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Mathew Steel

My Inactivity

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I'm sure it's been a while since all of you have heard from me. I have been checking the forums every now and then, but not enough to start replying to certain posts etc. I'm making this topic to explain where I am and where I have been, I feel as if you all deserve to know why I've been gone so long (if any of you have even noticed :P)


In the same way that if you listen to the same song over and over again, you need to break and eventually you just stop listening to it. Now in a way, that's what has happened here. I had been on these forums at least twice everyday for a long time, hence, I randomly stopped visiting the forums and stopped playing Stronghold itself for a while also.


This post isn't me saying I'll be a lot more active on the forums (although I have returned to using the forums.) This post is to explain where and why I have been gone. In case anyone took it the wrong way, this is nothing to do with the people or the site itself. This is simply my thoughts towards games, and so gaming forums, changing. Slowly, I see myself turning back to Stronghold, occasionally playing a match or two of skirmish. But until then, I will only be checking the site every now and then.


I hope you don't hold this against me, as it's something I just cannot control.


Best regards,

Tom :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I hope you don't hold this against me, as it's something I just cannot control.
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Not at all! Thanks for explaining :)


I know what you're talking about, it happens to all of us. No one will hold it against you, it's up to you when you come on and off the site. Glad to hear you're starting to come back though :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Thank you for understanding Lord_Chris. I'll try and get a map ready for my return :P

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Yes, EaglePrince has worded it well :)

We did notice your absence, but understand that one needs to take a break from a game now and than.


I have done this myself in the past and I am sure there will be a time when I will do it again - even with Stronghold.

But a good game and a good fan-site has me always coming back.


So take your time and if you want to pop in now and then to say hellow or play an occasional quick game - even better. :)

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Yeah don't worry your not the only one and I know what you mean (i been checking forums regularly but not really replying) and as chris said it all up to you when you come on and off the site. everyone here has a life of the site so no one will hold it against ya if you inactive for a while, well I wont anyway :P

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"I have fallen in battle, you must now lead the fight, my Lord! "

Until I get my PC fixed. :) Luckily, I do have two of them, and the one I can play Stronghold Crusader 2 on, is working, so I will be able to face Nigel again at the tournament. :) Only this one that has failed me is the one I spend most time on, and so for that reason I don't write much these few days.

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And my PC is back to life, it has a new graphic card now. :) Still, it is an old PC, so I got an used graphic card, but this one is somewhat better. Also, even though it is an old PC, it is the one I enjoy writing from. An old friend has been cured. :)

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