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Crusader1307 has been doing a great job as a member so Chris and I have decided to promote him to t contributor make sure to give him a big congratulations for being such a great member of the forums!


Also the downloads are being redesigned guys so they may be offline for a few days. It is going to look very nice when they come back up. Be patient.

Thank you,


Friendly and here to help! Feel free to ask me any questions about stronghold kingdoms.

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May I be the first to congratulate him! Congratulations @Crusader1307 on the promotion! :D


** Throws and streaks confetti **


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Congtatulations from me, too.

I love reading your historical spotlights and look forward to follow the continued series. :)

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WOW (massive EGO boost!). I lift my tankard of mead to all of you! The greatest accolade to a storyteller is always those who listen or read his tales!

(Even my alter-ego Brother Goodman had dropped to one knee again!). Thanking ALL of you for your continued reading and enjoyment!

:D :D :D :D :D

Edited by Crusader1307

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