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Your opinion about the download comment system

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While I'm busy refining the download section, I'm wondering whether to remove the comment system, most of the files that have discussion have threads here anyway, and you would be able to rate a download without writing a comment. In my opinion, all it's doing is slowing the page down, but I'd like to hear what other members of the community think before just removing it.


So, what is everyone else's opinion about removing the comment system and just have a simple rate system like the articles, if help topics are needed they can be made here?


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Personally I like the comment system. For me, it's a neat and easy way of receiving feedback on my projects. Although I do tend to create forum topics for my maps, it's not a very convenient way of getting feedback as the replies aren't always related to the quality of the map.


The Steam workshop has a comment system and people use it very efficiently, even for people who are looking to download the map, it's useful to read other reviews before deciding on whether you will download it or not.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I like the comment system too, as this way one can see if others liked the map, and he/she can easily read others opinions. We know that there are treads for some of the maps and stuff, but if one visits the page of a file, he wouldn't know where to comment if he likes it. :) There are more reasons I am sure. :)


ADITION: Also, regarding those treads for some of our maps and stuff - those are our work which we want to present to our community; we are so proud of our work that we would be able to poke someone in an eye and say "look, isn't it awesome?". :D ...and that's what those treads for our downloadable content are for, but we do need the comment system as well, at least for those content that don't have their treads in the forum. :) Also, we could say that comment system doesn't work so great at Stronghold Heaven downloads section, but that's because they have no notification system, which is great about SHN.


AN IDEA: Maybe making notifications for those comment in the top bar like those we get when we get a PM would do well - instead of sending email notifications, I don't know if that would spare some bandwidth... But if we keep both, than it wouldn't spare any bandwidth. :)

Edited by EaglePrince

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Email notifications aren't using any resource usage really, they're not at all a problem to send out. I tell you what I'll do. I'll remove the rating system as it is, and change it to where you click the amount of stars you want. That way, we may get more ratings for more files. But I'll only allow users who are logged in to rate.


I'll keep the comment system, but purely make it a simple comment system.


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I'll keep the comment system, but purely make it a simple comment system.
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Well, if that would help, we don't really need the BBcode in the comment system - if that would help. Stronghold Heaven has plain text in comment system too. :)


Just an idea, but I'm sure you know better. :)

Edited by EaglePrince

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