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Charles of Tours

Sir Christopher Lee

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It was announced today that the English actor and singer, Sir Christopher Lee, died on June 7th at the age of 93.


We all knew him for his role as Dracula and Frankenstein's monster in the Hammer horror films, and as Saruman in The Lord of the Rings?and The Hobbit films. Recently, he sang for different types of albums in the "metal" genre, including the parts of Don Quixote and Charlemagne. Sir Lee himself was a descendant of Charlemagne, but an honorable man and skilled performer in his own right.


Here is the BBC story for verification:?http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-33098353


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I saw this on the news. TOTALLY ruined my day. I grew up on his work. There will never be another "Count", now or ever. I still to this day break out his Hammer Films (and it is very much a delight every time). God grant him eternal rest!

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I was absolutely devastated, it ruined my day too. He was one of my favourite actors, he always did more than just "play the part".


He was at least part of the reason I like The Lord of the Rings (& the Hobbit for that matter) so much. He truly was one of the greats :(


RIP Sir CHristopher Lee.


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I heared in on the readio yesterday - very sad.


Actually, I was thinking of you, Charles of Tours, knowing what a great fan of him you are after a conversation we had some days back. While I have never really been into his Dracula films, I love the Lords of the Rings films and the role he played there.


My condolences to all his fans.

Edited by Nigel

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