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Streaming SHN gaming events

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Our new friend Lord Banshee came to this idea, which could promote SHN - we could stream our games. If I got it right, anyone who has a Steam version of the game is able to stream it to others, although that would require a good connection, and I don't know if that could cause lag during the game.


What do you say about this option? It's not like it's a necessity, but perhaps it would do. Besides making events and letting people at Steam know, so they could join.


Regarding the newest Stronghold game - Crusader 2, we could make events with only few rules which would be welcomed by one part of the community - we could make a population limit, so players wouldn't build whole industries inside their castles, and we could also limit number of trebuchets one player can have at a time, like we do in Stronghold 2. This could promote SHN some more, but we would be helping an entire community as well! After all, those two are the reason why many give up on Crusader 2 multiplayer.

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Yes, I have already configered steam on twitch. I hear that steam allow to do this, but I dont know how it works. Ping on twitch is near 15-20 sec on my computer.


What I think about rules.

Special rules are needed, but not "alpha-rules", for example, because they limited by 1 map and some settings. I don`t want to limit possibilityes of the game, but it`s possible to make game more tactical. There are some aspects:

- Map needs to be balanced and not allowed to build very strong castle which exist by inner economy, which can not be destryed. Map should not allowed an "apple-war" or "mangonel-war". In this case I thought up the borders on map (made in editor), which not allowed to build fortification in out from it.

- Tactics. Any RTS assumes tactical acpect, including destroying and guard the economy too, not only siege on castle. There is a regularity: lower trading -> higher realism and tactics, becuase player needs to fight for resourses and not sit in their castles. That needs a special maps with big amount of resourses.

- No Rush Time. There is no game-timer, but there is a calendar and we can to set up amount of years for no rush, which assumes not build a barracks for this time or build barracks and not build army and engeneers (balistas, mangonels).

- I`m not sure we need to limit number of siege equipment.

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Moved to Site Questions/Support.


What exactly do you mean by "streaming"? From what I can gather, I think you mean just allowing other players to spectate, but it's a bit ambiguous. Could you explain it a but more?


I completely agree as this is a good idea, depending on the circumstances, I could even set up a streaming page on the main site for users to view. But really we need a bit more info first ...


This could promote SHN some more, but we would be helping an entire community as well! After all, those two are the reason why many give up on Crusader 2 multiplayer.
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Maybe you'd like to do a "Crusader 2 Multiplayer rules" topic then? :)


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What exactly do you mean by "streaming"? From what I can gather, I think you mean just allowing other players to spectate, but it's a bit ambiguous. Could you explain it a but more?
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Someone else from Steam would be able to watch the game while not being in the game itself. Also, if one wants to watch this game I think that one doesn't even need to have the game by himself. He (or she) would only be watching a video. Lord Banshee or someone else, correct me if I am wrong. :)


Of course, I do agree it would be the best if one would simply join our event so there could be more of us, which would make it more interesting.



Regarding those rules, I think we should keep it as simple as possible. I agree with what you say about maps, it is more interesting for me too, when we build smaller castles, and when we need to send some of our troops our to protect our lands. It makes it more realistic. I agree with you regarding mangonel war, it is something which should not be possible, although if there are six players, I am unsure if that is even possible to do. Because of this I think this should be an agreement which could be made by neighboring lords.


The rule I have always insisted on is no portable shields. Portable shields are overpowered, and they are widely used by those "expert" Stronghold Crusader players. We could create another tread here, where we already have our rules for SHC, SH2, and SHL.


Those are my suggestion:

  • no portable shields
  • no cow throwing outside enemy castle
  • no mangonel war
  • no building castle buildings outside the defined area (if the area is defined)

By the way, what do you assume by apple war? If it is fighting over territory to have more apple farms, then it is fighting for more resources which is fine by me.


Regarding no cow throwing, I am saying it, because if all of us were throwing cows on enemy troops which are outside a castle - on a hill for example, then it would end up by throwing cows all over the map on each other. For example, Nigel and I wasn't throwing cows on each others troops in the previous game, but if we were, our fight over the northern territory would be slightly pointless, as we would be having a large no mans land, and Stronghold 1 maps are not large enough for that. :) There is one more reason, and that is because in real life throwing cows would work only when thrown into a castle, as this way it in a closed are it would cause a disease. On the other hand, a cow thrown into an open are would do nothing. Still, I do not insist on this, I know Charles likes throwing cows too, but I am saying my opinion. :)



ADDITION: I have created another tread do discuss this matter (rules in MP).

Edited by EaglePrince

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I stickied your other topic.


Someone else from Steam would be able to watch the game while not being in the game itself.
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How exactly would we do this? I like the idea and would like to get this done somehow, but I think we'd need to know more about how it would be set up, especially if I was to create a page on the site for streaming.


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I have an account on twitch and have OBS program, and I tested them, it works normal. If we want to streaming by steam there is a small problem - we need to start game from steam without gameranger and this game may be seen only by steam users. Audience on twitch will be more than on steam, I think. But on steam we can do a limited amount of audience by friends or people are invited. Also there more simple to configure it.


Other aspect is - will it be lagged or not while playing more than 1 player. It needs be tested too.

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After a bit of searching, I found this for Twitch: https://github.com/abartholomew/twitchphp/blob/master/Twitch.php


This code is definitely not perfect but this could easily be solved as I could modify it to fit our needs. Based from what I can tell (and from what you've just said), I think Twitch would be easiest to include and attract the largest audience, being more beneficial. Would you be prepared to test it out with me some time? (We can discuss this a bit more over the PM if need be)

Edited by Lord_Chris


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I'd completely forgotten about this but couldn't make it that day anyway - sorry for not letting you know. Any results after attempting this?


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Perhaps this weekend (most times Saturday, or Friday afternoon my time) I could help test by watching on Twitch. I have an important exam tomorrow (Friday) so I won't be here for half of the day. But perhaps tomorrow night or afternoon if you two are available? :)


Also, I think if you had to choose between broadcasting on Twitch or Steam, I think Twitch would be the better option, especially if it is compatible with Game Ranger. Even if you don't have a fancy Steam page to show your stream on, you can send the Twitch link to friends and ask them to watch, or you could put a link on this website (in your signature would be a good place) so whenever you had an event you'd like to broadcast, you can simply put up a post saying what time.


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I think weekend would be good, I could find some time I think. :)


Also, regarding some Steam page, I was thinking about that, but we would definitely be able to post about it in Steam discussions, here, at Stronghold Nation, and I could let people know about it at Slavic Warlords as well.

Edited by EaglePrince

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This Sunday is Mother's Day in the US, and the family is staging a barbecue so I will be unable to watch on Twitch unless it is postponed because of weather. :(


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I want to be involved with this, but more on the administrative side rather than playing in the game as I think it could benefit me more if I'm doing that (especially if I'm going to be setting up a twitch stream page on the site, it will give me an understanding of what I need to do). Will we be using GameRanger? If so, I'll meet you there as if I'll be joining and then you can let me know how to view the stream and I'll let you know if it works - or of course, I could join in the game but sit as more of an "observer".


I've never used twitch before, so you will have to bear with me, though :)


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