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Convert siege that map to invasion map?

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Hi! I just meant to ask if it is possible to make an invasion map (in which one defends a castle), and after that to convert the map into siege that map, so human player could attack this same castle. Is that possible?


Thanks in advance! Regards. :)

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If I remember correctly, in SH1 a savegame can be converted into an editable map.

Not sure if that helps with what you are looking for, but it may be worth trying out something along those lines.

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Thanks for your help guys, although I fear this doesn't answer what I was wondering... Perhaps I didn't express myself well.


What my brother wants to do is to build his castle, and to script invasions, so he could see how tough his castle is; and after that, he wants to besiege his own castle - he wants to switch the sides. Is that possible?


I also know about this trick with .sav and .map file extensions, but I can't see how that would help me. :(

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What my brother wants to do is to build his castle, and to script invasions, so he could see how tough his castle is; and after that, he wants to besiege his own castle - he wants to switch the sides. Is that possible?
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Hiya, just spotted this thread - your brother can do exactly this by pressing Alt and , (comma) when in the map editor screen,, this will take you to a screen (pictured in attachment) where you can change the map type to siege, economic etc. and resize it, should you wish - don't forget to save it under a new name though, so the original invasion map isn't lost. (This also works in SHC)


Edited by LordPaultheDubious

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Whilst what you say for the most part is true, you forgot one vital thing: Stronghold does NOT let you convert invasion maps to siege, economic, or freebuild IF there are invasions that are scripted.


Therefore, EaglePrince should use the .sav to .map trick, remove all the scripted invasions (and probably win/lose events), then [ALT]+, to change the map type.

Edited by Lord_Chris
Removed unnecessary quote of entire previous post

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:) Yep, it has been quite a while since I've used the feature myself, so forgot about the scripting issue!


But could he not just save the .map file under a different name, remove the scripting and win/lose, then convert it using Alt + ' ? I'm sure that's how I've done things in the past when I wanted to use a map design for both an invasion and an economic mission.


Anyway, between us all it looks like we've arrived at a solution for EaglePrince's brother, so hopefully... :)

'...But be not afraid of jesters; some are born jesters, some achieve jesters and some have jesters thrust upon them'

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Now I see I haven't replied here, although I did write down the reply, but I didn't hit the Submit button. :)


Thanks, Lord Dubious, that's exactly what he needed! Also, it may be possible that this thing with scripting could make a problem, and that I wouldn't realize what's the source of it; so thanks for that too, guys. Thank you Isaiah as well, that's something I wouldn't expect. I also assume that removing the scripting like Lord Dubious described should work, but either way - it is possible, and it's not complicated.


Thanks for your help, guys! :)


Also, off topic, I'm glad to see you here - with your avatar, this places reminds me even more on Stronghold Knights, which is a good thing. :)

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This is actually possible. Just watch the video I made.?


It is in German. If you have a problem with that just let me know. Or you just download the template I made:?


There you have a cede castle event to get the castle after killing all enemy troops in it.

The time on/off events prevent the time from running, so that you cannot be attacked by enemy forces before even owning the castle.


By the way: The Auto Binks On/Off-Events prevents the game from warning you before an invasion. This is quite useful if you don't want to make a storyline for your map, that does not contain one of the four classic enemies, e.g. the rat.

Edited by Lord_Chris
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Hi Monstertomete,


first of all: wellcome to the Stronghold Nation :)



Can you post a link to the video you made?

I would love to see how this is done.

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Thanks @Monstertomete for the template map you posted to. I've linkified your link, and promoted your account so you should have full privileges now. Welcome! =)


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