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Which OS do you have on your mobile device?

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Hey, guys. I this tread I wanted to see what is operative system that you have on your mobile device? I know how it is in my country, there are very little iPhones here, while as I have realized, there are way more of those in US for example... So what is the case with you fellow Crusaders? Do you prefer reliability of iOS, having lots of applications which is specific for Android phones, or you prefer Windows Phone which will hopefully get even better with Windows 10 for mobile gets released?


Although Chris probably knows what each of us use :D I would refrain from telling my opinion yet, I will wait to see what you say and what you think, and then I would jump in. :) I don't want to start a tread by stating how one OS is better than some other. :)


Also, as I am unable to add a poll here I would ask Chris to do that for me here, so visitors could pick the OS they use. Right now I have numbered three of them, but we can also discuss any other OS as well such as Symbian or some else. Regarding the poll, I think those could be under "other"...

Edited by EaglePrince

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Oops. Deleted the other and didn't read the text. I can't restore it either, it's permanently been deleted I've checked. Sorry.


Was it a long message?

Edited by Lord_Chris


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First off, I'm not sure why you can't add a poll, I'm not sure what's up there. I'll have to take a look, but unfortunately, I don't have time right now.


I have iOS, personally, with the state Microsoft is in as a company, the fact that they can spy on you with Windows 10 (and then, pushed updates to Windows 7 and 8 meaning they can do it there too!) means that I would never buy a Windows phone. To be honest, I don't think they are very good anyway, (one of my friends has one; they scratch easily, constantly freeze-crash, and I've heard him say that it even blue screened on him once in classic Windows style), But even if I wanted one, I wouldn't get it after Microsoft's massive invasion or privacy.


In fact, it's been so bad, I've had to completely disable the update feature on my machine to prevent the updates from re-installing. And to prevent them from releasing some other update that will spy on me. Anyway, back to the subject.


I've tried Android before, and while it's ok, there just seems to be something missing, it's not quite right. For me, iOS has a much better interface, it's cleaner, and for once, since the source is not open-source, it will mean it's more secure.


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Regarding the poll, maybe it is my bad. I just tick the checkbox "add poll" or something like that, and I see nothing else I could do regarding the poll, I just hit submit. I expected that it asks me about the poll afterwards? Well, maybe we don't need the poll so badly, you may have a look when you have enough time, but for this tread specifically - maybe we don't need it...


Speaking about those Windows updates, now I checked, I have both of those two installed on my machine two. Interesting, I missed that part of the story. On the other hand, maybe we only need to wait and see what will be experiences by other people... Maybe those are only for anti-piracy purposes. On the other hand, I feel need to tell that same may apply to the other two operative systems... I mean, nowadays lots of stuff are being stored on the cloud and each of those three systems has its own way of synchronizing images, contacts, messages, etc... through a cloud. For this reason I think that we can't really know if we are being spied by Microsoft, Google, Apple, or some other company... I am sure that there are things that are not even public. I could be telling that as a paranoid, but they could have been spying on us since Windows 98, and of course if they wanted to continue with that they wouldn't give us a reason to suspect. Google could be spying on us though Google Chrome, and same for Apple. Also, there is another thing - even if they do spy on us, I don't think they could get something interesting from me specifically. :) The only result that could matter to them would be when they get information from enough large group of people from a country and then they could get an idea about their political views and stuff like that...

In the end, I need to say that I am speaking all that as a person who doesn't know a lot about those things.


Now me back to the subject as well (although that concern about privacy is related to the subject too)... I am glad to hear an opinion of an iPhone user. I have realized even before that you care about privacy, and for that reason I am not surprised that you prefer this one. Although Apple's products are more expensive, for the same reason people expect from them to provide better privacy...


I have used Android before a little, although that wasn't my phone - it's my moms. It works well, but the only thing about those phones is that too many people complain about their android phones having lag over time and stuff like that... Still, my mom's HTC still works well, although one can feel that it needs more RAM and more CPU power. A Windows Phone and an iPhone with same specifications work way better with same specifications as an android phone. This is the reason I chose Windows Phone, and right now I have no regrets about that. Still, that thing with prize, optimization, etc... maybe that is something that concerns only us who live in a country where we have lower salaries...


There are some things they could have done better in Windows Phone in my opinion... For example on an older android when a message is delivered user can see that later by looking into the conversation and the message would be ticked. In my case I have a separate conversation with my operator in which I have all my reports... I hope they will change it in Windows 10, but it is no big deal. By the way is it true that iOS doesn't have delivery reports? Someone wrote that in a comment of an article I read, although I believe that he may be using an older iPhone with older software or he simply didn't know how to enable those?


Oh, and about crashes of the phone itself, it hasn't happened to me since I have this phone, and it's been since two months ago.

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