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Tutorial: Invasion Skirmishes

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For all of you who have played the 4th Historical Campaign, you'll notice its a skirmish battle with custom invasions in it. I have found a way to replicate such a configuration (but alas, there is one major limitation): Here's how:


1. Open Crusader

2. Start a custom Crusader game on the map you want, etc.

3. Save immediately and exit Crusader.

4. Locate save folder (In documents/Stronghold Crusader/saves)

5. Copy your saved game to the maps folder

6. Rename the save file, so the extension is now .map instead of .sav

7. Launch Crusader

8. Load the map in the map editor

9. Use [ALT]+[COMMA] to change the map to a single player map.


Tada, you can now script invasions and events, AND the game acts like a normal skirmish map! Pretty neat eh!


Now, there is one limitation: For some reason, if you let the map editor run while in building mode (not terrain mode), the map suddenly ends saying victory/defeat. Therefore, you cannot edit the castles, but that may not be a limitation due to the gameplay style.

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@Isaiah mentions one of the many possibilities of the Sav-to-Map trick. For a more graphical / detailed procedure, check out this link:




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Well, we can forgive you for not knowing about few articles here as you give your best to educate us here in your history tread. :) By the way, I didn't know about the article myself, it is a nice one! I do thank to Isaiah for giving us the short tutorial - besides the fact that we also need those short ones it also lead us to the older SHN article. :)

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By the way, I didn't know about the article myself, it is a nice one!
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@Isaiah mentions one of the many possibilities of the Sav-to-Map trick. For a more graphical / detailed procedure, check out this link:



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Forgot about that article. But yes, this is one possibility for the .sav to .map trick. Might be interesting if you want a much harder skirmish trail (I wish I could siege well....)

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