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Lord Vetka

Introduction to the Community

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Hello, Thank you for the new site, "Heavengames" has been a bit slow for a while now. You might know me as "Sir_Vet", my favorite games are SH2 and SHC, I have them all but those are my favorites.


My passion is for making maps and I like to share my work, there are more than a few maps on my hard drive waiting for a place to upload them, hopefully I've found a new home!


If your are reading this and have an idea for a new map but not to sure about how to make one, I would be willing to try and make it for you, whether it's for SH2 or SHC a war or peace scenario maybe a kingmaker...


I do have a request, I do write my own stories but I am not a writer and don't like it, if you would like to write some stories for my maps before they are uploaded, I would probably post more maps.


Anyway, if you guys like my maps and make favorable comments about them even unfavorable, I will be posting more.


Thank You


Lord Vetka

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Welcome to the forums! :)


Ah yes, I know who you are now. One of the first maps I downloaded from stronghold 2 heaven was yours - they really are fantastic. They look really professionally made, (your one from our download central is certainly no exception). The scripting behind them is also very good and works perfectly.


Please upload more maps!


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Thanks Lord Chris, glad to be here, and thanks for the great comments about my maps.


2 Questions, I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself and do it through Sir DavidSpys introduction thread, but now when I came back to check, I realized I needed to go through Sir DavidSpys topic to get to it.


So it seems that no one else will find my thread.


Should I make a new separate thread for my maps, or could you move my comments?


Don't mind me it's not that important, just asking.


Next question, I have some SHC maps that I could post, any idea of when the SHC site will be back up and running?


Lord Vetka

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Not at all, topic split.


The actual SHC site I am trying to bring back online as soon as I can, but after the change in servers a lot of the pages in it will need altering I'm afraid.


However, the beauty of our download central is that links from all our sites will take you to the exact same place (http://www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/), and all the sites we cover will have downloads there.


You can upload for any site by just going here and choosing which game you want to submit it for.


(If you want to add info for any fields that are not there just tell me here and I'll add them in) :)

Edited by Lord_Chris


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Thanks Lord Chris, I just posted my SHC map, it's an Eco-invasion map.


I posted it as a castle builder and explained in my post what the map is.


It would be good to add in, war scenario, peace scenario, and maybe EcoWar scenario not really necessary as it's covered by the war scenario.

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Just approved your file :)


I'll see if I can add them in - what about the fields when you where submitting your file. Did they match crusader or did they seem off a bit?


Also, most of our stronghold crusader site is working now: http://www.stronghold-nation.com/games/stronghold-crusader/

Edited by Lord_Chris
Updated URL and removed now redundant bbcode


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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I think the fields are OK, there was nothing for war or peace scenarios.


There is no spot for version #, or map size.

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Oh, I didn't think about the version. The map size will be a tricky one; I'll try my best to add it in, but fields also have to be there for CivCity Rome and I think that one is already there for that.


I'll find a way - thanks for the heads up :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Hi, I guess, I could introduce myself.:)

I am EaglePrince - the same EaglePrince from Stronghold Heaven, Stronghold Knights, I fight under the same name on GameRanger, and I always appear with this very same shield with eagle!:)

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Welcome to the site EaglePrince, glad to have you!


You could make your own intro thread if you want, I did the same as you, then asked to have my comment moved.


I've seen some posts and your skirmish map, and will check out the map and make a comment.


Nice to have someone more interested in Crusader, I love both SHC and SH2, especially the editors.

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Thanks, Lord Vetka.


As about my own intro tread, I think I won't be needing one. Only I could apologize to you, cause I came into your own intro tread. :D But I wasn't aware of that - later I saw others wrote their intro post in another post.


And, I see I didn't say that - Stronghold Crusader, Stronghold 1, and Stronghold 2 are my field of interest. :)


As about my maps - that for that. I'm gonna upload some more maps this evening as well.

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I'm not troubled by your post at all, just letting you know that if you want people to see your profile it will be lost here.


I never cared about SH1, I found SHC first, but I do like SH2 and SHC, the editor is my passion.


More maps, great, we can use all of the content we can get.

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Well i guess i should introduce myself since i was new here. I am Duc Vautour, i also have a StrongholdHeaven account under the same name. And my gameranger id is also the same. I started to get into map making things and to be honest, i really admire the maps that were created by our two members in here : Lord Vetka and EaglePrince. A hint and comment from EaglePrince on my creation really helps me alot. I only played SH1 and Crusader on my computer since my computer is a little bit old :). I play SH2 a couple of times on my friend,s computer tho.


Besides mapmaking, i do have another unrelated hobbies in writing. I could help anyone who wanted to crrate a stproes for their map. But since as you can see, my english is not good, you guys should correct my story writings :)

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Welcome aboard! :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Welcome to the site Duc Vautour, good to see more map makers come to the site, need any help along the way just ask in the forums>


Another writer, I might take you up on that, I did get a volunteer to write a story for an SHC map, maybe I could ask you some time.


I write my stories but can't say that I have ever liked having to write any thing.:-)

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