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Lord Stronghold

Own video, text and sound Messages in Scenarios.

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Sorry for my bad English. I hope, that a Stronghold Fan

write this Tutorial in better English.


Your can make own video, text and sound effects

in your Stronghold Scenario. This is great, when you will have

a better gameplay atmosphere in Stronghold Scenarios.


1.1 Theory over the Messeage


The Message is great and amazing, when you will

have a better atmosphere in the game.


Remember you're the original Stronghold Mission,

and the LOTR Mod for Stronghold. The Mission have own Sounds,

Video and text effects in a Mission. Your can better to narrate a Story.

There are a potential where in Age of Empires 2.


1.2 The action "Text Message"


At the first, your must make a Text Message.


1. Download and start Tsearch.

2. Start Stronghold and load the Stronghold.exe in Tsearch.

3. Start in the Editor a Stronghold Scenario, with the year January 1066.

4. Set as effect for the year "Wolf Sleeps".

Now see the picture.








Now you can set Text Messages!




More over this Theme:



1.3 Make own Messages.


Now Edit with a Hexeditor the "Stronghold.mlb".

See the Picture, and you see a little Messages in the Stronghold.mlb.




All Messages in Stronghold have this format. You can make new Messages, but there must in this

Format. Before you make a new Messages with Video and Sound, make a Messages in the Category "Briefing" with the value 03, because your must select the Message in the Editor. :)


1.4 Tipps

List from all Catagorys


01 = tutor

02 = titles

03 = briefing

04 = adviser

05 = rt_taunt

06 = rt_anger

07 = rt_plead

08 = rt_vict

09 = sn_taunt

0A = sn_anger

0B = sn_plead

0C = sn_vict

0D = pg_taunt

0E = pg_anger

0F = pg_plead

10 = pg_vict

11 = wf_taunt

12 = wf_anger

13 = wf_plead

14 = wf_vict

15 = ap_event

16 = ap_civil

17 = ap_milit

18 = ap_narra



The Catagory tutor, titles, adviser, ap_event and ap_narra have not Messages.

When you use "adviser", you can not selected the new Messages. This effect use

Stronghold LOTR.


How to counting Symbols





Use Radgametools for Movies

Make your own Bink Video with Rad Game Tools. A typical Stronghold Video have the Width 128 and the Height 128. Scaling your video of this mass. Make a new .wave file and then to the last step, the subtitle.




When you want Sound in the Videos, the Compression Level from the Video must are 104 and not 4.

A alternative





The Sound File are too big?

You can use Golden Wave or a another Program to convert the Wave with IMA ADPCM. After the compilation is the .wave not so big.


Hex Rechner

A good hexadecimal Computer: http://de.selfhtml.org/helferlein/dezhex.htm


.mlb is the abbreviation of Movie, Listen and Briefing.


1.5 A Briefing for a Mission over the stronghold.mlb




Important! You can't make a letters or Symbols in the Description Tool from

the Editor in your Scenario, because the Briefing from the stronghold.mlb else not run.


More Links:


Stronghold Knighs - Wayback Machine


Stronghold Heaven


Tutorial by Teutonen Ritter

Edited by Lord Stronghold

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Please do not needlessly bump your thread. It is already at the top of the list.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Please do not needlessly bump your thread. It is already at the top of the list.
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I'm Sorry. I would like comment for my hard Work. :S




PS: Lord_Chris excuse me, i have played with the Repuartation System. Sorry!!! :blush:

I have give back two Reputation . :D

Edited by Lord Stronghold

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Lord Stronghold only wanted to remind us about this matter, and indeed there is a possibility that someone wanted to do something with that, and that he didn't find the time back then.


There is me for example, I still have something to do for Stronghold Europe, the Crusader mod which I really like, but I just can't back together with myself these days. :| On the other hand, there are moments I give a rest, and I could spend that time doing something good for the community. :)

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Sorry EaglePrince, but i don't work more at the Mod.

I hafe not more the Time and the pleasure for this giant Projekt.


The great Tutorial is my thanks for all Work from Stronghold Fans.

Edited by Lord Stronghold

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Sorry to hear that. Still, I do have to say that you have brought it close to perfection. :) Of course, there are things which you would like to do some time, but from perspective of a player, it is a great mod already, and one wouldn't change a thing there right now. :)


Thanks you for bringing us this mod! :)

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I'm Sorry. I would like comment for my hard Work.
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This is a volunteer forum. I understand you may want comments instantly (after all who wouldn't), but folks may not always have the time. They come on the forum when their times, schedules and whimsy dictate. A bit of patience is all :)


Lord Stronghold only wanted to remind us about this matter, and indeed there is a possibility that someone wanted to do something with that, and that he didn't find the time back then.
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That doesn't justify needlessly bumping a thread. If what was added was relevant and wasn't thread bumping for the sake of it, it would have been a different story, as you say.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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