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Downloads Rules for Uploading Files

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We have guidelines, but no official rules for uploading files. After a number of fairly bad files that have been uploaded to us, @Lord Vetka and I have decided to create some official rules. These new rules are adapted from already existing guidelines.


We are proud of the quality and safety of the content available for download here at StrongholdNation. The staff members who test all these are volunteers. The establishment and enforcement of these rules will make the process easier for all of the staff members responsible for approving or rejecting the submitted content.


All content must be tested prior to uploading


All content must be checked thoroughly prior to uploading, this differs depending on the file type. Maps must be play tested prior to uploading, utility files must be checked.


The minimum requirements of "Play Testing a Map" include testing to ensure that a single player map performs properly in both a win and a lose condition, or a multiplayer map works properly regardless of which estate is chosen.


The minimum requirements of testing a Game Utility include ensuring that the utility functions as it is claimed to function, causes no harm to a person's computer, that it does not adversely affect the game's core functionality, and that it is free of malicious code or viruses.


Malicious programs are taken extremely seriously. We will permanently disable your account, and file an abuse complaint with your internet service provider after such an occasion. Further, we reserve the right to press criminal charges for any damage attempted to be done to either our webserver, or the computer of another user.


The best place to request play testers is in our Volunteer Work forum. You can create a new thread with specifics for your file.


All content must be uploaded in a zip archive.


Content which does not have a zip archive will not be accepted - however, any content inside the zip archive (such as a rar or 7z file will be removed from the archive by a moderator. We also reserve the right to reject such files off hand. File names can be as long or short as you wish; they will be renamed upon submission to the name of the file.


What to include in your download


Depending on the type of file will depend on what content should be inside.




Maps should generally have the map itself (or saved game file), a preview image if necessary, and a readme file for what to do with the file after downloading. The reason for this is so that users who are new to the game will know exactly what to do with the file. I have attached a template to this post, which you could consider using. This template isn't compulsory, but it must contain some kind of installation instructions for the users downloading.


Maximum uploading size


Files cannot be uploaded past 512 Megabytes. If you wish to upload a file larger than this, contact myself or another member of the admin team. You must provide an exceptionally good reason for a file to be uploaded over this size, and not in several files. This is not possible through the web interface, it must be attached in an email to one of us if approved.


Files accepted


We will not approve files for the sake of approving files. Each file is given a very thorough check before being published, involving a basic security check of the uploaded archive, a check of bad mapmaking, general errors, any scripting errors and then a playing of the actual file. And while we also welcome beginner map makers to upload their contributions, we will point out that anyone can create maps containing straight lines, these files will almost certainly be rejected.


This isn't open for discussion, so this topic will simply be closed. However if you have any questions or complaints, please feel free to personal message them to myself or @Lord Vetka.

File Installation.txtFetching info...


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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