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Mathew Steel

Looking for active coders for a server.

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This may be moved to the Open Castle Inn, but since it's volunteering, it fits better here :)


A few friends and I have decided to finish (after a long time) preparation for our ArmA 3 Altis Life server. Everything is more or less done, however there are a few more plugins and errors that need fixing. I myself can't code, and so have been working on the map itself and the website. If you are to join, then you are agreeing to become a member of the server and help with future coding, not just a one time thing.


There are only 2 coders (one being the owner) and we desperately need more. If you wish to help, leave a reply here, or contact me by email - kompact111@gmail.com


The server is based on TeamSpeak 3, so you'll need to download the client to communicate with us. There will be an interview if you meet the necessary requirements. Please reply/email me with the following information:


First name -

TeamSpeak 3 username -

Nationality (not important, just useful to know) -

Information on your coding ability. Past experience? -

Age -



Feel free to ask for more information if you don't feel like you understand the post 100%


I know there are a few coders here, so this is the first place I came. Thank you! :)

Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Moved to the Open Castle Inn. Volunteer work is for Stronghold related projects only. :)


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