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Forest Realm map

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Hello guys! These days I've been only talking about creating some new Stronghold 2 map, or maps, but this one of my ideas came to reality! I came to an idea such as this one some time ago, when I saw three men's land by Bradley. My idea for to make a map which would be an eye candy, but still as balanced. The map I am presenting you now is called Forest Realm, and I am going to upload it today. Before I do that, I am making this tread, as I plan to make some other versions of this map as well.


Let me show you the minimap and some screenshots from this version of the map map!




This map was intended for singleplayer and multiplayer games, while in multiplayer - it is the best if there are three or six players, because of the villages which produce cloth. If four players played this map, one side would have one more village then the other, but still - it is a small village after all. Nevertheless, I do plan to make another version of the map in which in which I would put four villages producing cloth, and this map would be more suitable for 2v2 matches. ...or I would make it with only two cloth producing villages - as there can be maximum 16 territories, and I also have the neutral one.


I am going to submit the map into our Downloads Central, so you could try it.


@Lord Vetka, my master, I hope I did a good job? :)











Edited by EaglePrince

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I haven't had time to check it yet, but from what I can tell this looks like it will be a very good multiplayer map. It looks very well balanced!


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I was taking care that each estate has similar size - it is about 6 large squares in the editor... Still, I didn't want to have everything in squares, rectangles, and triangles, so I made those borders a little bit more curved and natural. Regarding resources, I was putting stone and iron into bars of same length - iron is in 2x10 bars (or rectangles). This may not seem much natural, but I believe this will make players easier to use maximum of those resources.


I do realize though that those starting territories are not as large as on Bradley's map, but on the other hand - we wouldn't like to play same maps over and over again. :)


Also, I shall see yet about making another version of the map more suitable for 2v2 matches... Perhaps having only two cloth villages would be the best - one in the north, as it is, and on in the south; those two in south-west and south-east would be removed in that version. If we do find that needed, of course!

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Scenery wise the map looks great! I haven't been able to test if it's balanced yet but ill let you know soon :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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