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Stronghold 2-11th of December

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Hello everybody! I have just seen that you guys play Stronghold games together on "Game Ranger" and I am super excited to play with all of you!?

I didn't enjoy multiplayer matches with "pro" players on Stronghold Crusader in the past, so I've never had the chance to be happy with "pro" players.

I like more realistic matches, the ones where people won't place ox carts in front of your gates, where they won't spam assasins and knights... Here, I have seen that we have rules, great :), I would really like to play with rules instead without them.


So, I'm planing a multiplayer game of SH2 with some of you, if you are free this Saturday, of course. We will discuss which map we will play on, here. I want to give my Game Ranger ID but I don't know how, can somebody tell me XD?

So, yeah. We will discuss everythung here, how will we play and so on. I'm kinda sad because I can't really contribute to the community by creating maps and stuff, I can only play games and chat with you guys, I guess that is ok ?:(?

I only have SH2 at the moment, I'll see to download Stronghold 1 too.


See you!

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other b*****d die for his"

-George S. Patton

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Oh, I forgot to mention... We will use SH2 rules made by EaglePrince.

Sorry if my grammar is bad, I was in a rush.

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other b*****d die for his"

-George S. Patton

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Hello, MisterEast. Its great to see player who like play with some rules directed to balance gameplay. ?If you dont like spam assasins and knights in stronghold crusader, you can play with us in stronghold 1. So. I thought about rules and create maps. We play great battles with EaglePrince and Nigel, you can found it on this forum.


For serach info about you profile in GR you can found your profile by search nickname. (Edit ->User Profile, Community -> Find User)

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I'm kinda sad because I can't really contribute to the community by creating maps and stuff, I can only play games and chat with you guys, I guess that is ok ?15x15http://cdn.stronghold-nation.com/smilies/sad.png[/img]?
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I can tell you that you can contribute more than you think, as there are lots of map makers here. They all like having some feedback after they publish their maps, and often they need map testers. For example, if one makes a scenario, you can test it before it is submitted here to the downloads central. This way really great scenarios are made, but you also have fun. Besides that, you share your opinion about each version of the scenario with the creator, and this way you contribute a lot as the final version of the scenario depends of you as well. :)


By the way, you said Saturday, but in the heading there is December 11th (and that's Friday). On which day would it be? I may be able to jump in on Friday evening maybe, but I'm going to have a lot of work this weekend. :(


I stand with Lord Banshee, if you didn't have fun with Crusader 1 in multiplayer, you might find Stronghold 1 really interesting. Economy is slower in Stronghold 1, so it takes more time to build an army, and if you make a mistake and lose a lot of troops in a battle, you could be in a real trouble. :)


On the other hand, I agree with what you say about Crusader 1 in multiplayer when it comes to those "pro" players. They just seek for most efficient way to win, and in my opinion that king of playing started to be only because of wanting to be the best, which is terribly wrong attitude - at least we can't argue with that when it comes to games. That's why I'm here, that's one of the reasons... While playing on GameRanger I was also visiting Stronghold Heaven and Stronghold Knights. With those guys from Stronghold Knights I had lots of interesting games - not caring who will win, or if map is perfectly balanced, etc... Later Stronghold Knights went down, but then Stronghold Nation came to be, and here we are again. :)

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Oh, sorry! Didn't see that the 11th is friday! Well,of course, we can play on friday if you wish. What time?


We will play the latest version of SH2, I will download Stronghold 1 so that we can play that too, later of course :).

My email adress is colonelsatoru@gmail.com (one of my emails ;p),send me a message and then we could talk in our language (normalno XD).


As for Stronghold Crusader, I do enjoy multiplayer, just without "expert/pro" players.


So, friday it is, I have school in the morning and will be back in 1 or 2 PM.Do you have anything to do tommorow?


Thanks for the support, now I know that I can contribute to the community without having to create maps and mods! Thanks!

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other b*****d die for his"

-George S. Patton

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It's settled then, 19:00 is it?


I don't think that other people will join, just you and me then :)

Edited by MisterEast

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other b*****d die for his"

-George S. Patton

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We shall see about that, but even if no ones else joins it will be fun. :)


By the way, we could play Forest Realm map I made if you want.



You can download it from here as well.



@Lord_Chris, when I try to see the description I get a page with this message:


Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration, we've been unable to display the page you requested.

We apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused, use the link below to try again, alternatively you can return to the board index.

Errno [8] Undefined property: downloads_model::$lang_common in /home/xxxxxxx.php on line 1051

Back to the indexTry again

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The error should be fixed. Let me know if you encounter any more over the PM. :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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