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New Stronghold Crusader Project: Nescient: Ending Conflict


Made with version 1.2.




Starting Units:

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Currently working on everything. Nothing is finished yet. Like Cognizant, this is an on-and-off project. I won't be working on this a lot.

I won't be posting any pictures of the enemy castle until almost everything is finished.

Edited by Strife

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This one looks really great, if you need a playtester you can count on me. Just to ask - each IA will act like in a skirmish game: attacking, defending, and rebuilding its castle? This looks like it's going to be a really fun map to play.

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Yeah, the game will be played similarly to a regular skirmish map, where the AI has their usual behaviors: attacking, defending, and rebuilding. The difference between this and a regular skirmish would be their castles, which of course have to be custom-built with the AI Village editor, along with player-restrictions that I will place (e.g. limited buildings, only certain troops).?

I have to say that one of my favorite Skirmish-Invasion map has to be qtillkeg's 4Brothers-Attack. It was a tricky one to play.


And I'll let you know when I need someone to test it out, thanks!

Edited by Strife

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Things still aren't complete, but some more details have been added. I think the last time I was working on this, I was still dealing with the AI castle-building. Then I gotta work on landscape and play-testing.

Here's an overview of the map so far, excluding the enemy castles. More landscaping details to come.


Imgur was being pretty dumb and wouldn't upload images with transparency, so the hidden parts are just blocks of this background color now. This wasn't a full capture of the map, just enough to show part of the landscape you're dealing with.

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A Teaser map has been submitted to the download section, this post will be updated when approved:


*Please note that this is not an every-day project. Delays will be tentative.


Here's a teaser map for Nescient. I'm still working on the landscape and AI castles. The Rat and Phillip so far have been screwing with me, so I have to do work-arounds with those two. The AI, except the faulty Rat, will not build any structures, subsequently making the castles a lot easier to siege. However, they will still build units and attack.?

Nothing has been tested yet. Just survive and defeat the enemy lords.

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As mentioned above, this is an on-and-off project, as usual.




Nobody's home...




So I was wondering whether or not I should have left the lords atop of their own keeps for you to kill, so that you won't have to deal with the enemy AI later on as you progressed through the castle. This would have led to the destruction of parts of the castle, basically giving you "checkpoints" to move on. I could also have deleted the lords, so that they would endlessly attack you, and you would be unable to prevent them from rebuilding at all.



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Instead, you're gonna be fighting all four lords on top of the last keep there. You're welcome. Have fun.

Edited by Strife

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