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Mathew Steel

"Re-written History" Free Build Map

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As promised, I made a map to show that I'm slowly coming back to Stronghold. Now it's nothing amazing, no massive fights or amazingly designed maps, but the map is special to me for more than one reason. Some personal reasons, other reasons you can read about within the "background" text below. I hope you enjoy the map :)






Llywelyn ein llyw olaf (aka Llyewlyn ap Gruffudd) was the king of Wales in 1258 until his death at Cilmeri in 1282.


To this day a stone from centuries ago still stands in Cilmeri. Llywelyn was killed around the area of that stone. The stone stands as a sign to the people of Wales to forget about

the negative past and to look to the positivity in the future.


A poem written by Iwan Llwyd creates this message. The poem is called "11.12.82" which is the date of Llywelyn's death. The poem itself has 6 stanzas, the first 5 stanzas refer to

the negativity in the death of a great king and how everybody remembers that negativity. Then the 6th stanza tells us to look to the future and remember Llywelyn as the great king

he was and not remember his death. It roughly translates to:


?? then screamed the baby

And the winters melted

And the breeze that froze Irfon?

The silence broke

And the challenge of a new century horrified her cry?


Being Welsh, this story is important to me and as Llywelyn was a king who commanded an army, I decided to create a map to remember the king. I named the map "Re-written History"

because this prevents the negativity coming back. Nobody tries to lose in games and so they will retry until they win. That's the attitude this map should bring out. By re-writing

history, you can make the future better!

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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This seems interesting glad to see some new maps coming. :) It's getting late here, and I need to go to sleep, but I will read the whole story tomorrow. From the minimap, it seems really good, although Stronghold 2 maps can't be judged by the minimap - there are too many details we don't see this way. :)

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Yeah - I'll third that. I don't have time to download it at the moment, but from what I can see it looks like a very well made Free Build map, and you've put a lot of time into the story too.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Thank you all for the kind words, the map is only small and so it only took about 30-40 minutes to finish but I feel it's a nice map. Just waiting for it to be accepted and I'll let you all know once it's available for download :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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