sure you copy it out of the steam folder first, and out them somewhere like your desktop, where you have full permission to edit, delete .etc, and you have a backup of the file.


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I don't know how to find the submission number. But if the map is uploaded I will just edit the file with an updated version.

Edited by Lord_Chris
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The latest approved map is: http://www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/file/398-necropolis-twins/


I can approve the current one in the queue and you can update that though, if you want?


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It's better if the current one in queue is not uploaded since I'm still trying to work around the problem.

Sorry for the hassle.?

Edited by Lord_Chris
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Ok, I'll leave that file until you upload a corrected version.


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I made a few cosmetic changes and added the siege invasions in a way that they won't spawn inside the castle.?


Now I will just have to wait for feedback?:D


P.S I don't know if I successfully uploaded the map on this post (I'm either blind or I have to change my settings).

Prehistoric Prank.shmapFetching info...

Edited by Andreas9541

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I can see the map here just fine, I have no idea why you can't. I can also view it as a guest, are you sure you can't even view it as a guest? I've double checked the permissions again and you should be able to see it.


What about the first one, can you see that one too?


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Honestly, I can only see it when I click on the 'edit' option on my post, but other than that, I cannot spot it anywhere else. Where exactly do you see the file? Can you post a screenshot?

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This is what I see:




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Not sure if it helps the troubleshooting, but I can not see any uloaded map in this thread, either.



Surprisingly, I CAN see the attachment, when I am LOGGED OUT. But I CAN NOT see the attachment, when I am LOGGED IN :o

Edited by Nigel

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@Nigel ? Me too, I just logged out and the file jusr magically appeared but when I logged in back again I couldn't see it.

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I'm lost here, I have no idea at all why this could be happening. I've fixed something to do with attachments on the next version of the forum (Changelog), and when I download and use a fresh copy of that, it will work on there.


It was a while ago though, so I can't remember exactly what it was that I changed now. In fact - it was when you reported that bug @Nigel. For now, is it possible to make do with logging out or opening another browser? I understand this is a massive pain, but it will probably be more of a pain for me to debug it and try to find out exactly what the problem is again, especially since I'm not getting it.


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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For now, is it possible to make do with logging out or opening another browser?
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I think that is fine, Chris. Especially as it only seems to affect this particular sub-forum.


Andreas, I had a first go at your map finally. Very beatifuy eyecandy. I look forward to discovering what is hiding behind it all.

It is pretty hard, too and for now I only got as far as the first "obstacle".

I will send you more detailed comments/questions to your Steam mailbox. Don't want to give any spoilers here. :)

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After talking to Nigel a few days ago I was thinking of making a few more changes to the map.?

1) I added 5 more days to the time limit.

2) I wrote a more informative mission briefing.


I think the map is ready to be submitted to the downloads section.

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I tried to put the file in the downloads section of the site but it says that another file with the same name has been submitted. If I remember correctly the last file submission was cancelled.

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I must have forgotten about it, it was still there. I've removed it now.


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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