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Autosave not set?

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Hi guys!


I played Crusader 2 last night, and at some moment the game crashed. This thing itself is no issue - I'd just load the autosave, but... the autosave was off so I wasn't able to do that. I started the mission over, and later I won, but I was saving it manually - just in case... If I recall correctly last time I played it autosave was working? Is there a way to turn it back on? Did Firefly disable autosave during some patch, or I just messed up those stuff with another Stronghold game?


Thanks in advance!

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This is something I know was possible in Stronghold 3, because I've used it. I've just checked in Crusader 2 and it appears you can also make it auto save.


First off, you need to make sure Crusader 2 is closed. While this process does not do anything bad to your files, it is never a good idea to have the game open when you're doing stuff with files for it (and you will have to re-open it to see the changes anyway). Before we can actually begin, we must find where the files themselves are located. This does however, depend on where Steam is installed on your machine. The default directory is in Program Files on a 32-bit machine, or Program Files(x86) on a 64-bit machine.


You can find out which type of system you have by going to start -> Right Click on "This PC" or "Computer" -> Properties. However, I will show you an easier way. Go to the start menu, type 'Steam' in the search box, right click on it then select 'Open File Location'. From there go to:


SteamApps -> common -> Stronghold Crusader 2 -> assets


Find the file config.xml and open it in a text editor, I use Notepad ++.


Find this line:



And replace the numbers with whatever you want. max_saves is pretty self-explanatory so I won't say anything about that. "interval" is how often the game will save. For example, setting this option to "60" will make the game save roughly every game day.


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Thanks for detailed explanation. I will try to do that, and now when you mentioned it - now I remember I was also doing this in Stronghold 3. I'm not on the right PC at this moment, but I am almost sure I will make it. Nevertheless, I will let you know. :)

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Thanks, Chris. I personally set my "max files" to 5 and the interval to 600. I haven't played SHC2 in a while, but from my experience with it (and other games) these numbers are probably a nice place for people to start tweaking with. :)


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